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If Google and Facebook can flip elections does code now rule the real world?

If Google and Facebook can flip elections does code now rule the real world?

Internet users used to be worried about government control of the web, but the opposite may be true, writes Chris Spannos.
What might a Plan B for Europe look like?

What might a Plan B for Europe look like?

Leftwing politicians and social movements strike a claim for a new Europe. Claire Fauset reports.
Oil on the skids

Oil on the skids

The quiet power of oil and money has for decades enabled Saudi Arabia to buy silence and influence, writes Nafeez Ahmed.
Photo Gallery: Forced displacement in Calais Jungle

Photo Gallery: Forced displacement in Calais Jungle

‘We’re already dead,’ says one refugee. Lydia Noon documents the eviction.
Saudi Arabia is gambling with Islamic State and Co

Saudi Arabia is gambling with Islamic State and Co

Saudi Arabia, birthplace of violent Islamic puritanism, is playing a dangerous game, writes Alastair Crooke.
Saudi Arabia: Arming up…

Saudi Arabia: Arming up…

Its not just for show, as the bombing of Yemen illustrates, writes Vanessa Baird.

Top stories

Greece, Austerity, Brexit: What might a Plan B for Europe look like?

Claire Fauset was in Spain to hear leftwing politicians and social movements strike a claim for a new Europe.

Who gives a damn about democracy?

Roberto Savio argues for a revival and re-engagement, before it is too late.

Crocodile smiles and con tricks

Fiona Broom reports from Nepal on the scandal of the ‘orphanage industry’.

Oil on the skids

The quiet power of oil and money has for decades enabled Saudi Arabia to buy silence and influence. But not for much longer, predicts Nafeez Ahmed.

Photo gallery: Perilous hope for refugees heading to Greece

As Europe turns its back on refugees, Neal McQueen turns his camera on them, and those who are helping.

Angolan activists jailed for reading

They were arrested for organizing a bookstore discussion in the capital, Luanda. Marc Herzog reports.

Peru’s merry-go-rounders

Peruvians head to polling stations across the Andean nation, Lucas Iberico Lozada reports.


If Google and Facebook can flip elections does code now rule the real world?

Internet users used to be worried about government control of the web but the opposite may be true, writes Chris Spannos

Hail Caesar! The personal whim of not so fair trade

The struggle for real Fairtrade is reminiscent of gladiator battles, writes Ben O’Hanlon.

Worse than fiction: discrimination against women

Too often our legal system privileges the status quo instead of protecting the vulnerable, writes Brian Loffler.

The EU-Turkey summit exposes our inhumanity to refugees

Open and democratic societies cannot be built on fear and hatred, writes Nick Dearden.

Dalits and Adivasis protest their unequal share in 2016 budget

The new scheme lacks understanding and will continue to marginalize the most vulnerable, writes Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

Universalizing environmental and human rights

Doug Weir explains why these rights are especially important during times of armed conflict.

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    The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change

    A completely revised edition on the politics of climate in a post-Copenhagen world.

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    People First Economics

    Toxic debt, rising job losses, collapsing commodity prices and expanding poverty. How can we rein in these beasts unleashed by the free market economy?

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    The World Atlas of Sport

    This beautifully designed and fully illustrated atlas profiles the world’s major competitive sports, their political uses and abuses, and the profits that flow from their commercial development.

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