- published: 30 Dec 2011
- views: 604
Mirela Cabero (born July 31, 1990 in Aranjuez, Spain) is a Spanish singer. Mirela has participated in various musical contests since she was a child.
In 2004, Mirela participated in Eurojunior, the Spanish pre-selection for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2004, with Maria Isabel and Blas Cantó, where she sung her song, Conocí El Amor (I Met Love). She narrowly lost out to María Isabel, who represented Spain and overall went on to win the festival with the song Antes Muerta Que Sencilla
In 2006, she appeared in the TV-musical show "Gente de Primera" competing for a record deal. She was praised by the judges and audience alike for her impeccable performances of Celine Dion's Sola Otra Vez and Mariah Carey's Heroe. She went on to finish second overall in that reality show, losing out to a close vote against male pop singer, Nauzet.
In 2007, Mirela participated in Misión Eurovisión 2007. Her best performance was with the song "La Reina de la Noche" (Queen of the Night). She was the public and judge favorite to win. However, she went on to face her 'deja vu' for the third time in a reality show, by finishing second place once again, losing to boyband D'Nash. Mirela later on won the chance to represent Spain in the OGAE Second Chance Contest with the track La Reina De La Noche and finished in third placed overall, only beaten by Sweden and the United Kingdom.
mirela lambic o nasilju
Showreel - Mirela Lambić
Žene s broja 13 (2009) Sezona 1 Epizoda 10
Mirela & Eva .wmv
Lutkokaz Casanova Baciami
Ivana Brdar, make up artist, o radu sa Metaphysika timom
Lebanon International Short films Festival 2016
indira kucuk sorguc o nasilju.mpg
Žene s broja 13 (2009) Epizoda 10 Žanr: Komedija Režija: Sulejman Kupusović Scenario: Vedrana Seksan Uloge: Ejla Bavčić Enis Bešlagić Nada Đurevska - Matićka Alena Džebo Zijad Gracic Muhamed Hadžović Saša Handžić Edhem Husić - Fotograf Anđela Ilić - Prodavačica Mirela Lambić Norman Mahmutović Snežana Marković Adis Mehanović Vedrana Seksan http://www.sigmakom.com
dos danesas milongueando
Serija Sex i Selo bila je najgledanija u Bosni i Hercegovini, prema istraživanju MIB-a. Protagonisti ovog serijala su: Almir Cehajic Batko, Milan Pavlovic, Enis Bešlagic, Arma Tanovic, Mona Muratovic, Sanela Cica Pepeljak, Aida Bukva, Amina Begovic, Slaven Vidak, Dino Drljem, Anita Kajasa, Mirela Lambic i dr. Osim njih u serijalu ce glumiti i poznate osobe iz bh društvenog života kao i najpoznatija estradna imena s prostora ex Yu.
METAPHYSIKA PREDSTAVILA NOVU LIMITIRANU KOLEKCIJU CIPELA Sarajevo (30.10.2015.) Sila se probudila. Uz globalno odbrojavanje do premijere sedmog dijela Ratova zvijezda Disney-Lucas Company i britanski brend Irregular Choice poznat po unikatnim, udobnim i sasvim drugačijim cipelama napravili su modele obuće koje su predstavljene u sarajevskom Cafe-u Meeting Point na reviji koju su podržali Max Factor, DJ Nazzif, Pal-e i Podravka. Uz vlasnicu modne kuće Metaphysika, Adnanu Handžić, koja je Irregular Choice obuću dovela u BiH, kolekciju su predstavile i poznate bh. dame Vedrana Seksan, Mirela Lambić, Maja Žuržulović, Ivana Brdar, Džejna Jane Zvečevac i Alma Musliović. «Kao velika ljubiteljica cipela, prije svega, a zatim i Ratova zvijezda, moram reći da sam pred predstavljanje kolekcija ...
Lebanon International Short films Festival that has taken place from 3rd December at the cities of Nabatiyeh, Tyre and Tripoli has come to an end by its Closing ceremony that took place at the Stars Cinema of Nabatiyeh on the 8th December. The Festival has shown 61 short films coming from 25 countries. During the closing ceremony the awards of the festival were given by the International Jury composed of Theo Caillet from France, Adeeb Farhat from Lebanon, and Ana Cendrero Alvarez from Spain. Awarded short films are the following: Best short film: Aymy, my second eye, directed by Ahmad Saleh, a film coming from the cooperation of Palestine, Jordan and Germany and speaking about how Arts and beauty help humans to face the most adverse conditions. Best director: Mans Berthas for Champi...
Serija Sex i Selo bila je najgledanija u Bosni i Hercegovini, prema istraživanju MIB-a. Protagonisti ovog serijala su: Almir Cehajic Batko, Milan Pavlovic, Enis Bešlagic, Arma Tanovic, Mona Muratovic, Sanela Cica Pepeljak, Aida Bukva, Amina Begovic, Slaven Vidak, Dino Drljem, Anita Kajasa, Mirela Lambic i dr. Osim njih u serijalu ce glumiti i poznate osobe iz bh društvenog života kao i najpoznatija estradna imena s prostora ex Yu.
