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3/16/16 Union Square Neighborhood Plan Open House

by on Mon, Mar 14, 2016

3/16/16 Union Square Neighborhood Plan Open House Wed. Mar. 16 4:30 – 8:00 PM Somerville Public Safety Building Community Room 220 Washington St. Somerville MA (map) The Somerville Office of Housing and Community Development is sponsoring an Open House at the Union Square station community room. There will be poster displays and planners present to answer your questions. Come and find out where things are going! Current Projects City Calendar City Agendas City Mtg Portal SomNews Notices Env Monitor Livable Streets Calendar +

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3/16/16 MBTA Fiscal and Management Control Board Meeting

by on Mon, Mar 14, 2016

3/16/16 MBTA Fiscal and Management Control Board Meeting Wed. Mar. 16 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM State Transportation Building Conf. Rms. 1, 2, 3 10 Park Plaza Boston MA (map) The MBTA Fiscal and Management Control Board is meeting to hear testimony on the Green Line Extension to Somerville and Medford. Political figures from Somerville, Medford, and Cambridge will speak at 11:30 AM. Public comments will begin at 1:00 PM. Following the public comments there will be a GLX update to the Board of Directors of the MBTA. Come if you can! This period is More…

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Green Line Extension Public Meetings

by on Mon, Feb 29, 2016

In order to seek public ideas and input on the re-evaluation, MassDOT and the MBTA will be holding the following public meetings over the next two months: Wednesday, March 2nd 5:30pm-6:30pm: Open House 6:30pm-8:00pm: Presentation and Q&A Arts at the … Continue reading

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3/2/16 MBTA / MassDot Public Meeting on the Green Line Extension

by on Sun, Feb 28, 2016

Current Projects City Calendar City Agendas City Mtg Portal SomNews Notices Env Monitor Livable Streets Calendar + MBTA / MassDot Public Meeting on the Green Line Extension Wednesday, March 2nd 5:30pm-6:30pm: Open House 6:30pm-8:00pm: Presentation and Q&A The Center for the Arts at the Armory 191 Highland Ave. Somerville MA (map) We need as many people as possible to attend the public meeting on March 2nd at 6:30pm at the Somerville Armory (191 Highland Avenue).  Every extra person makes a difference. Grab your friends, families, and neighbors and come out to show your support! For More…

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Update on Union Square Neighborhood Plan

by on Mon, Feb 22, 2016

Article below from City of Somerville, ResiStat 2/12 newsletter: Since the end of December City Planners have been reviewing feedback on the draft Union Square Neighborhood Plan. Although they’re not done, there were some common questions that have come up … Continue reading

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Important Green Line Updates at Public Meeting

by on Thu, Feb 11, 2016

The Green Line Extension Working Group met this past Friday, February 5, for the first time in a long time, getting updates from the head of the MBTA and the interim project manager of the GLX. Despite the snow, about … Continue reading

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Important Green Line Updates at Public Meeting

by on Thu, Feb 11, 2016

The Green Line Extension Working Group met this past Friday, February 5, for the first time in a long time, getting updates from the head of the MBTA and the interim project manager of the GLX. Despite the snow, about … Continue reading

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Union Square Civic Advisory Committee/LOCUS Meeting, 2/16

by on Thu, Feb 11, 2016

Members of the public are invited to be a part of LOCUS working group sessions. The work of the LOCUS process is to identify, prioritize and create public benefits that could be attained from a successful redevelopment program for Union … Continue reading

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Zoning Meetings – Including Changes and Additions

by on Sun, Jan 31, 2016

These meetings will discuss the ideas presented last year in the new zoning ordinance, respond to comments provided in the public review process, and propose changes to the ordinance based upon this feedback. All meetings will be held at the … Continue reading

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Zoning Meetings – Including Changes and Additions

by on Sun, Jan 31, 2016

These meetings will discuss the ideas presented last year in the new zoning ordinance, respond to comments provided in the public review process, and propose changes to the ordinance based upon this feedback. All meetings will be held at the … Continue reading

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Editors' Picks

5/6/15 Somerville Land Use Committee Meeting as a Whole

by on Sun, Apr 26, 2015

Agenda is to discuss and recommend action upon the proposed change to form-oriented zoning throughout Somerville. More…

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3/5/15 Joint Planning Board / Land Use Committee Hearing on New Zoning

by on Mon, Feb 16, 2015

Agenda consists of a hearing on the new, building-type oriented zoning ordinance to replace the current zoning ordinance. More…

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7/18/13 Somerville Land Use Committee Meeting

by on Sun, Jun 23, 2013

These are two scheduled meetings of the BOA Land Use Committee, one at 6 PM and another at 7 PM. Agenda at 6 PM includes discussing a zoning amendment to separate supermarkets from other retail in the zoning code, and another to add Medical Marijuana Treatment Facility to the table of land use categories. Agenda at 7 PM includes processing a zoning amendment, currently withdrawn, to permit a ground floor supermarket that exceeds the Ground Level Retail Size Cap in the Assembly Square Mixed-Use District. More…

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6/4/13, 6/5/13 Forums on Ethanol Trains through Cambridge and Somerville

by on Sun, Jun 2, 2013

The Cambridge legislative delegation is holding two public forums about a plan proposed by Global Partners to transport ethanol through Cambridge, Somerville, and Chelsea using the existing rail system. The ethanol trains may be a mile long and contain up to a million gallons of hot-burning, hard-to-extinguish ethanol. Far better to transport it by barge from Albany NY. More…

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Public TV and Walmart: WGBH Responds

by on Sun, Feb 24, 2013

When my membership renewal came due  I sent WGBH a letter explaining the dilemma I faced deciding whether to continue to support Boston’s non-commercial public television station. I had recently seen a promotional piece- a…

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What we can learn from the School Committee’s selection process

by on Wed, Feb 20, 2013

Last month the School Committee chose a replacement for their colleague, Maureen Bastardi, who had been appointed Ward 1 Alderman. They did so through an open process that involved soliciting interest from potential candidates and…

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2/6/13 Public Hearing on Ethanol Train Routes

by on Wed, Feb 6, 2013

Ethanol trains carrying large amounts of flammable liquid would pass through Somerville, including right by Brickbottom, East Broadway and Assembly Square. More…

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Why Should ‘Villens Consider Livestock Grazing (Ever)?

by on Sat, Jan 26, 2013

When a sober, soft-spoken, octogenarian with a Scottish accent delivers a somber warning about a six-degree temperature increase on our planet the impact is immediately warmly felt. So it was in the ASEAN Auditorium at…

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Why a new library?

by on Thu, Jan 17, 2013

Why build when we can use what we have so much better?

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Mayor @JoeCurtatone Misses Own Deadline for OpenData Initiative

by on Wed, Aug 1, 2012

In June, the City proudly announced that it would be posting lots of operational data in July online at  Well, it’s August 1st and that webpage hasn’t been set up yet. …

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