Accessibility statement

We have worked hard to make this site accessible to a wide audience and to ensure a better experience for all users and all technologies.

However we welcome any comments, suggestions or feedback you have for us, please feel free to contact us.


1. Design update
2. Text resizing
3. User commenting
4. Recent site improvements

Design update

We have spent two years introducing a new design for the Guardian website, taking care to ensure improved accessibility. This design has now been applied to the majority of pages, however some still remain in the old format such as crosswords, polls, quizzes, competitions, and todays pages. For now, these will not yet have the same level of accessibility however we will continue to improve them.

Text resizing

The modern browsers we support (Firefox 3.6 and later, Internet Explorer 7 and later, Chrome (latest version) and Safari 4.x and later) feature in-built accessibility tools, including zoom and text-resizing.

You can change the text size or adjust the page zoom in your browser by following these instructions:

• PC / Internet Explorer 7 From the menu bar underneath the search field, select Page and point to Text size

• PC / other browsers Increase page zoom: Hold down the CTRL key and press + Decrease page zoom: Hold down the CTRL key and press -

• Mac / all browsers Increase page zoom: Hold down the Command key and press + Decrease page zoom: Hold down the Command key and press -

User commenting

RSS feeds of comments are available so you can view them using an RSS reader.

• We have ensured that the text resizing code and other features work with the comments.

Comments are keyboard navigable.

Recent site improvements

1. Crumb navigation not dependent upon Javascript to display the arrow images.

2. Sliding caption column: changed heading colour to a monochrome scheme to improve readability.

3. Breaking news ticker: lowered its CPU usage and removed the iframe, making it easier to access for users browsing with a keyboard or any assistive technology.

4. Display of comments not dependent upon Javascript.

5. Large text-size wide-layout rolled out across all pages.

6. Ensured all images have a text alternative.

7. A functional skip navigation link has been added at the top of each page.

Today in pictures