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Police State and Prisons

The momentum story: How the Bernie Sanders crowd can still win
by Paul Hilder
Sunday Mar 6th, 2016 10:54 AM
The media and the political class have called it — Bernie Sanders has lost the Democratic Presidential nomination. They are flat wrong, and not for the first time.
to read Paul Hilder's article published on March 3, 2016 on RawStory.com, click on


The media and the political class have called it — Bernie Sanders has lost the Democratic Presidential nomination. They are flat wrong, and not for the first time.

Here’s the real story: the Sanders campaign is changing the laws of political physics — just like Trump did, only far more profoundly. The Bernie crowd is building the most extraordinary grassroots momentum I have ever seen. The movement is gathering strength by the day, and its chances to win are growing fast.

I write from first-hand experience: I am reporting from inside the Bernie campaign. Having observed dozens of campaigns around the world before, I have never seen anything quite like this. The media are telling their own stale and circular story of stalled momentum, defeat and superdelegate-powered inevitability. Meanwhile the Bernie movement is growing faster than Facebook did — and in much the same way.

Everyone knows the campaign is supported by a flood of small donations: this week it will hit the five-million mark. Bernie is raising more money than Hillary Clinton
by Register Peace & Freedom or Green
Sunday Mar 6th, 2016 7:28 PM
This fantasy about American democracy is just that. This country was founded on genocide of Native Americans, enslavement of Africans and the vicious exploitation of all nationalities, children and adults, to this day. The US Constitution enshrined favors to the slave states with the referring to slaves as 3/5 of a person to give the slave states more power in Congress and the existence of the Electoral College, as well as the existence of the US Senate, which gives 2 senators to every state, favoring the small states.

The Democratic Party is not now nor has ever been a labor party. Before 1970, it was known as the Dixiecrats due to the predominance of white segregationists in the Democratic Party. The Democrat-Republican Parties are the twin parties of war and fascism, both proudly supporting the blood for oil wars abroad and the Democratic Party's illegal installation of a Nazi government in Ukraine, as well as fascism, that is arming more and more police, at home. Sanders supported Nazi Ukraine. See
[2014] Did not object to the passage of a bill by unanimous consent to wage a massive propaganda campaign in support of the fascist regime in Ukraine:
and read the rest of Cindy Sheehan's expose of warmonger Sanders: Cindy Sheehan, a Peace & Freedom Party candidate in the past, has compiled the reactionary voting record of Sanders on 2/17/16, "Confessions of a Real Socialist" with lots of links at:

Be sure to also read:
Barry Bush has his own listing of reactionary Sanders votes at:
See Dr. Strangelove photo & article at Bernie Sanders Loves This $1 Trillion War Machine by Tim Mak, 2/8/16 at http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/02/09/bernie-sanders-loves-this-1-trillion-war-machine.html.

WE CANNOT HAVE GUNS AND BUTTER. The Democrats always mouth decent phrases at election time but once elected, carry out the same capitalist agenda as the Republicans because they are paid by the same corporations to do just that, to maximize their profits, the greatest profits being in oil and munitions. The National Socialist German Workers Party, Nazis, did the same, claiming to speaking for the little guy when they were bought and paid for by big business to promote its war and fascism agenda. Bernie Sanders is another National Socialist.

Anyone who proclaims the pope is a socialist as Sheepdog Strangelove Sanders has done is obviously mentally ill and has contempt for socialists, who are by definition Marxists, opposed to the private profit fascist warmongering system in which we live, capitalism. See Democracy Now, 2/24/16 at

The Democrat-Republican presidential race is always STAGED, TO THE LAST DETAIL, complete with a Democratic Party sheepdog to herd disgruntled Democrats to vote Democrat instead of Red or Green. The only reason the Democratic Party exists is to make sure we never vote Red (socialist) or Green; there is no other reason for 2 capitalist parties with the same war and fascism agenda. The Republican Party always has lunatic phrases coming from its candidates so Democrats can claim they are voting for the lesser of 2 evils when in fact they always vote for the evil of 2 lesser, the same as the Republicans.

The superdelegates, namely the Democratic Party officials and elected Democrats, are already on the job making sure their favorite millionaire, fascist war criminal gets the Democratic nomination. Since you are unfamiliar with American elections, you should know that the California primary in June is always a low voter turnout party-regular-dominated election of about 5 million voters in a state of 28 million adults, the largest state in the union. The general election in November has usually about 13 million voters which is considered a high voter turnout. In every election NATIONWIDE AT LEAST HALF of the adult population NEVER VOTES, and that half is mostly the workingclass, the 80% of Americans who sell our labor for less than $80,000 a year. Most voters are property owners who make over $100,000 a year. Part of that is alienation from a rigged system and the other party is a low level of literacy resulting in an inability to understand the ballot.

Stop being a Sucker for Dr. Strangelove Sheepdog Sanders who is so sick as to claim the pope is a socialist. The Black Agenda Report of May 6, 2015 has a good description of all of the Democrats' sheepdogs at http://www.blackagendareport.com/bernie-sanders-sheepdog-4-hillary
FIVE YEARS AGO, a Counterpunch article warned Americans of the Democrats' sheepdog to drive disgruntled Democrats back to the Democratic Party that they have in every presidential election. See
The Myth of Bernie Sanders
by Thomas H. Naylor in Counterpunch 9/30/11 at
Bernie Sanders Is a Russia-Bashing, Pro-Israel, Militarist Tool at
He also called Hugo Chavez, the late leader of Venezuela murdered by the CIA, a communist dictator, standard US capitalist war machine hatemongering. See
US Presidential Candidates Demean Muslims and Hugo Chavez by Steve Lendman, 9/19/15 at http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2015/09/19/18777841.php
His support of US imperialism is outrageous and unconscionable. See
Does Bernie Sanders’ Imperialism Matter? by Shamus Cooke, 1/5/16

Bernie Sanders voted for money for Israel during Israel's massacre of Gaza in July 2014. He is a lifelong Zionist, a darling of AIPAC. His Russian bashing and celebration of war contractors in Vermont are part of his same support of the US war machine as his support of the US military base called Israel.

He claims he is a democratic socialist but not a Marxist, an impossibility since a Marxist is by definition a democratic socialist, supporting the needs and interests of the overwhelming majority, the workingclass.

Stop being swayed by the good cop-bad cop game of the Democrat-Republicans. Register either Peace & Freedom (socialist) or Green. You can register online at:
For more information, see
http://www.votepsl.org/ (Gloria LaRiva for President) (Be sure to read her serious socialist program.)
http://www.jill2016.com/ (Jill Stein for President)