- published: 24 Dec 2014
- views: 110
In physics, a wave is an oscillation accompanied by a transfer of energy that travels through space or mass. Frequency refers to the addition of time. Wave motion transfers energy from one point to another, which displace particles of the transmission medium—that is, with little or no associated mass transport. Waves consist, instead, of oscillations or vibrations (of a physical quantity), around almost fixed locations.
There are two main types of waves. Mechanical waves propagate through a medium, and the substance of this medium is deformed. The deformation reverses itself owing to restoring forces resulting from its deformation. For example, sound waves propagate via air molecules colliding with their neighbors. When air molecules collide, they also bounce away from each other (a restoring force). This keeps the molecules from continuing to travel in the direction of the wave.
The second main type of wave, electromagnetic waves, do not require a medium. Instead, they consist of periodic oscillations of electrical and magnetic fields originally generated by charged particles, and can therefore travel through a vacuum. These types of waves vary in wavelength, and include radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.
Sheet music is a handwritten or printed form of music notation that uses modern musical symbols to indicate the pitches (melodies) and rhythms of a song or musical piece. Like its analogs – books, pamphlets, etc. – the medium of sheet music typically is paper (or, in earlier times, parchment), although the access to musical notation since the 1980s has included the presentation of musical notation on computer screens. Use of the term "sheet" is intended to differentiate written or printed music from a sound recording, radio or TV broadcast or a recorded live performance, which may capture film or video footage or the performance as well as the audio component. In everyday use, "sheet music" (or simply "music") can refer to the print publication of commercial music in conjunction with the release of a new film, TV show, record album, or other special or popular event which involves music. The first printed sheet music was made in 1473.
Sheet music is the basic form in which Western classical music is notated so that it can be performed by solo singers or instrumentalists or musical ensembles. Many forms of traditional and popular Western music are commonly learned by singers and musicians "by ear", rather than by using sheet music (although in many cases, traditional and pop music may also be available in sheet music form).
Merry Christmas! Please note that MuseScore's playback function does not consider the fermata in the beginning, and the acciaccatura does not come out as "crushed" as I expected. I have also not given up on TAMusic's Dark Side of Fate! Expect it some time next year. 虹色な風鈴、九つ by WAVE, from the album ARCHIV EAST (originally Bonus Track 1 from "voyager ~東方仙戯曲") Written in MuseScore Recorded with CamStudio Vague translation done with the friendly help of Google, touhouwiki.net and koko. Thanks, koko. PDF and MIDI download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/wiqpk8gppa8j9kv/WAVE_-_虹色な風鈴、九つ.rar
2007年6月6日発売。 「純恋歌」より約1年3ヶ月となる6th Single「睡蓮花」。 この曲のテーマは・・・「夏!夏!!夏!!!」。 トラックには、夏の爽快感&疾走感を奏でられる「SOCA(ソカ)」を起用。 「SOCA」とは、カリブ海の島国トリニダード・トバコ伝統の音であり、2004年ケヴィン・リトル「Turn Me On」の世界的大ブレイクをきっかけに、日本でもMINMIの「サマータイム!!」がBig Tuneとなり、今やレゲエイベントでは盛り上がらずにはいられない音のひとつである。加え、エレキギターで跳躍感&ストリングスで高揚感も表現している。その音に、照りつける太陽のもとでの「出会いと別れ」・「笑いと涙」の情景が綴られ、さらに曲の終わりが近づくにつれ、"湘南乃風"専売特許の超ポジティブワードが並び、夏を待ち焦がれる気持ちが高まっていくであろう。また今作の新たな試みのひとつとして、MINMIがプロデューサーとして参加。今までのSgは、湘南乃風メンバー自らのセルフプロデュースであったが、日本における「SOCA」第一人者である彼女の感性を注いでもらうことで、より完成度の高い楽曲構成となった。
This is the first "official" preview of an upcoming project of mine, namely Taisei, an open source clone of the fabulous Touhou game series created by ZUN. There's not much to show though, and even less to play yet, but I think I'll call this the first version I'm proud to show in public. My fail was overly intentional of course *cough* so I could show as much different player modes as possible. p.s.: the song is sadly not related to taisei, it's the opening of circle WAVE's album voyager ~東方仙戯曲. If you are an artist and if you are - you know - into Touhou and you like this project, consider contribution. Help is wanted and needed. p.p.s.: visit #taisei-project at freenode
I'll leave this here for people who get stuck. A small as I call "cheat sheet" telling answers and minimal story for chapter 1. Chapter 2 to come as and when I do it myself. Text based: First question is Cirino. Through Cirino's Rinnosoukes speech press all the way. On Rinnosukes testimony press on the statement: "I left it on its own." Press on all of Nitori's testimony. Present proof Photograph (1 or 2) Click either 22 or 24. Press Nitori's statement on recognizing the camera, after doing so return to "I never touched the camera" and present Tripod as proof. When asked what photograph in the photograph is proof, it is the time.
Happy Christmas and a merry new year! Thanks go to MysteriousWeasel for requesting this beautiful piece. It's my first try at violin parts, how did it work out? Circle: TAMUSIC Title: 砕けた月の雫~秋宴~ ("Droplet of Broken Moon ~Autumn Feast~") Album: 東方弦奏歌-VARIABLE- (Touhou String Performance -VARIABLE- ) Written in MuseScore 2 Recorded in CamStudio PDF and midi download: https://www.mediafire.com/?hsu643e4n7896oa
This one took me completely by surprise. I never expected a U.N. Owen arrangement that didn't sound overdone and hyper-energetic. Neither did I expect it to be so easy to write down as well as easy to play. It's a very beginner-friendly piece. Did I make it too hard to read during the 8va parts? Feel free to comment. 明日の (Dreams of Tomorrow) by 鋲の人 (byou no hito), from the album "From my bag -Patimento-" Written in MuseScore Recorded in CamStudio PDF and midi download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/c010ib2wwat94cs/鋲の人_-_明日の夢.rar
The New Hampshire Home Builders Association (NHHBA) is the source for consumers to obtain professionals for their building and remodeling projects. The NHHBA is also the one place for building industry professionals to access: A. Advocacy to protect their bottom line B. Awareness of their expertise and experience C. Professional Development D. Marketing Leverage E. Industry Leadership and networking F. Increased Buying Power www.nhhba.com
Merry Christmas! Please note that MuseScore's playback function does not consider the fermata in the beginning, and the acciaccatura does not come out as "crushed" as I expected. I have also not given up on TAMusic's Dark Side of Fate! Expect it some time next year. 虹色な風鈴、九つ by WAVE, from the album ARCHIV EAST (originally Bonus Track 1 from "voyager ~東方仙戯曲") Written in MuseScore Recorded with CamStudio Vague translation done with the friendly help of Google, touhouwiki.net and koko. Thanks, koko. PDF and MIDI download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/wiqpk8gppa8j9kv/WAVE_-_虹色な風鈴、九つ.rar