PESHAWAR: Men sporting earthy shalwar kameez and pakol caps are accompanied by women in colourful dresses laden with mirrors; they gather on the open floor, making a loose square, then fall into rhythm as they sync their steps to dance the Bragai, or what is known as the combined Attan.
The dance is incomplete without the dhol: a double-headed wooden barrel made with animal hide expanded over its open ends. The drum’s pitch is controlled by the ropes and nuts fixed around both ends. The dhol-player holds a stick in both hands, which he bangs on the ends with incredible power. A drum-beat resounds in the open air, its delirious pitch responding to the crowd’s calls of “Der kha!” [Perfect sound!] and “Tez sha paki!” [Hit it harder!].
The men and women move to the right, turn, then clap together, their hands in the air. The women sway more gently than the men, but all begin moving faster as the beat picks up. The dhol beats faster and ends with a dramatic pause, followed by applause.

These dances were held regularly in Waziristan some three decades ago. Since then, the region has turned into the hometown of former Taliban emirs Hakimullah Mehsud and Baitullah Mehsud, and the familiar beat of the Attan dhol is hardly heard in public.
Where does Attan come from?
“It was considered an honour to participate in such a gathering,” says Saima Wazir*, a 60-year-old woman, remembering the Bragai Attans of her youth.“The Attan in public still exists,” Saima says, “But only the men can participate.”
The Attan originates from eastern Afghanistan, from where it travelled to western Pakistan and the tribal regions. Some believe it has spiritual roots connecting it to Zoroastrianism, a religion which traces back to 2000BC. Others link the dance to the British occupation and the Pashtun resistance movement, when Pashtuns used the dance to instil confidence and energy among warriors going out to battle the colonisers. A typidal Attan dance during wars and celebrations consisted of 50 too 100 people.
In different regions, the dance takes different names. Besides Bragai Attan, it is also known as Mehsudi, Kabuli, Wazristani, Khatak, Paktiyaki, Mazari, Shinwari, Kandahari, Sistani, Hirati, Pashai and Nuristani Attan. In his book ‘Culture and Customs of Afghanistan’ Hafizullah Emati explains how combined Attan dances gained momentum in the 1970s, and afterwards during Daud Shah’s and Zahir Shah’s communist regimes in Afghanistan.
During these times and earlier in Afghanistan, men and women dancing the Attan together was a common sight—once, it was even considered Kabul’s national dance. Since the Soviet defeat, however, the cultural activity has almost vanished and is now confined to private family gatherings.

A space for women
As the region and its people have changed over the years, so has the way they dance with each other. Saima Wazir explains how the Bragai Attan’s square formation flattened into a circle as the women stopped dancing.
But back when mixed dancing was the norm, there were no restrictions on women to participate. “We were among hundreds of men but no one dared to disrespect any female,” Saima says. Some of the participants would smoke cigarette during the dance, and the women had no prescribed dress-codes such as the shuttlecock burqa.
“The women used to perform Attan with bare heads, or simply a Chaddar draped on the shoulders,” Saima remembers.
Saima explains that the culture of Bragai Attan declined abruptly as modern instruments and dances became more popular. While the dance is still practised in the region, it is now confined to home gatherings. “Women gather now to perform it during weddings, or other celebrations.”
Saima says that even though the the Bragai Attan was a family affair; strangers were allowed to join in the dance. “Strangers weren’t considered bad back then,” she says.
Preserving their culture
Ayaz Wazir, who leads the progressive Awami National Party in Waziristan, says the Bragai Attan was once a sign of trust and unity within the tribe. Wazir is addressing the Gomal Debate Forum, a forum working to preserve decades-old cultural activities in the tribal regions. The forum organises different talks and inviting experts to discuss a range of issues.
At the event related to Bragai Attan, participants are of the opinion that the Attan culture has declined with women being confined in their homes. They blame terrorism, which has hit Pakistan’s tribal belt for the last few decades and has resulted in social transformations. At one such debate, for example, participants asked Pakistan’s Islamic Council of Ideology to ban use of burqa, which they claimed was never part of the tribal region’s culture, and has originated from tribal inmates.
“In today’s patriarchal society, women have been restricted to their homes,” says Wazir while addressing the forum at the Peshawar Press Club. “That simply didn’t happen in the past.”

