
The Podcast from Australia for Science and Reason

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The Skeptic Zone #386 - 13.Mar.2016



Richard Saunders

0:05:50 Report : An Evening with Alan Alda

Alan Alda was in Australia and gave a talk in Canberra about the importance of good science communication.
0:17:16 Good Thinking Investigates: Peter Popoff

Good Thinking has been investigating ‘faith healer’ Peter Popoff and his highly-lucrative current business of promising to heal sickness and cancel debts in exchange for ‘seed faith’, in other words: cash donations.
0:23:00 Psychic Sunday in Fairfield

Richard Saunders drops by a Psychic Fair to see if any psychics are on offer.

Chiro Board says “toe the line” or else

The Chiropractic Board of Australia, which regulates Australia’s 5000 chiropractors, has released a statement reinforcing that practitioners need to ensure their advertising complies with the requirements of the National Law, or they risk prosecution and disciplinary action.

As mentioned on the Skeptic Zone...

Scientific American Frontiers

Alan Alda's address to the National Press Club

Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science

Chiro Board says “toe the line” or else

Good Thinking!

Alan Alda

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The Skeptic Zone #385 - 6.Mar.2016



Richard Saunders

0:04:48 The Raw Skeptic Report

This week Heidi Robertson gives us her no nonsense report on Chicken Pox.
0:23:07 Good Thinking Investigates: Osteopathy

Many osteopaths claim to treat colic with cranial osteopathy – a therapy with no evidence of effectiveness.

Following Good Thinking's recent investigation into similar claims made by chiropractors, they decided to find out what an osteopath would tell a distressed parent seeking advice…
0:31:42 Anti Vax in the media

Chris Savage, noted anti-vaccination campaigner, has set up operations in Bali, offering intravenous magnesium injections to treat autism.

Sydney Skeptics in the Pub

What do skeptics say to "Chemical Free" food?

As mentioned on the Skeptic Zone...

Good Thinking!

Antivaxer offering medical treatments

Heidi Robertson

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The Skeptic Zone #384 - 28.Feb.2016



Richard Saunders

0:04:20 Holes in the Plot

From science fiction fans to water dowsers, why do people work so hard to preserve their belief systems? In this talk, Richard Saunders looks at the thinking and mental gymnastics.

Peter Bowditch - Vaccination in Oberon

A letter to the editor by long time skeptic,
Peter 'Ratbags' Bowditch.

0:30:40 Good Thinking Investigates: Chiropractic

In 2008, the British Chiropractic Association unsuccessfully sued science writer Simon Singh for highlighting that there is no reliable evidence that chiropractic can treat colic. Six years later, we wanted to find out whether chiropractors would still treat babies suffering from colic.
0:40:33 An alternative universe where vaccines are the villain, not the hero

At a meeting last Sunday called “Mandatory Vaccinations” the 300 or so attendees did not come to hear “the medical and scientific facts about vaccines” as billed (this was not offered anyway); they came for validation: to indulge their conspiracy theories and to pat each other on the back for the area’s 50 per cent vaccination rate, the lowest in the country. - By Jane Hansen

As mentioned on the Skeptic Zone...

Good Thinking!

Jane Hansen: An alternative universe where vaccines are the villain, not the hero

Skeptical Money - Interview with Richard Saunders

Richard Saunders

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The Skeptic Zone #383 - 21.Feb.2016



Richard Saunders

0:03:50 Wi-Fried?

We look at the fallout from ABC TV's science show 'Catalyst' after its broadcast of a story that many see as nothing more than scaremongering.

Included is the reaction from the Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) via their science channel.


Homeopathic Radio

We join Michael Marshall from the Good Thinking Society in the UK has he appears on BBC radio to counter the strange statements from a local homeopathic G.P.

0:33:40 Evidence Please... with Jo Alabaster

Jo reports on why some parents in the north coast region of NSW are suspicious of vaccinations. Induced are quotes from our very own Heidi Robertson.

As mentioned on the Skeptic Zone...

Catalyst: Wi-Fried? - ABC TV Science Video

Experts, audience slam ABC Catalyst's report on "Wi-Fi danger" - by Signe Dean

ABC's Catalyst criticised for linking Wi-Fi with brain tumours

Do Wi-Fi and mobile phones really cause cancer? Experts respond


Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) | Australia's Science Channel

Things You Need To Know Before Starting Your Own Podcast - Advice from Richard Saunders



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The Skeptic Zone #382 - 14.Feb.2016



Richard Saunders

0:05:36 Evidence Please... with Jo Alabaster

Jo reports on Biodynamic Gardening. WHAT? Find out with Jo.


A Week in Science

The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a national scientific not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring science to people and people to science.

0:21:04 When a letter from Heaven ... isn't.

"Letters from heaven": TV psychic Lillyanne sends almost identical readings to dozens of customers. A report with the help of Trish Hänn and James Randi.

As mentioned on the Skeptic Zone...