INDIRA KUČUK SORGUČ novinarka, pisac i publicistkinja
Florin Salam si Adrian Minune - Mirela, Mirela Live 2016 Nu copia sau reposta videoclipul, dacă îți place adaugă-l la favorite! © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED USE THIS MUSICAL WORKS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
Brian IMAGE Production. Contact: filmari[at]brian-image.com, Timisoara, Romania Toate drepturile rezervate. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws ATENTIE ! Nu mai copiati si repostati pe alte canale de youtube materiale realizate de Brian IMAGE fara acordul producatorilor sau al artistului pentru ca vor fi sterse si riscati inchiderea contului vostru !
Official Website:http://www.vasilisp.com/html/ Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Papakonstant... Google+:https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/1158937... Twitter:https://twitter.com/vasilisp_com/ Επικοινωνία για συναυλία Stray Music (Stray music:http://www.straymusic.gr/Templates/Ho...) ( Υπεύθυνος καλλιτεχνικού γραφείου) Ελισσαίος Πατσέλας: 6976768782, 2109024100 Αφιέρωμα στο Βασίλη Παπακωνσταντίνου - Στην υγεία μας 2015 Παρέα οι: Θάνος Μικρούτσικος, Χρήστος Θηβαίος, Μίλτος Πασχαλίδης, Οδυσσέας Ιωάννου, Κίτρινα Ποδήλατα, Βασίλης Καζούλης, Γιάννης Γιοκαρίνης, Γεωργία Νταγάκη, Μιρέλα Πάχου και Ρίτα Αντωνοπούλου Δείτε εδώ ολόκληρο το αφιέρωμα στο Βασίλη:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBUEZZyjKmY Δείτε εδώ όλα τα τραγούδια του αφιερώματος:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVoypRb...
Brian IMAGE Production. Contact: filmari[at]brian-image.com, Timisoara, Romania Toate drepturile rezervate. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws ATENTIE ! Nu mai copiati si repostati pe alte canale de youtube materiale realizate de Brian IMAGE fara acordul producatorilor sau al artistului pentru ca vor fi sterse si riscati inchiderea contului vostru !
Brian IMAGE Production. Contact: filmari[at]brian-image.com, Timisoara, Romania Toate drepturile rezervate. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws ATENTIE ! Nu mai copiati si repostati pe alte canale de youtube materiale realizate de Brian IMAGE fara acordul producatorilor sau al artistului pentru ca vor fi sterse si riscati inchiderea contului vostru !
El estribillo acapela de Mirela Cabero con su tema Contigo, uno de los favoritos para ganar #ObjetivoEurovision The acoustic version of Mirela's candidate song to #ObjetivoEurovision , Contigo. Grabado para BluperTV , Recorded for Bluper's Interview por Mirela , by Mirela. YA HAY FECHA! DATE! Domingo,Sunday - 12 Febrero,th February 2017 - 22.05 La 1 , rtve.es , eurovisionspain.com Datos sobre/ Info. about #ObjetivoEurovision 2017 The five internal candidates with the winner of the #Eurocasting , Vanesa Klein (LeKlein) with her song Ouch! will compete in the National final in February (TVE). Los cinco artistas escogidos internamente junto a Vanesa Klein (LeKlein) y su tema Ouch! ganadores del #Eurocasting competirán en la Final Nacional en febrero (TVE). Artistas y canciones: | Artist...
Abonati-va pentru noutati! Filmare realizata de WestMedia - Tel: 0767 228881 Nu copiati si redistribuiti acest continut. Daca va place adaugati-l la favorite! Toate drepturile rezervate. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws
Ekskluzivno gledajte dva streaminga parova samo na http://rijaliti.tv/ Parovi News: http://www.happytv.tv Najbolji i najgledaniji Reality Show ikada !!! Copyright: TV Happy, Official website - http://www.happytv.tv Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale! http://www.happytv.rs/
One summer, presenter Natalie Pinkham worked in a Romanian orphanage, where she developed a special bond with one of the children, Mirela. Twelve years later, Natalie has decided to try to track down the youngster to see where life's journey has taken her. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/realstoriesdocs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesChannel Instagram - @realstoriesdocs Content licensed from DCD Rights. Any queries, please contact us at: realstories@littledotstudios.com Produced by Popkorn TV
Mirela Petrean NEW 2017 Nunta Alina & Cristian Ghitoaica Tunea Sorin Tel.0764446301 Events Video Production (C)2017 All rights reserved.
