#TraditionallySubmissive: How 30,000 British Muslim women like me took down David Cameron

The #TraditionallySubmissive hashtag mocked David Cameron
The #TraditionallySubmissive hashtag mocked David Cameron Credit: Twitter

Last week, David Cameron made comments that Muslim women are ‘traditionally submissive’ and that giving us English lessons would help stop extremism.

I responded how I know best: with sarcasm. Of course, that’s the British way, and if there’s anything Muslims in the UK are always told by our PM it’s that we need to try harder to acquire British values.

“Actually, my husband runs my Twitter feed because I can't speak English #TraditionallySubmissive” I mocked online:

Mr Cameron had cheerfully knitted together all sorts of stereotypes about Muslim women not speaking English, not integrating, being submissive - and all of this being related to extremism.

But hurrah! He also mansplained that a few English classes would solve all our problems, even though it was he who previously slashed funding for such lessons - those that had been provided for anyone of any background to assist in empowerment and civic participation.

David Cameron speaks with women attending an English language class during a visit to the Shantona Women's Centre in Leeds
David Cameron speaks with women attending an English language class during a visit to the Shantona Women's Centre in Leeds Credit: OLI SCARFF/AFP/Getty Images

It seems I wasn’t the only Muslim woman to feel incensed. The #TraditionallySubmissive hashtag was taken up by others who wanted to express their despair and anger at being stereotyped.

And then along came Dr Sukaina Hirji (“GP @awesome NHS, proud mum of 3, Sherlock Holmes fan”) who wrote publicly on her Facebook page:

“I and many others have been extremely hurt by David Cameron's article in The Times earlier this week, specifically (and incorrectly) targeting Muslim women's apparent inability to speak the English language and loosely linking this to radicalisation (multifactorial causes) and Female Genital Mutilation (cultural practice).”

"Thousands of tweets were sent, with Muslim women engaged in activities as diverse as archery, TV presenting and – wait for it – teaching English."

She made a public call to Muslim women to “show our solidarity and speak out against this discrimination.”  

The result was a fast-paced humorous and passionate Twitter storm yesterday evening between 6pm and 9pm, which was still trending this morning.

Tens of thousands of tweets were sent - 30,000 and counting - with pictures of Muslim women engaged in activities as diverse as archery, martial arts, TV and radio presenting, or holding placards listing an awe-inspiring and frankly terrifying list of incredible achievements from multiple degrees to – wait for it – being teachers of English.

It made a firm point: Muslim women have voices, they are diverse, their achievements are wide ranging and impressive, and they are taking charge of their lives and their political engagement.

The aim of the campaign was to establish a clear unequivocal response to Mr Cameron’s dangerous comments and to put an end to the lazy kind of thinking that defines Muslim women as just one thing: “submissive victims” who are just waiting to be saved and civilised.

The haters were out in force, of course, seeing no irony in telling Muslim women that the choices they make are wrong. (Maybe they prefer us ‘traditionally submissive’?)

Their science credentials were astounding, as they explained that our brains don’t get any oxygen because some of us wear headscarves.

It seemed they didn’t like lots of Muslim women expressing their own opinions.  And we certainly have a lot of them.

“I'm astounded at the grassroots response the #TraditionallySubmissive campaign received from Muslim women of many backgrounds, ages and professions. It's a testament to how deeply and personally we have taken his words,” said Dr Hirji when I asked her for her reaction to yesterday’s campaign.

What she’s hoping for next is that the PM “has the courage to acknowledge this and apologise.”

As Yvonne Ridley (“Journalist and author, proud mum, beekeeper”) tweeted:

Of course, despite the fact that so very many took part, it is important to acknowledge that there are definitely important issues to be tackled when it comes to Muslim women.

First and foremost, is to understand that repeating such a dangerous view, and connecting it deliberately to extremism - even while admitting they are not connected - is itself a form of oppression.

It makes Muslim women’s lives more difficult by generating hostility about us. We know that 60 per cent of all attacks on Muslims are against women, and that Islamophobia violence is spiking at an alarming rate.

Islamophobia is on the increase
Islamophobia is on the increase

Learning English is important for a small group of Muslim women – just like for other immigrants to the UK. I have delivered workshops on how to express your voice to a range of women, including Muslims. But it is important to acknowledge the societal barriers that exist.

For example, we know that people with non-white names are less likely to be called for job interviews, regardless of their qualifications. We know that women who wear hijabs or niqabs face discrimination. But what really hurts integration efforts by Muslim women is that despite our momentous and constant efforts to do so, we are constantly facing tropes and headlines that tell us we are not.

The evidence is right in front of the PM’s eyes as much as anyone else: has he not noticed the eight female Muslim MPs in Parliament?

"Last night demonstrated that there are powerful Muslim women’s voices from across the spectrum, who want to be part of the discussion."

In the behind-the-scenes discussions around the Twitter storm, there was a moment of realisation among Muslim women. “I’ve never collectively put my achievements together” said one. “This exercise was a good chance for us to realise them and empower ourselves to reach our potential.”

Hashtag activism has its place in political protest, and last night demonstrated that there are powerful Muslim women’s voices from across the spectrum, who proactively want to be part of the discussion.

As Dr Hirji says: “We clearly have a lot of talent on board and can channel this productively if the Prime Minister is willing to engage.”