Nasirullah Khan, another panellist who spoke at the debate on the draconian Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata), holds the FCR responsible for the region’s vanishing tribal traditions.
“The FCR doesn’t guarantee women’s rights in the tribal belt, nor do the strict laws in it allow locals to raise voice against the violations.”
Participants at the debate demand the government to establish a culture centre in the Fata secretariat for the preservation of tribal traditions and cultural norms.
A video of a traditional Attan dance
*Name changed to protect identity due to fear of security.
Comments (30)
This story warmed my heart. What a beautiful country. I will not despair. I will dream of a beautiful future
All that is good is being destroyed, slowly but steadily.
What happened to this beautiful country?
All diversity and joy seems to have been driven out by enraged and bellicose religiosity.
Dance is not synonymous to peace.
waiting for this time to come back in my home ....a very beautiful story .....!!!
@Kashif then? humans dance when they feel joyous and r at peace.
Feel sad to read this. Traditions and folk are spine of society. Hope things revive again.we here in india also enjoy the dhol dances , both genders participating together in celebrations.
This dance is very similar (or should I say 'same) to the 'garba' dance that is practised with fervor in Gujarat, and now in other states of India. The dance is quite popular during the 9 days of Navratri festival. Check youtube videos of garba dance.
@Asim My heart sinks with sadness and sorrow when I look in to our glorious past. What went wrong. Waziristan - beautiful people and beautiful culture - it will come back
If we want to save Pakistan then we will have to do it ourselves, and not by talking only, by getting up and moving and doing positive work and hard work very honestly, only dancing and music and fashion pants with not help...we need scientists, professors, sports greats, entrepreneurs, and above all honest and clean minded people...are we ready...if yes ...then don't let's do it...
beautiful.... something to enjoy with friends and family.. must revive.
Attan is a traditional Pashtun dance. Its one of the oldest form of dance placing its origins as early as 3000 BCE.
@Simba Its not the same, why do you compare. This is the Original Dance Pure of the Irani (Aryans )peoples.The rest are corrupted versions.
Few societies in the world will progress if music and dance that bring together people of different genders, races and religions are banned. They are quintessential celebration of shared, common humanity.
Just imagine if women also participate in is would have been one of most beautiful thing and now it looks shabby -- sorry to say this
@A Pakistani - Very well said and yes we bless with verse culture.
Steps are similar to 'garba' ,which is very popular in gujarat
@A Pakistani, General Zia happened to this country when Pakistan was a progressive country in all aspects
@Simba . This is not GARBA not even close. This dance has the old Greek flavor. This style is still very common in Hunza and Gilgit.
@Masood If you look at the attached video and if you know Garba, you will never say that it is "not even close to garba"...its definitely look almost same!
All societies were tribal once, but they evolved into modern day living, where there are no tribes or tribal traditions. Articles like these try to prove that tribal way of life is still superior, sending the tribals into a state of paranoia. But the fact of the matter is that tribalism is the very reason of all the ills of FATA.
Once upon a time.........
Once upon a time.......... Our rich culture is vanished because of the so called Talibanization being imposed on us....... May peace return!
Wawooo... I heard and very well know Attan. but i was unaware from these information. Alas terrorist flow destroyed the beauty of Pashton culture. Personally i appreciate for this culture empowerment struggle.
@Masood It isn't important whether this dance is the original or whether it belongs to original irani/aryans or it is similar to garba or not. What is more important is that it is a dying tradition, while garba is getting more popular day by day, starting from one state of Gujarat and now spread all over india. It only shows how good we are at preserving and nourishing traditions.
@Mustafa The Attan is alive and kicking in its birthplace, Afghanistan. As a matter of fact, Afghan refugees reintroduced the Attan to urban Pakistani Pashtuns that didn't even know about the Attan. I live in the US and we perform Attan at every wedding, and I will be dancing the Attan in late March at a friend's wedding.
FCR must be abolished.Authority given to Pak Army should be decreased progressively.Power for major decision making must be taken away from malak.Last but not the least local bodies should be empowered.
My friend says that Quetta in more Quetta, Peshawar is no more Peshawar. The reason is that most of the people residing there now have nothing to do with those regions and have made a mess of the cities. I wonder who was behind all this and who allowed them to settle here and put restrictions on everything they don't like?
The best way for Pakistan to preserve this great tradition is to make it one of the national dances of Pakistan.
I hope those days return for the Pakhtoons