

He says buy, she says sell

Kate Jones   Sharing the savings isn't a marriage vow, but many couples know it's on the cards.

How to pay for a tertiary education

A university education can be expensive, but you can plan for it.

Olivia Maragna   Finishing a degree can cost tens of thousands of dollars and leave you with a student loan that you'll spend a lifetime repaying

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Early retirement? You're dreamin'

Many Australians would love to finish work in their 50s, but reality is that they will have to keep going well into ...

John Collett   More Australians want to retire early than just about any other nationality, but we are also less likely to afford it.


How do I recover a family loan in a divorce

Family loans can become problematic in the case of divorce.

George Cochrane   A reader asks how she can recover a housing loan to her daughter, now that divorce is on the cards and her soon to be former son-in-law is claiming it is a gift.


Ripping off Granny and Grandpa

Difficulty paying bills and social withdrawal can be signs that an older person is being abused financially.

Christine Long   "Inheritance impatience" is one of the drivers of elder financial abuse. At its ugliest it can see people cross the line into criminal behaviour.

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Sharks, crocs, mozzies and money

There are 1000 deaths a year from crocodiles.

Catherine Robson   Humans are poor at assessing danger and it's the same with our investments.


Capital gain changes are more taxing than negative gearing

Good after-tax returns are far more important than lower tax bills.

Daryl Dixon   The ongoing tax reform debate has created new difficulties for making medium and long term investment decisions.


Valentine's Day advice for newly engaged

Many couples will get engaged this Valentines Day.

Catherine Robson   It's Valentines Day on Sunday and if it's like any other year, hundreds of couples will get engaged.


What to do with an inheritance

Maintain your home in case you need to sell it to fund aged care.

George Cochrane   George Cochrane answers readers' questions.


A financial roadmap to love's journey

It's important for couples to work towards shared goals.

Mark Bouris   It's Valentine's Day, so let's talk about love and money.


Lessons from bankruptcy

Julie Ann Cairns went to the brink of bankruptcy.

Christine Long   Thousands of Australians go bankrupt every year, and it's a life-changing experience for many.


Get rich by talking about yourself in the third person

big short michael burry

Talking to yourself in the third person can help you make better financial decisions.


The rundown on annuities

Illustration: Michael Mucci

Noel Whittaker   Noel Whittaker answers a reader's question about how annuities work.


Defensive strategy for investors

Illustration: Michael Mucci

Noel Whittaker   Noel Whittaker answers a reader's question about whether to opt for a lower-risk option for superannuation to ride out the volatile times.


Residential aged care for pensioners

The government funds aged care for elderly people with low means.

Bina Brown   The government will subsidise aged care for elderly people with low means.


Investing in volatile times

To deal with market volatility, you must understand what's within your control and what's not.

Mark Bouris   Here we go again. Another year, another series of stories about world markets, Chinese economic growth and the ASX.


Back to school, but at a price

Marcelle Gomez and her husband Christian are saving so they have options when 15-month-old Cruz hits high school.

John Collett   Education costs are rising faster than inflation, so if you want choices about schools for your children, you need to plan ahead.


How to optimise super in your 60s

Couples need to do their retirement planning together.

George Cochrane   Buying property for a SMSF is questionable when people are close to retirement age.


Financial advisers say new standards could push thousands out

Financial planners must have a degree or equivalent  by 2019 under draft federal  legislation.

Clancy Yeates   Thousands of financial advisers might quit the industry if the government pushes ahead with plans to make advisers hold degree-equivalent qualifications in three years, an industry group says.


What are you prepared to suffer for?

If you're not prepared to suffer for a goal, it's not worth it to you.

Melissa Browne   Are we destined not to change or can we salvage our goals made for 2016? The short answer is yes and no.


'I'm 60, divorced and I lost my job – help!'


Noel Whittaker   Personal finance expert Noel Whittaker answers readers' questions.


Residential aged care: how can I afford it?

People must decide whether to keep their home or sell it when they move into residential aged care.

Bina Brown   A guide to the different options of residential aged care and what you can expect to pay.


What The Big Short movie can teach ordinary people


Caitlin Fitzsimmons   It's exciting watching the traders short the US mortgage market before the global financial crisis, but it's not something the rest of us can emulate.


Should you keep your investment property or reduce debt?

Illustration: Michael Mucci

Noel Whittaker   Noel Whittaker answers readers' questions.

How to have a conversation with loved ones about aged care

Alison Ridge with her 87-year-old father Barry Ridge in aged care.

Bina Brown   January is when many families confront the need for aged care, after spending time together over Christmas.

Kickstart 2016 with a financial health check

The new year is a good time to review your money goals.

Kate Jones   The new year is an opportunity to reset your money management and build prosperity - like electrician Paul Buhagiar who paid down $26,000 of his home loan last year.

How to retire overseas

James and Evelyn "Copper" Booth have retired to Penang in Malaysia.

Kate Cowling   Leaving the beach gets harder every year. But if you're over 60, maybe you don't have to.


Retirement calculators mislead super fund members

The online calculators on some super funds' websites are shoddy.

John Collett   Some of the retirement calculators on the websites of the largest super funds are misleading fund members.


Top 10 money mistakes of the middle-aged

In your 40s and 50s you are more likely to have extra mouths to feed.

Graham Witcomb   You're at the height of your career and you probably have a couple of extra mouths to feed. Here are the 10 biggest money mistakes to avoid in your 40s and 50s.


Surviving the Christmas crunch

Business cash flow can be tricky from December to March.

Melissa Browne   If you're a business owner, Christmas can be a stressful time where you feel like you are simply holding your breath until you reach the end of the year.