
Popular education group Equipo Maíz depicts the greedy private sector (left), the outnumbered government (center) and the corrupt union representatives (right) on the National Minimum Wage Council

March 4, 2016
El Salvador's social movement depands transparency from National Minimum Wage Council Read more >>

Fourteen people were arrested in front of the White House as the crowd held crosses to commemorate the 83 Central Americans reported killed following deportation from the US

February 25, 2016
Featured Article

Sara Garcia, an activist with the Citizen Group for the Decriminalization of Abortion (Agrupación Ciudadana por la Despenalización del Aborto) (Photo by Prometeo Rodríguez Lucero)

February 25, 2016

Popular education group Equipo Maíz skewers the private pension fund administrators' (AFPs) thirst for profit

February 23, 2016
Salvadoran unions and the government push to reform privatized pension system Read more >>

A torch-lit march in Izalco - image: Jessica Orellana

February 5, 2016
January marked 84 years since the infamous 1932 uprising and massacre Read more >>
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