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AB124: The Year Of Living Dangerously

Feb/Mar 2016

Adbusters 124, part one in The Year of Living Dangerously, is our first step in a journey that re-enchants our everyday lives. The Spooky Issue ponders the unpredictable and sometimes mysterious interrelation between all objects. From the tiniest of electrons and particles to the black holes colliding in the outermost reaches of the universe, this issue explores how a single action can create a ripple effect that spans time. Join us on the Adbusters Magical Mystery Tour as we rediscover the mythic power of the world.


  • Nathan Clark on hedonism, ignorance and the human condition at Thailand’s Full Moon Party
  • Joseph E. Davis on our journey from the Age of Anxiety to the Age of Attention Deficit
  • Rami Shamir dreaming of a beyond in the aftermath of Occupy
  • Kate Wilson takes our love for technology to a new level
  • Jesse Donaldson on the evolution of Corporate Personhood
  • Larissa Pham on linearity and loneliness
  • Naomi Shihab Nye recounts a moment of connection in an impersonal world

Also in this issue: MF Rattray takes a chilling look at the weaponry used by the Israel Defence Forces in the age of digital militarism.
