Asiya Islam

Weekly round-up and open thread

Welcome to this week's round up and open thread! Below are some links that we came across that we thought were interesting. As ever, this does not imply endorsement. Feel free to add links of articles that you've been reading and comment on the ones we've posted here. ...

Weekly round up and open thread

Welcome to the weekly round up and open thread! These are links we came across but didn't have time to blog about. As usual, please note that a link here does not imply endorsement and articles that may be trigerring have been marked as such below. If you came across something interesting, please feel free to add to the comments below. Have a good week! ...

Weekly round up and open thread

Welcome to the weekly round up of interesting links The F-Word collective members came across, including Hull's rape crisis centre facing closure, women radio presenters under pressure to sound more like men, Harvard students photo project against racism and fetishisation of Lupita Nyong'o. ...

Asiya Islam

Previous team member