STEALING DEMOCRACY - HAITI FIGHTS BACK FEB 28th 3-5PM at EASTSIDE ARTS ALLIANCE, OAKLANDAs Haiti's popular movement calls for international solidarity with its fight for justice, come mark the 12th anniversary of the US-backed coup that overthrew Haiti's democratic government. Read More

HAITI RISES: A TIME FOR SOLIDARITY by Nia Imara and Robert Roth"A people can’t be sovereign if they don’t have the right to vote. No people can retain their dignity if their vote does not count." From a Statement Issued by 68 Haitian Grassroots Organizations Read More

FANMI LAVALAS STATEMENT ABOUT JANUARY 19 POLICE TORTURE OF YOUNG PROTESTERSFanmi Lavalas forcefully condemns the repressive and inhuman comportment of police officers who tortured young protesters and demands that the guilty ones be identified and brought to justice Read More

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