Articles about 'feminism'

An open letter to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Gemma Croffie disagrees with the Nigerian writer's assumption that balancing childcare and work is the only way to self-fulfilment

Guest Blogger // 21 December 2016

Categories: Blog

A lesson in victim blaming

If even little girls doing cartwheels are being told to cover up in case they get teased, no wonder victim blaming is so ingrained in our society, argues Laura Cooke

Guest Blogger // 15 November 2016

Categories: Blog

Power play

Lauren Hossack gets tangled up in power relations reviewing Naomi Alderman’s latest novel

Lauren Hossack // 10 November 2016

Categories: Books, Reviews

Catfights and crying: let’s end harmful stereotypes of all-female teams

We've come a long way in avoiding assumptions about women as individuals, but myths about female groups are still pervasive in the workplace, argues our guest blogger

Guest Blogger // 6 November 2016

Categories: Blog

Mum sex – lie back and think of casseroles?

Let's put an end to tired, retrograde and dangerous ideas about 'mum sex', argues Ellie Hutchinson

Guest Blogger // 7 October 2016

Categories: Blog

Lifting the veil on the violent woman

To move towards equality, the feminist movement needs to make space for the character of the violent woman, no matter how unlikeable she is, argues Charlotte Barnes

Charlotte Barnes // 6 October 2016

Categories: Books, Features, Films

In search of working class voices

Charlotte Davies, our guest blogger for October, asks what working class means in 2016 and considers whether mainstream feminism is inclusive enough

Charlotte Davies //

Categories: Blog

Why a Muslim woman’s refusal to shake a man’s hand is a feminist issue

A Muslim woman refusing to shake a man’s hand is a feminist, cultural, religious and political issue that exposes what it really means to be treated equally, writes Monica Karpinski

Monica Karpinski // 5 October 2016

Categories: Blog

“I don’t see it as a negative thing to be a feminist”

Jo Whitehead talks folk tales and musical histories with the pioneering Eno Williams, front woman of Ibibio Sound Machine

Joanna Whitehead // 7 August 2016

Categories: Culture and Media, Features

How reading feminism helped shaped my identity

Nicola Serafino describes how her feminist reading helped her to make a positive decision not to have children

Nicola Serafino // 16 May 2016

Categories: Books, Family, Features, Feminism, Reviews

“I’m very much running my career” – an interview with Corinne Bailey Rae

Wedaeli Chibelushi talks to Corinne Bailey Rae about her new album, The Heart Speaks in Whispers, black feminism and female solidarity

Wedaeli Chibelushi // 15 May 2016

Categories: Culture and Media, Features, Interviews

Piers Morgan: Our gatekeeper to freedom and feminism

Laura Elliott discusses Piers Morgan's recent proclamations about feminism and argues that his opinion counts for very little

Laura Elliott // 13 May 2016

Categories: Culture and Media, Features, Politics and Current Affairs

Argumentation matters

After a new study indicates that having more women in leadership positions improves profits for businesses, Megan Stodel calls for thoughtfulness around the effect of choosing arguments when engaging in this debate

Megan Stodel // 12 February 2016

Categories: Blog

Make your resolution to be an F-Word writer

If you want to write for The F-Word, now's your chance! Contact us if you're interested in being a guest blogger for a month

Megan Stodel // 26 December 2015

Categories: Blog

We want your #festivefeminism blogs!

Blog editors Liz and Lily want your festive feminist guest blogs for December! What are your feminist perspectives on the festive season and why and what are your experiences of it - good, bad or indifferent?

Liz Smith // 21 November 2015

Categories: Blog

Can love conquer all – even the genre snobs?

If there are clichés and poorly-written books in every genre, Nick Beard asks, why is romance always singled out for derision?

Nick Beard // 19 November 2015

Categories: Culture and Media, Features, Feminism, Sex and Relationships, Uncategorized

Overcoming adversity, becoming brilliant

Joanna Whitehead discusses artistic technique, male violence and slut shaming with Una, author of the new graphic novel Becoming, Unbecoming

Joanna Whitehead // 26 October 2015

Categories: Books, Features, Interviews, Reviews

A feminist Barbie?

Mattel's new ad shows little girls dreaming big, but their bodies still have to be impossibly small, writes Shoshana Devora

Shoshana Devora // 25 October 2015

Categories: Blog

The time is NOW: we are the suffragettes

On Wednesday night, Sisters Uncut made headlines as 14 activists stormed the red carpet at the premiere of the film Suffragette

Guest Blogger // 9 October 2015

Categories: Blog

Pankhearst: pixels into knives

Andie Berryman talks to Evangeline Jennings of indie writing collective Pankhearst about the publishing process, America’s ‘war on women’ and the fury that drives her to write

Andie Berryman // 7 October 2015

Categories: Culture and Media, Features, Feminism, Interviews, Politics and Current Affairs, Uncategorized

Calm down, it’s a festival of feminist theatre

Mary Paterson finds Calm Down Dear, a festival of innovative feminist performance, has a lot to say about the conventions of looking at women

Mary Paterson // 6 October 2015

Categories: Reviews, Theatre

Words, not guitar: Viv Albertine on the book she never thought she’d write

Cazz Blase speaks to Viv about her book Clothes, Clothes, Clothes, Music, Music, Music, Boys, Boys, Boys

Cazz Blase // 24 September 2015

Categories: Features, Feminism, Herstory, Interviews

To see me is to love me

A weak and uncertain supporting cast lets down an otherwise fascinating Salomé for Kat Wootton

Katherine Wootton // 10 September 2015

Categories: Reviews, Theatre

“We need to be constantly fighting. We need to be raising our voices”

Asking For It author Louise O’Neill talks to Gemma Fraser about rape culture, society’s fear of female sexuality, and how it feels to be the rising star of feminist fiction

Gemma Fraser // 9 September 2015

Categories: Culture and Media, Features, Feminism, Interviews, Religion, Violence

Is this the most important book of 2015?

Consent and victim-blaming in the age of the smartphone: we should all be talking about Louise O'Neill's Asking For It, says Gemma Fraser

Gemma Fraser // 3 September 2015

Categories: Books, Reviews, Uncategorized

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