This Kafrul has a population of 164396. Males constitute are 53.78% of the population, and females 46.22%. Kafrul has an average literacy rate of 43.53%, and the national average of 32.4% literate.
Kafrul has 1 Unions/Wards, 16 Mauzas/Mahallas, and 4 villages.
WFXT's Shiri Spear says fireballs are bigger and brighter “shooting stars,” or meteors, characterized by it being as bright or brighter than Venus to qualify. It’s vibrancy is due to the larger size of the debris burning up in the atmosphere.More than 150 people from the Northeast U.S ... ET, according to the American Meteor Society. The fireball was also reportedly seen in Quebec and Ontario, Canada, the report said ... ....
To thoroughly lay to rest any further debate of the Cultural Revolution and urging the country keep moving ahead under under Xi. The 1981 resolution “on the Cultural Revolution (as a catastrophe) has withstood the test of time and it remains unshakably scientific and authoritative,” it said....
photo: Creative Commons / David Torres Costales / @DavoTC
Relations between Cuba and the United States are moving beyond the thaw and have created momentum for more cooperation on agriculture, medicine and law enforcement – aided by President Barack Obama’s recent trip to the island nation, a top Cuban diplomat on U.S. affairs said.Speaking after meeting with U.S. officials in Havana, Director General of U.S ... agriculture, health and security officials.She said the U.S....
An assistant sub-inspector of KafrulPolice Station was closed yesterday over allegations that he asked for bribe from an NGO official and threatened him to implicate in a false yaba case. ASIAminul Islam was closed after an internal probe, said Syed Qayumuzzaman Khan, deputy commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police... ....