Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie is a 1998 animated film about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, who first appeared in a 1939 story by Robert L. May. The film was the first theatrical feature from GoodTimes Entertainment, long known as a home video company. The film's animation was produced by Yowza! Animation, Wang Film Productions & Colorland Productions Inc. The character designer was Phil Mendez. In 2001, GoodTimes followed this up by licensing the Rankin-Bass characters for a CGI film titled Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys.
A baby reindeer named Rudolph is born with an abnormally red, shiny nose, and upon tripping into a pile of hay bales and sneezing shortly after his birth, his nose begins to glow. His parents start to worry that Rudolph will be poked fun at because of this, and their worries come true when the secret of their son's nose is accidentally revealed to Rudolph's three uncles, Cupid, Dasher, and Comet (along with the rest of the residents of the North Pole), and he starts getting taunted for this.