An evening with Alan Alda
Getting beyond a blind date with science

Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus)

Jo Alabaster

Direct download:

The Skeptic Zone #381 - 7.Feb.2016



Richard Saunders

0:04:04 Dr Phil Plait

We catch up with Dr Plait and talk about the late astronaut Edgar Mitchelll as well as Pluto and UFOs.

A Week in Science

The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a national scientific not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring science to people and people to science.

0:31:27 Anti-Vaxxers react to Mark Zuckerberg

Some of the more extreme nastiness from the anti-science trolls.
0:34:35 Sydney Skeptics in the Pub

Another great evening in Sydney where we ask the big questions!

As mentioned on the Skeptic Zone...

Dr Phil Plait

Crash Course Astronomy

Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus)

Phil Plait

Direct download:

The Skeptic Zone #380 - 31.Jan.2016



Richard Saunders

0:04:22 Evidence Please... with Jo Alabaster

Jo reports on the importance of being on the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
0:12:00 Dr Richard Wiseman

We catch up with Dr Wiseman who tells us about is very, very clever magic videos, a 'psychic' dog and the study of dreams.

A Week in Science

The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a national scientific not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring science to people and people to science.

0:24:20 Maynard's Spooky Action..

Maynard interviews Dr Ken Harvery about his action against the Chiropractic board and ongoing investigations into quackery.
1:01:20 The passing of Fred the Skeptic Zone cat.

As mentioned on the Skeptic Zone...

Dr Richard Wiseman

Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry

Chiropractic board in firing line

Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus)


Val e Fred

Direct download:

The Skeptic Zone #379 - 24.Jan.2016



Richard Saunders

0:03:15 Recollect: Health and Medicine

Richard visits the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney and gets a guided tour by Tilly Boleyn and Frankie Lee of the history of medical devices.

A Week in Science

The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a national scientific not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring science to people and people to science.

0:44:10 Psychic TV Australia

Online threats are alleged to have been made against some of the 'psychics' on Psychic TV, a business promoting a 'dial a reading' service.

As mentioned on the Skeptic Zone...

Recollect: Health and Medicine Powerhouse Museum

Psychic TV Clip

Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus)

Tilly Boleyn

Direct download:

The Skeptic Zone #378 - 17.Jan.2016



Richard Saunders

0:03:17 Evidence Please... with Jo Alabaster

Jo has a message for Pauline Hanson who appeard on the 'Sunrise' TV program.

A Week in Science

The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a national scientific not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring science to people and people to science.

0:10:54 Dr Rachie Reports... with Dr Rachael Dunlop

This week, Dr Rachie reports on the University of Woolongong's decision to award a Ph.D for a thesis claiming that conspiracies are behind the Australian Immunisation Schedule.

Bent Spoon for University of Wollongong?

By Tim Mendham, read by Richard Saunders

As mentioned on the Skeptic Zone...

Letter to Pauline Hanson

Judith Wilyman PhD controversy - Wiki

Judy Wilyman PhD thesis critique

Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus)


Jo Alabaster

Direct download:

The Skeptic Zone #377 - 10.Jan.2016



Richard Saunders

0:04:08 Evidence Please... with Jo Alabaster

Jo reports on the horror that is Black Salve. A warning to everyone.

Guest Reporter Kevin Davies from Canberra Skeptics

Kevin chats to Dr. Rachelle Duvall, Research Physical Scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Embassy Science Fellow.


A Week in Science

The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a national scientific not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring science to people and people to science.


Maynard's Spooky Action..

Maynard interviews pub goers at Sydney Skeptics in the Pub. What are their predictions for 2016 and what do they think about New Year Resolutions?

As mentioned on the Skeptic Zone...

Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus)


Jo Alabaster

Direct download:

The Skeptic Zone #376 - 3.Jan.2016



Richard Saunders

0:03:16 Evidence Please... with Jo Alabaster

Jo reads from the AGE Newspaper. Chiropractors promoting anti-vaccination views despite rules.

A Week in Science

The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a national scientific not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring science to people and people to science.

0:13:50 Report

Queensland childcare centres and the new vaccination laws. Report from Australian Skeptics.

Maynard's Spooky Action..

Maynard interviews more people at the recent Austalian Skeptics National Convention.

As mentioned on the Skeptic Zone...

Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus)



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The Vaccination Chonicles
Solar Flare


Verna Morris, Maureen Chuck, Ken McLeod, Monica Saville, Dr Richard Gordon, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, John Bundock, Peter Bowditch and Lauren Cochrane with Ada and Jack.


Buy the DVD


Solar Flare logoThe Band of Power

Join the cast of the Skeptic Zone Podcast, and host of special guests, in their first audio adventure as they board the Australian Space Ship Solar Flare to fight the forces of woo thoughout the galaxy!

Also featuring the hit song
FAR by George Hrab.

It's old time radio from the future!

Solar Flare episode 1

The Skeptic Zone Podcast is an independent production by Richard Saunders and the team of reporters. The views and opinions expressed on the Skeptics Zone Podcast are not necessarily those Australian Skeptics Inc. or any other skeptical organisation.
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