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How filmmaker Jennifer Peedom captured Everest's darkest day

Garry Maddox

Garry Maddox


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In 2014, filmmaker and Everest veteran Jennifer Peedom returned to Nepal to make a documentary about the Sherpas who act as mountain guides. Then a devastating avalanche forced her to change focus.

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Documentary about the worst day in the history of climbing on Mt Ecerest, and the events that followed the avalanche in which 16 people died.

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On the darkest day in the history of climbing on Mount Everest, Jennifer Peedom has a vivid memory of the fatal avalanche. Just after dawn on April 18, 2014 – having woken earlier to film a team of Sherpas carrying supplies up the mountain – the Australian filmmaker was in her tent worrying about the day's schedule when she heard an ominous rumble.

"You hear a lot of avalanches around Base Camp," Peedom says. "Little ones. It's just that kind of place. It's a valley, a bowl, and things echo. But this one was particularly loud and I could hear that it came from the direction of the Icefall."

I heard a saying once that there are two types of people who climb Everest: egomaniacs and dreamers. 

She's referring to the treacherous Khumbu Icefall, a part of the ascent once described as "a huge horror chamber at an amusement park" because of the danger from gaping crevasses and shifting ice. "As I started to get my things ready, still in my sleeping bag writing a shot list for the day," she recalls, "one of the kitchen staff came to my tent and said, 'Didi [sister], very bad accident. Very bad accident.' " Four people were already known to be dead.

Jennifer Peedom on the slopes of Everest during the making of <i>Sherpa</i>.

Jennifer Peedom on the slopes of Everest during the making of Sherpa.

One of about 2000 people in hundreds of tents at Base Camp, Peedom pulled on her boots and leapt up. She woke her crew, grabbed a camera and started filming. The momentary relief that her Sherpa team was okay vanished with more news from up the mountain.

A year before, in April 2013, an ugly incident on Everest had been broadcast around the world – European climbers fleeing an attack by angry Sherpas who felt they had been insulted. But this was much, much worse. A huge block of ice weighing an estimated 14,000 tonnes had killed 16 Sherpas.

Unable to help the rescue effort, Peedom spent an emotional day filming around Base Camp. "The first time I was moved to tears was when I saw the faces of my Sherpa team coming down," she says. "They're just these young boys wearing these very distinctive blue jackets. They looked like they'd seen ghosts. The ones I knew better said, 'We're very frightened and we're very sad.' They'd had to climb over shredded backpacks and boots and bits of bodies. They're very superstitious and they found it very frightening."

Jennifer Peedom at home in Sydney.

Jennifer Peedom at home in Sydney. Photo: Steven Siewert

There were more tears as bodies were choppered down the mountain, still more when Peedom ran into an old friend. "I spent a lot of time crying that day."

Peedom, 40, often felt she was intruding on the Sherpas' grief as she filmed. "You're thinking, 'Holy shit, how am I going to cover this?' And also, 'Should I continue? I probably don't have a story now.' When the bodies started coming down, I chose not to film. And when I went into the Sherpa tent with my camera that evening, I looked at the faces and knew I couldn't film. It was just too much of an intrusion."

There were more tears when Peedom eventually spoke to her husband, photographer Mark Rogers, back in Sydney. "He just said, 'Promise me you're not going to climb.' "

HAVING GROWN UP in Canberra as part of an adventurous family – their holidays involved trekking in Tasmania and cross-country skiing to Mount Kosciuszko – Peedom started making films for the ABC documentary series Race Around Oz as a 24-year-old in 2000.

A business degree at RMIT saw her take on other careers: trading gas for Santos, general manager of the Inside Film Awards, managing director of publisher IF Media. But a trek to Nepal in 2003 sparked a desire to make more documentaries. "On that trip, I fell in love with Nepal and I realised that my body worked quite well at altitude," Peedom says. "And I was always curious about the Sherpas and their spiritual side."

A Nepalese ethnic group with exceptional mountain-climbing ability, the Sherpas have been famous as genial, smiling members of what has been called the world's most dangerous service industry ever since Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay made the first ascent of Everest in 1953.

