
Through our global research efforts, ScorecardResearch collects data that assists companies around the world in providing products and services that better meet the needs of consumers. By analyzing general visitation patterns and conducting surveys, ScorecardResearch is able to help companies better understand the likes and dislikes of consumers.

Web Tags

Scorecard Research primarily collects data through the use of web tags. A web tag is code placed by partners on their websites to collect information about general visitation patterns. Web tags are commonly used by companies across the Internet to understand the visitation on their website.


In addition, the ScorecardResearch web tag utilizes a cookie. A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier that is sent to your browser from a web site and stored on your computer's hard drive. ScorecardResearch uses a combination of web tags and cookies to help websites count users who have visited and seen a page or various parts of a page. We require that any website using our web tags include a notice about their use to collect anonymous traffic data and to state what choices are available to users regarding the use of the information collected. You can opt-out of participating in ScorecardResearch’s web tagging market research by clicking here.


From time to time, you may see a ScorecardResearch survey invitation pop-up on your computer screen when you are visiting a participating web site. These surveys are intended to ask questions about you and your Internet usage, but will never ask for any personally identifiable information. You can choose whether you wish to participate and can opt-out from receiving these surveys at any time