"Chuck Versus the Nacho Sampler" is a third season episode of the television series Chuck that originally aired February 1, 2010 in the United States. Chuck is assigned to handle his first asset by General Beckman, while at the same time training new Nerd Herd employee Hannah.
While training Hannah on Nerd Herd procedures, Chuck is called away by Casey to attend a briefing in Castle. Beckman announces to the team that the Ring has transferred a sizable amount of money to a computer engineer named Manoosh (Fahim Anwar) and orders Chuck to gain his confidence to determine the nature of his work with the Ring. She has made arrangements that will force Manoosh to come to the Burbank Buy More, where Chuck is to make contact. Sarah has misgivings over whether Chuck is ready, but Casey is confident. Chuck, however, overplays his effort and botches the contact. The team makes a second attempt later that night at a local Mexican restaurant, where Chuck arranges an "accidental" meeting at the bar. After being coached through how to ingratiate himself with the asset by Sarah and Casey, Chuck manages to get Manoosh to divulge that he is working on a weapon. During the conversation, Manoosh is contacted on a Ring Communicator by his Ring handlers, who are closing in. Sarah takes over to accelerate things and tranquilizes him.