New Internationalist

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Calling time on the MDGs

No development process succeeds without the participation of those it targets, argues Maggie Black.

Why are NGOs so reluctant to help Greece?

As the island of Lesvos is overwhelmed with immigrants, the world of aid looks on. Beulah Devaney reports.


Mostafa’s story

One man’s inspiring but disturbing journey to become a rickshaw rider in Bangladesh. Photos by Ana Norman Bermudez.

‘I’m talking about disruption’

Rapper and poet Saul Williams talks to Chris Garrard about politics, prisoners and the power of imprecision.


Oil on the skids

The quiet power of oil and money has for decades enabled Saudi Arabia to buy silence and influence. But not for much longer, predicts Nafeez Ahmed.

Switching on to energy democracy

Popular participation, social ideals and ecological sustainability are key attributes of sustainable systems, Claire Fauset writes.


‘The earth in Indonesia is on fire’

Nithin Coca looks at the causes of an unfolding environmental and health catastrophe.

The People vs Monsanto (and other GM giants)

Around the world, people are mobilizing against biotech bullies.


Letter from Bangui: The guardian

A sudden change in an employee’s health reveals hidden hardship to Ruby Diamonde.

Making Waves: Catherine Hamlin

Sofi Lundin meets Catherine Hamlin, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and doctor extraordinaire.


Bernie Sanders: Revolution beyond the ballot box

Mark Engler argues for acts of determination and sacrifice.

Who gives a damn about democracy?

Roberto Savio argues for a revival and re-engagement, before it is too late.


In the cruellest way, Israeli settlements affect all Palestinians

The occupation system made the Dawabshe family victims, writes Noreen Sadik.

Greece, Austerity, Brexit: What might a Plan B for Europe look like?

Claire Fauset was in Spain to hear leftwing politicians and social movements strike a claim for a new Europe.


For their eyes only

Michaela Whitton considers unlawful surveillance and the crushing of dissent.

In the eye of a Twitter storm

Steve Parry experiences Trolling and is still recovering.


Photo Gallery: Forced displacement in Calais Jungle

‘We’re already dead,’ says one refugee. Lydia Noon documents the eviction.

Mostafa’s story

One man’s inspiring but disturbing journey to become a rickshaw rider in Bangladesh. Photos by Ana Norman Bermudez.


Walking in Bethlehem this Christmas when peace is absent

Giedre Steikunaite watches the city prepare for the most important day on the Christian calendar.

Will Aung San Suu Kyi represent all Burma?

Religious and ethnic minorities expect the new government to restore their rights. Charlotte England wonders if such hopes are misplaced.

War and Peace

The violence of nonviolent protest

Mark Boyle writes on why he opposes ‘mindless nonviolence’.

Fighting for a life free from fear

Guadalupe Cortés talks to women in El Salvador who are tackling male violence in gang territories.

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