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Archive for the ‘Replacements’ Category


Filed under: Replacements — Tags: — mnpunk @ 3:07 AM

Live 7th Street Entry 1985

The Replacements show is a classic. It’s from October 18, 1985 and I think it was the first show (UPDATE: it was the Friday night show, #4) of a 5 night stand at the 7th Street Entry in support of their first album on a Major Label – Tim . If you never saw the Replacements in concert, this show is a must. It has it all: the classics, goofy covers and mayhem. Don’t worry, it doesn’t disintegrate into a drunken mess, it is top notch from beginning to end.

Stolen from the Lost Forest After Dark blog.

Get it here .

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Filed under: Replacements — Tags: — mnpunk @ 4:17 AM

Something to Du
1981 7th St. Entry

Look for other songs from this set. Well worth the view. Great portrait of the band before they became college radio darlings.

Interview 1984

Drunken interview, with a drunken band.

Replacements on KFAI 1983

Make sure to catch parts 2 & 3 too.

I have no idea how I managed to Avoid the ‘mats this long.  Complete oversight on my part.  They were probably the Minnesota band that came from the punk scene that got the biggest on the national stage.  I could be wrong though…Soul Asylum might have been bigger.  Of course by the time both bands got big there wasn’t much "punk" left in them, but you can argue that point in the comments section if you’d like.

For those paying attention, These clips are all from the Bob Stinson era of the band.  I was never a fan of the Slim Dunlap era myself.  That’s not some punk rock elete comment, it’s just my opinion.

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