- published: 19 Oct 2015
- views: 360
Ana or ANA may refer to:
Imperfect's The New Perfect: Dijana Kunovac Shares Her Story Of Becoming American.
PET ZVIJEZDA, 3. memorijalni padobranski kup, Banjaluka 2015.
Greg Barnes InsideCarolina
Altea Research is Seeking Participants for Clinical Studies
Shadow Tennis - Open Stance Forehand
Daliborka Lizdek - Olistala gora
Poni Tinček misli, da je velik
Poni konj jede jabuke
Poni konj
Dijana was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia. After moving to the US in 1994 at the age of 6, she struggled with fitting in and feeling "good enough" for people around her. She got through and has gone on to be a captivating Sports reporter and Social Media-er. Take a few simple notes from her book.
Treći po redu memorijalni padobranski kup "Pet zvijezda" održan je u Banjaluci na aerodromu Zalužani 16. i 17. maja 2015. g. u organizaciji Padobranskog kluba Banjaluka. Ekipni rezultati Kupa su: 1. AK Prijedor, 2. PK Ptuj 3. Tandem Experti Pojedinačni rezultati (M): 1. Toni Gregorič 2. Boban Ivetić 3. Draško Lajić Rezultati -žene: 1. Ina Gittel 2. Ana-Marija Grubač 3. Petra Kunovac Veterani: 1. Lajić Draško 2. Slobodan Terzić 3. Siniša Vujaković.
Greg Barnes and Dijana Kunovac discuss Bryn Renner, Larry Fedora and the UNC Tar Heels.
Dr. Jelena Kunovac is a Board Certified Psychiatrist and Founder of Altea Research. For over 25 years, she has dedicated her time and effort in helping people and families that are affected by mental illness. Altea Research partners with pharmaceutical companies with the hope of developing better treatment for those affected by different psychiatric conditions. We specialize in conducting high quality clinical research. Do you or someone you know suffer from anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. Are you interested in participating in a research study? Altea Research is currently seeking volunteers for clinical trials involving investigational medication. All study related care and medication are provided at no cost. To see if you may pre-qualify for any of our studies,...
Fashion editoral by lifestyle magazine Fashion.Beauty.Love; Bosnia & Herzegovina - video by Edvin Kalić - music by The Jezabels A little Piece Stockwerk 2 & Shineline Remix - photography by Almin Zrno - post production by Damir Hrnjicic and Zlatan Kurto - make-up_Aida Čelebić, Max Factor BiH - hair_EN studio, Ensar Hair with charcter, Hairetic - fashion brands_Lena, Amna Kunovac-Zekić, Marko Feher, Wearwolf, Nina Varga, Belma Tvico-Stambol, OshYosh, Ljiljana Majkić, Sanja Džeba, Milan Senić design, Kaftan studio, Jaje, OrGasm, She:You, Amela Radan, Selma Starfinger, Ljilja, Cacharel
Treći po redu memorijalni padobranski kup "Pet zvijezda" održan je u Banjaluci na aerodromu Zalužani 16. i 17. maja 2015. g. u organizaciji Padobranskog kluba Banjaluka. Ekipni rezultati Kupa su: 1. AK Prijedor, 2. PK Ptuj 3. Tandem Experti Pojedinačni rezultati (M): 1. Toni Gregorič 2. Boban Ivetić 3. Draško Lajić Rezultati -žene: 1. Ina Gittel 2. Ana-Marija Grubač 3. Petra Kunovac Veterani: 1. Lajić Draško 2. Slobodan Terzić 3. Siniša Vujaković.