In today's morning Satsang,
Paramahamsa Nithyananda shares another beautiful dynamic of completion - the science of completion will not only help us to experience life, it also teaches us how to remain eternally in love with life! The continuous completion process infuses us with tremendous bliss, showing us our highest possibility and allowing us to enter into the cosmic space.
Completion becomes part of our very being.
Let us be constantly in love, which is living in pure excitement free from fear and worry, by completing with every aspect of our life and sharing this great science with everyone!
I am not going to leave this subject of Completion for some more time, because completion directly leads you to liberation; completion directly liberates you from the karmas; completion directly leads you to experience the truth; completion directly makes you to experience the reality of life! Completion shows you the real reality! I can't even say, new reality, it shows you the real reality! Completion, completion polishes you, makes your being shine in every step.
Human-beings reach their possibility only through completion. See, any spiritual practice has the component of completion in it, whether it is
Catholic confession, or Hinduism's átma vichara, or self-introspection of Buddhism, whatever may be the technique and whatever may be the religion, in every successful spiritual practice there is a component of completion. How much the component of completion is, that much the practice gives the result.
Understand, in every inch, in every step, in every way, completion becomes the being; completion becomes life.
Listen to these two words!
Please come to the space of listening!
Completion becomes your being because anything before completion is not your being.
The broken parts of your being cannot be your being.
Spare parts of your car cannot be your car. Only when the spare parts are assembled, it can be your car. The broken parts of you cannot be you. Only when all the broken parts are assembled, you become you. Listen! Only when the broken parts are assembled, you become you! Only when the broken parts are integrated, you become you! Completion makes you integrated!
Start anything with completion. Start anything after completion. With whomever you are living, teach them the science of completion. That is safety for you! Your life will be stable if you live with people who live completion, who practice completion.
Whether it is your brother, father, mother, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter, with whomever you are living, teach them completion. Make them live completion.
Don't live with people who don't know completion. Please understand,
I am going one step ahead. Don't live with people who don't know completion, because they will be creating karma chakra. Please understand, when somebody has incompletion of anger, when they pour that incompletion, they are going to agitate, create anger in somebody else, in the other person, and it is going to just create the karma chakra. Same way, when somebody has the lust, when they throw that on the other person
...please understand, love is a gift of completion; lust is a gift of incompletion. If you complete all the root-patterns, suddenly you will see lust dissolves into love.
Love is the by-product of completion.
Lust is the by-product of incompletion.
A very deep understanding is required. I always told, even in earlier satsangs I have revealed, the good news is, lust is not a root-pattern and, it cannot be a root-pattern, because root-pattern starts before the age of seven, but lust starts only when your body is getting matured. The good news is, lust is never a root-pattern. It is only the complicated, different root-patterns which support lust to grow. Usually, it will be the root-patterns like "I am not worthy" or "I have to conquer", "I have to win". It is the incompletions which form the basis for lust to grow. I tell you, complete all these incompletions, suddenly, the lust will flower into love!
In the Vedic marriages, there is a beautiful blessing: "By the eleventh year, let the husband become child for the wife, let the wife become mother for the husband!" It is a very beautiful verse!
You may be thinking, '
What is this?'
But when the pure love blossoms, the experience becomes different.
Violence, vengeance, anger, "I am good for nothing", the victim hood, pattern of victimization, if all these things can be completed, life is life. Then starts life!
Understand, in every level, every step, every phase of life, learn the science of completion.
Live the science of completion; experience the science of completion, because in every level, in every line, every line of your biography should be written with the ink of completion! I can say, if you write your biography, every line with the ink of completion
- published: 02 Aug 2013
- views: 1603