- published: 07 Aug 2015
- views: 204124
Sogo Co., Ltd. (株式会社そごう, Kabushiki Kaisha Sogō) is a department store chain that operates an extensive network of branches in Japan. It once owned stores in locations as diverse as Phnom Penh in Cambodia, Beijing in mainland China, Causeway Bay in Hong Kong, Taipei in Taiwan, Jakarta, Medan, Bali, Bandung, Tangerang, Samarinda & Surabaya in Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, Singapore, Bangkok in Thailand, London in United Kingdom, but most of these international branches are now operated by independent franchises.
Sogo was founded in 1830 in Osaka by Ihei Sogo as a retailer of used kimono.
In July 2000, the company faced financial troubles caused by the reckless real estate investment policy of the former chairman, Hiroo Mizushima, and the collapse of Japanese real estate prices since the mid-1980s. The group collapsed under a debt mountain of US$17 billion, owed principally to Industrial Bank of Japan. Sogo applied to Osaka District Court under the Civil Rehabilitation Law on July 12, 2000. It has had to divest itself of unprofitable business lines, as well as valuable assets such as several stores in Japan (e.g., Kokura and Kurosaki) and some overseas stores, including ones in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong and Taipei.
SOGO (Sagpro Films) ft. Filipino Viners & Cong TV
Kuya Jobert speaks up on Sogo incident
台北sogo周年慶登場 必搶首賣家電搶先看 | 台灣蘋果日報
Hotel Sogo In House Commercial
Ella bertudung busking depan sogo
biar betul-retmelo busker cover akar,rancak depan sogo,fuhh
Balap Liar Sogo #Adit Putra
sentuhan busker depan sogo..GADIS DAN BUNGA
Sogo Sakakibara VS Mac Daniels GAME OF SCOOT!
2016 SOGO x Hello Kitty 29th 週年慶來店禮
Gusto mong yumaman? money talks so join us guys and put your trust on me. sagpro One Global Opportunity for the win! Follow my one and only FB account: https://www.facebook.com/hambog.krew Jerard Saranillo: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002293495072&fref;=ts Bengs Hyu: https://www.facebook.com/ifyouseekamee?fref=ts Cong TV: https://www.facebook.com/CongthegreatTV?fref=ts Like my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/hambogngsagprokrewofficial?ref=hl This channel is about music, videos, entertainment, comedy sketches, topics about love and life, cartoons, teleserye, movie and games dubbings. This channel is an insurance for your happiness, I can tell a story about your mood using my music and videos. This is like a gym for building joy, and like a supplement for building the foun...
Still shaking after allegedly trying to jump off a hotel building in Quezon City, comedian Jobert Austria, who was brought to the Kamuning police station, begged for help and insisted that some men are up to kill him. Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! http://bit.ly/TheABSCBNNews Watch the full episodes of The Buzz 15 on TFC.TV http://bit.ly/TheBuzz15-TFCTV and on IWANT.TV for Philippine viewers, click: http://bit.ly/TheBuzz15-IWANTV Visit our website at http://www.abs-cbnnews.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abscbnNEWS Twitter: https://twitter.com/abscbnnews
百貨周年慶重頭戲,11/10由SOGO台北三館接棒,除化妝品優惠組挺進210萬組,全國獨家組合較去年多2成外,今年最有亮點的,就是最新上市的獨家家電用品。去年底在日本一上市就被搶翻的SHARP 0水鍋,SOGO忠孝館全台首賣,強調能鎖住食材營養,只要將蔬菜、海鮮、調味料等食材放入,無需加水就可上桌。而在日本被搶到翻的Panasonic NA96、NA 97吹風機,在日本兩台合計賣出700萬台,最新NA98台灣就可買得到囉,新機型強調奈米水離子量比上一代高,出風口也增加31%,讓吹頭髮速度更快,SOGO復興館周年慶期間開放預購,明年1月才可取貨,售價6490元。此外,來店禮方面,是29年來送最大的一次。 ● 台灣蘋果日報:http://www.appledaily.com.tw/ ● 蘋果動新聞:http://www.appledaily.com.tw/actionnews ● 蘋果日報粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/appledaily.tw
sogo kl
AT sogo bsd tanggerang *82 Adit Putra
sogo kl
Sogo and Mac playing a game of scoot at Helensvale skatepark! Like, Comment, Subscribe and ENJOY! :) COMMENT WHAT VIDEOS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE!?! My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaithomass My other instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaithomasfilms My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaithomasfilms Music produced by: https://www.youtube.com/chukibeats Sogo's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sogggggy Mac's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/macddaniels SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/jaithomasfilms Instagrams: @jaithomass @jaithomasilms @sogggggy @macddaniels
2016 SOGO x Hello Kitty 29th 週年慶來店禮,萌度破表大爆發!地表最強周年慶來店禮震撼登場! SOGO百貨限定全套22款~引爆全台蒐集狂潮!