The music of the Star Wars franchise is composed and produced in conjunction with the development of the feature films, television series, and other merchandise within the epic space opera franchise created by George Lucas. Released between 1977 and 2015, the music for the primary feature films was written by composer John Williams and, in the case of the first two trilogies, performed by the London Symphony Orchestra. In July 2013, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy announced at Star Wars Celebration Europe that Williams would be returning once more to score the seventh episode, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Williams' scores for the two existing trilogies count among the most widely known and popular contributions to modern film music.
Additionally, music for an animated spinoff was written by Kevin Kiner, and further music has been composed for Star Wars video games and works in other media. The 2016 spinoff film Rogue One will be scored by Alexandre Desplat, the first major Star Wars film not to use Williams.
the stupid man
a broken gun
is localized
he start to run
the english man
a perfect gun
is localizing
the stupid man
the stupid man
try to hide in sand
without his head
to understand
the english man
is localizing
a stupid head
he shoots him dead
the english man
a happy star
he´s localizing
the camera
his stupid wife
is localizing
her stupid man