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The Irish Times eBooks are a new way for readers to experience our journalism. Our eBooks are designed to deliver a collection of relevant articles in a convenient form, to be enjoyed either on PC, android devices, Kindle or iPad. Please check back regularly for future additions to The Irish Times eBooks library.

How Women Won the Vote

How Women Won the Vote

Century Series

The vigorous Irish women’s movement of the pre-first World War decades was the product of unionists and nationalists, home rulers and republicans, socialists and liberals, Catholics and Protestants. Its methods were as varied, and its causes and demands ranged well beyond the vote. Its story, “How Women Won the Vote”, is as important as every other strand of the history of the 1912-22 Decade of Revolution that we commemorate in the Century Series.

Stories from the Revolution

Stories from the Revolution

Century Series

A “revolution”? Not just the Rising itself, but the decade, a period when the engine of history accelerated, of mass mobilisations and social and political transformation. “Stories from the Revolution” is a miscellany of mostly unrelated individual tales of how the courses of ordinary people’s lives were transformed by extraordinary times between 1912-1923.

1912 Home Rule and Ulster's Resistance

1912 Home Rule and Ulster's Resistance

Century Series

The drama of the Home Rule Bill was to be an extraordinary curtain raiser to a decade that changed the face of modern Ireland, ushering in new forces to the stage of Irish history, a new cast of characters, villains and heroes, while eclipsing old with all the tragic finality of Greek drama.

Yeats at 150

Yeats at 150

Irish Times Books

Join us as we celebrate WB Yeats’s 150th birthday with an eBook celebrating one of Ireland’s greatest poets. “WB Yeats at 150” includes contributions from Roy Foster, Eavan Boland, Denis Donoghue, Theo Dorgan, Denis Brown, Fintan O’Toole and many more, as well as a selection of some well-known people’s favourite Yeats poems. This is a collection not to be missed for anyone interested in 20th century literature.

'Twas Better to Die

'Twas Better to Die

Irish Times Books

The Gallipoli campaign of 1915 is now a byword for military disaster. It was also a tragedy for Ireland. The more than 3,000 Irishmen who died left a legacy of bitterness and sorrow at home. In 'Twas Better to Die we hear from the soldiers who took part and how the dormant memories of that ill-fated campaign have been resurrected 100 years later.

Ole Days

Ole Days
Italia '90
25 years on

Irish Times Books

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Five days that a nation held its breath. Five games, four draws, just two goals and no small amount of controversies as we marched to the quarter-finals in just our first World Cup finals. After 25 years, it’s time to remember the events on and off the pitch through The Irish Times archives in our commemorative Italia 90 eBook.

Yes We Do

Yes We Do

Irish Times Books

On Saturday May 23rd, 2015, Ireland became the first country in the world to legalise same sex marriage by popular vote. 'Yes we do' charts an unprecedented campaign to change the Constitution through the columns of The Irish Times. The referendum saw all the political parties, much of civil society and an energetic gay and lesbian community get behind the campaign, opposed by a No campaign mounting a robust defence of the status quo.

Heart Beat

Heart Beat

Maurice Neligan

Maurice Neligan enjoyed a long and distinguished career as Ireland’s leading heart surgeon. He had many groundbreaking firsts to his credit, including performing the Republic’s first heart transplant operation in 1985. On his retirement, he began to write a column, Heart Beat, weekly for The Irish Times Health Supplement. This selection of Maurice’s columns reflects his interests and passions, among them the health service, his family and social life and medical training.

Ireland and Me: reflections by emigrants cover

Ireland and Me: reflections by emigrants

Irish Times Books

The Generation Emigration project in The Irish Times invited readers abroad to write about their relationship with the old country for an “Ireland and Me” competition. This selection of entries gives a complex view of what it means to be Irish, to be an emigrant and to describe the relationship with the country in which you were born but no longer live.

The Best of Miriam Lord

Miriam Lord

A selection of the very finest columns and sketches from one of the sharpest pens in Irish journalism. Lord’s eye for the telling character sketch is matched only by her shrewd reading of Irish political life. These articles and colour pieces – about a hundred in all – display her work at its very best.

Irishmans Diary - Frank McNally

An Irishman's Diary

Frank McNally

Frank McNally’s eclectic Irishman’s Diary has been celebrating the quirkier side of Irish life under his keen eye since 2006. This collection showcases McNally’s range of interests and obsessions, from the original diarist Myles na gCopaleen, to abandoned cats, via his defence of the correct use of English.

25 Years of Irish Life through the columns of Fintan O'Toole

25 Years of Irish Life through the columns of Fintan O'Toole

Fintan O'Toole

Fintan O’Toole has been one of Ireland’s most distinguished commentators for over a quarter of a century. This selection of his columns for The Irish Times reflects his breadth of interest and knowledge and his key role as an opinion former in Irish political and social life.

Do they think we're eejits?

Do they think we're eejits?

Mary Raftery

From 2003 – 2009, Mary Raftery wrote for a weekly column for The Irish Times. This selection of her insightful commentary about Irish society during “the boom” years, reflects her insatiable curiosity and her strong sense of social justice.

Scotland's Moment - The Story of the referendum

Scotland's Moment - The story of the referendum

Irish Times Books

September 2014, Scotland's independence referendum campaign energised that country's citizens like no other political event. This collection of articles from The Irish Times tells the story of Scotland's referendum campaign and explores the questions it raised for Scotland, the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Fall of the Wall - 25 years on

Fall of the Wall - 25 years on

Irish Times Books

The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9th, 1989 was one of the most dramatic events in 20th century European history. This selection of articles by Irish Times writers marks the 25 year anniversary of the fall of the wall and charts the change in political, economic and social life in Europe that followed.