On her 2003 trek, Peedom met Russell Brice, a New Zealand mountaineer who runs climbing expeditions. After Peedom shot a segment about the Sherpas for the SBS program Dateline to mark the 50th anniversary of Hillary's climb, Brice asked her to work as cinematographer and director on the 2006 six-part Discovery Channel series Everest: Beyond the Limit. Peedom went on to direct the 2008 documentary Miracle on Everest, about the remarkable survival of Australian climber Lincoln Hall after he was pronounced dead near the summit.

An earlier film had made Peedom well aware of the tragic cost of expeditions that go wrong. She and David Michôd, best known for directing Animal Kingdom, had made Solo, centred on adventurer Andrew McAuley's fatal attempt to kayak alone from Tasmania to New Zealand in 2007. "I learnt some lessons from that film in watching what happens when a child loses a parent and the implications of that," Peedom says. "I realised that was a line I was going to draw for myself after having kids." (Peedom now has two children: daughter Tashi, 7, and son Luca, 5.)

As the Sherpas have become more aware of the rest of the world and more politicised – thanks in part to social media – many are less happy to be stereotyped as genial pack horses willing to take life-threatening risks for wealthy Western climbers. "A lot of these young guys, particularly the guys involved in the fight in 2013, had been overseas and had the same guiding training as a lot of the foreign guides," Peedom reflects. "They feel, 'Why should we be treated any differently?' "

PEEDOM'S LATEST FILM, Sherpa, is her most acclaimed yet, being nominated for a BAFTA Award and winning the prize for best documentary feature at the 2015 London Film Festival after a world première at Sydney Film Festival last June.

Her original plan for the film was to focus on Phurba Tashi, a Sherpa who has made 21 trips to the summit of Everest. Peedom wanted to follow him on his 22nd trip, along the way showing all the risks involved, including how Sherpas sometimes have to "babysit" climbers on the final ascent and deal with the summit fever that stops some mountaineers from turning around when conditions are too dangerous to continue.

But everything changed with that fatal avalanche. There would be no summit – and Sherpa became a different film. Instead of heading up the mountain, Peedom concentrated on the impact of the tragedy on the Sherpas and their relationship with the climbers, who turn up in such great numbers some years that a turnstile is almost needed at the top of the mountain.

Tenzing Norgay's son Norbu has been especially critical of the way Sherpas have to "carry Westerners with their luxury tents and their cappuccino machines" for commercial climbing expeditions.

"I heard a saying once that there are two types of people who climb Everest: egomaniacs and dreamers," says Peedom. "And while that's overly simplistic, I think there's a lot of truth in it. Having been at Base Camp four or five times now, there's a really curious combination of A-type personalities – business leaders with a hell of a lot of money – and young guys who have got no money but big dreams, really beautiful people."

Peedom understands why climbers want to take on Everest. "That knife-edge between life and death is a very thrilling place to be," she says. "Everest is also a very potent symbol of human achievement. It's steeped in romance from literature through the ages. If you go back to the time when the British started exploring in the 1920s, it's a very romantic, heroic pursuit. It's kind of the ultimate test of human endurance."

Just after Peedom finished editing Sherpa, another tragedy struck: the Nepal earthquake last April that killed more than 8000 people, triggering an avalanche that killed 21 people on and around Everest. Base Camp, until then considered a relatively safe location on the mountain, was a scene of devastation. "There's one entire village that disappeared, just ceased to exist, in a massive avalanche and mudslide," says Peedom. "That's rocked the community to its core."

Already reeling from the loss of family and homes in the earthquake, and another season with no climbing income as a result, the Sherpas have continued to suffer. But Peedom believes these tragedies are unlikely to detract from the magnetic pull of the mountain on climbers. "There's a real disaster mystique around Everest for some reason," Peedom says. "Unfortunately, these things contribute to the idea of the heroism, the romance of it, and that it's a serious test of will and character."

Sherpa is in cinemas from March 31.


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