The Lost Orphan: Mirela's Story, Natalie Pinkham’s shocking film of the plight of a Romanian toddler whom she had befriended 12 years earlier, touched the nation’s hearts. Since then, the television sports presenter has been busy planning a home for Mirela and 11 other children just outside Slatina, three hours from Bucharest in the southwest of Romania. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Follow us on Twitter for more - https://twitter.com/realstoriesdocs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesChannel Instagram - @realstoriesdocs Content licensed from DCD Rights. Any queries, please contact us at: realstories@littledotstudios.com Produced by Popkorn TV
Creatoarea fenomenului Gașca Zurli, Mirela Retegan, este La Radio cu Andreea Esca. Spectacolul „10 Zurli” a marcat, în primăvara acestui an, aniversarea a 10 ani de Zurli în România, fiind cea mai mare producție de până acum a trupei. Spre deliciul celor mici, Gașca Zurli a fost în această primăvară în Timişoara, Arad, Oradea, Satu Mare, Cluj Napoca, Baia Mare, Bistriţa, Târgu Mureş, Braşov, Bacău, Galaţi, Iaşi, Chişinău, Botoşani, Craiova, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Piteşti, Constanţa, Ploieşti şi Bucureşti. Spectacolele Gașca Zurli sunt construite în jurul celor mai îndrăgite personaje Zurli și reunesc cele mai iubite cântece, dansuri și jocuri interactive, marca Zurli, oferind o experiență unică, dinamică și originală, creată special pentru copii. https://www.europafm.ro/la-radio-cu-andreea-e...
¡Hola a todos! ¿Como van las vacaciones? Yo hoy os traigo un video que me ha costado muchísimo tiempo hacer, el reto de comer durante una semana por un euro al día. ¿Queréis ver si he sido capaz de hacerlo... verlo hasta el final. ¡Un besazo a todos! REGLAS DEL RETO: •Comprar cada día por 1 euro. •Los utensilios de cocina y cosas como el aceite, el agua y las especias van incluidas. •Lo que sobre se puede utilizar el resto de días, dinero y comida. .... ● Sígueme en FACEBOOK → https://www.facebook.com/AndreaMirela... ● Sígueme en INSTAGRAM → https://www.instagram.com/andreamirela_/ ● Sígueme en TWITTER → https://twitter.com/AndreaMirela ● Sígueme en SNAPCHAT → AndreaMirela ● Léeme en mi BLOG → http://andreamirela.blogspot.com.es/ 💌 Email de contacto: vimian.93@gmail.com ● Información...
Antren și muzică bună alături de îndrăgita solistă Mirela Petrean - „Ziua Femeii” la Restaurant TIMEEA Reșița
8 martie 2015 - Restaurant Timeea - Mirela Petrean - Programul 1
El estribillo acapela de Mirela Cabero con su tema Contigo, uno de los favoritos para ganar #ObjetivoEurovision The acoustic version of Mirela's candidate song to #ObjetivoEurovision , Contigo. Grabado para BluperTV , Recorded for Bluper's Interview por Mirela , by Mirela. YA HAY FECHA! DATE! Domingo,Sunday - 12 Febrero,th February 2017 - 22.05 La 1 , rtve.es , eurovisionspain.com Datos sobre/ Info. about #ObjetivoEurovision 2017 The five internal candidates with the winner of the #Eurocasting , Vanesa Klein (LeKlein) with her song Ouch! will compete in the National final in February (TVE). Los cinco artistas escogidos internamente junto a Vanesa Klein (LeKlein) y su tema Ouch! ganadores del #Eurocasting competirán en la Final Nacional en febrero (TVE). Artistas y canciones: | Artist...
The Welcome2Upper Austria Service Center is happy to show Internationals sharing their experiences about working and living in Upper Austria: What does their new life look like, which where the challenges, what do they appreciate about their new home and think about Upper Austrians? What do they recommend to other Expats? Work | Live | Enjoy … Upper Austria! Das Welcome2Upper Austria Service Center freut sich die Erfahrungen hinsichtlich Leben und Arbeiten von internationalen MitarbeiterInnen in oberösterreichischen Betriebe teilen zu dürfen. Wie sieht ihr neues Leben aus, was waren die Herausforderungen, was schätzen sie am neuen Zuhause und was denken sie über Oberösterreicher? Was können sie anderen Expats empfehlen? Work | Live | Enjoy … Upper Austria!
Mirela needs our help to pay for her final semester at SUNY Canton! Please visit her Indiegogo fundraising page at http://igg.me/at/mirelaturkic/x/827403 to learn more and to donate. Every little bit helps!
Emma will sing "Circle of Light" in the final of Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu 2017. The Voice of Finland alum tells us about the message of her song, her music video and more. Interviewer: William (facebook.com/williamleeadamsofficial and https://twitter.com/willyleeadams and http://instagram.com/williamleeadams) Video editor: Ron (https://www.youtube.com/ronkesc) Main site: http://wiwibloggs.com Follow us for more #eurovision videos and news: Facebook: http://wiwibloggs.com/facebook Twitter: http://wiwibloggs.com/twitter Instagram: http://wiwibloggs.com/instagram Pinterest: http://wiwibloggs.com/pinterest Tumblr: http://wiwibloggs.com/tumblr Snapchat: wiwibloggs
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Exclusive Interview with Dr Ervin Laszlo - In Palm Springs, California By Mirela Sula Read his full interview here at Global Woman Magazine: http://www.globalwoman.co/2017/01/21/9206/
Shakhtar Donetsk captain Darijo Srna speaks about life in Ukraine during the conflict with Russia.