
Share stories with us securely & confidentially

The Guardian SecureDrop service when you want totally anonymous.Or email using PGP key for encrypted messages. You can of course use postal services but for sensitive information this is not advisable. SecureDrop supports anonymity, something that is virtually unachievable with email. The platform is designed to work hand in hand with the Tor network to maximise confidentiality

Whilst the platform itself uses Tor hidden services to support anonymity it is advisable to be careful where you access it from. Small networks where Tor usage may be monitored or restricted, or public places where your screen may be be viewed by CCTV should be avoided when using the platform. We recommend that you dont jump straight from this landing page to the SecureDrop site when uploading, especially on business networks that may be monitored. Best practise would be to make a note of the Tor url and upload your content from a different machine at a later time for example an hour later

PLANNED SERVICE OUTAGE - 11th of March at 22:00 to 12th of March at 13:00 hours UTC time. Power Down on https://securedrop.theguardian.com.

The Guardian SecureDrop

  1. Download and install software to access the Tor network: https://www.torproject.org.

    For security reasons, we advise you, especially if you are uploading documents, not to use your home or work network, and instead to use a public Wi-Fi network in an area where your screen is not visible to security cameras. Alternately, you can boot your computer from a USB key loaded with the Tails secure operating system, which is available at https://tails.boum.org and includes the Tor web browser.
  2. Once you load the Tor browser, copy and paste the URL 33y6fjyh3phzfjj.onion into the Tor address bar. When the page loads, you will find further instructions on how to submit files and messages to The Guardian.
  3. You will be assigned a randomly generated and unique code name. If a writer or editor at The Guardian wants to contact you about the information you have submitted, he or she will leave a message for you in SecureDrop. These messages are the only way we will be able to reach you, and this message can only be accessed using your code name.

The SecureDrop software is an open source project sponsored by the Freedom of the Press Foundation. The software has been through thorough independent security reviews to ensure that it meets stringent confidentiality and anti-leakage requirements. The platform has been built and commissioned with the latest fixes for the Heartbleed SSL vulnerability.

The Guardian PGPKeys

If SecureDrop is unavailable or TOR is blocked for you there is a secure alternative for confidential messaging

Create a dummy email account and use a GPG email plugin or client to send an encrypted email using your intended Guardian contact GPG Public key

List of PGP Keys

Terms and conditions

Provided that you use the Tor Browser or TAILS secure browser to access the Guardian SecureDrop platform confidentiality is assured via the Tor hidden service, however it cannot be guaranteed by this alone

If you are using the Tor browser you should ensure that there is no keylogging malware on your PC,MAC or tablet. The TAILs live DVD may be preferable

Any content uploaded to the platform will be treated in the utmost confidentiality by us to protect your anonymity unless you indicate you wish to waive it.

Uploading of content to the platform is no guarantee that an article will be published referencing that data. Guardian Editorial policy will be the ultimate arbiter of what is used.

When accessing this landing page we will not set cookies, fingerprint your browser/machine or display third party content

When accessing the Guardian SecureDrop platform we will not log your IP address, we will not set cookies, fingerprint your browser/machine or display third party content

Do not abuse the platform by uploading pornographic or obscene imagery

Use of The Guardian SecureDrop platform is at the user's own risk

© 2015 Guardian News & Media