Mr. Peter Hayden: Δt=0
Second track from the debut album Faster Than Speed (2010, Winter Records)
CS8: Δt SHiiiiiFT!!!!! / The Physics Teacher Playthough A- Full Combo
A remix of ΔMax?
At Pack MAX. Found at http://stepmaniaonline.net/
Tensor Calculus Lecture 6d: Velocity, Acceleration, Jolt and the New δ/δt-derivative
Textbook: http://bit.ly/ITCYTNew Solutions: http://bit.ly/ITACMS_Sol_Set_YT
Errata: http://bit.ly/ITAErrata
McConnell: http://bit.ly/MCTensors
"electroacoustic music concert"
von Mascha Pörzgen und Frank Niehusmann
Eine elektro-poetische Hommage an das Kursbuch:
Mascha Pörzgen liest Fahrpläne aus europäischen Eisenbahn-Kursbüchern auf deutsch, russisch, polnisch, englisch, italienisch. Ihre Stimme wird von Frank Niehusmann am Computer live in den Rhythmus der Bahnschwellen und die Geräusche der fahrenden Züge transformiert. - Fahrplä
Wärmeenergie / Wärmemenge Q = m·c·ΔT, thermische Energie, Physik, einfach erklärt
Was ist Wärmeenergie? Was stellt die Wärmemenge dar? Was sagt die spezifische Wärmekapazität c aus? Wann benötigt man viel Wärmeenergie und wann wenig?
What`s Δ (delta) in Δv, Δt, ΔT, Δm, ΔL formulas?
Terms and calculation, for use in formulas such as for speed, acceleration, strain, elongation and moisture%.
ΔQ / Δt
Original composition by Antonio Cavalcante.
(ง `ω´)ง<マルチのお誘い待ってます〜)
マルチ ゼローグ∞降臨→https://youtu.be/jk5nBOhHp8U
マルチ ノルディス降臨→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIMk7...
マルチ スカーレット降臨→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYQEm...
Agar.io Clan war?? 4 vs 32!! ƤA̴̙ vs ΔT || 50000 Mass
Please leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video!! :D
1. Skype - Ѻ∽ƤA̴̙☯☠ꝚÎƵƐ人 (best option)
2. Discord - https://discord.gg/0jU0SvNDskP48QPy (next best option)
Music (By NCS):
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pfDp6Wrf6Y
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MktSE45zlrI
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkUweq5FAcE
✭ΔT✭ Clan is Taking over//20K score
Thanks for watching this video
I hope you enjoyed
Check out AntAres:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEKdXslOY312v43qmFhLXVg
Physics I N1_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M
Physics I N1_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M
Euro Air - Movie - Permeable System - Heating - ΔT above +3°C
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be active.
Here it is shown at a ΔT above +3°C which means that the permeable system is used for heating which cannot be recommended.
If heating is required from the ventilation system it is recommended to use a High Impulse Element to force
3 23 Δx, Δt en gemiddelde snelheid
Uitleg over de betekenis en het gebruik van Δx en Δt
Νόμος Newton - ο αρχικός, ΣF=Δp/Δt
Κάνω την απόδειξη της σχέσης της δύναμης με την μεταβολής της ορμής.
Physics I N2_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M
Physics I N2_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M
KIENZLER || Strömungssimulation Q kühlen / ΔT groß
Lüftungsbild eines gekühlten Raumes mit einem Quellluftschlauch (Mikrostruktur) im Anwedungsfall eines großen Temperaturunterschieds.
Mehr Details und Informationen den Strömungsbildern finden Sie unter:
KIENZLER || Strömungssimulation Q kühlen / ΔT klein
Luftverteilung eines gekühlten Raumes mit einem Quellluftschlauch (Mikrostruktur) im Anwedungsfall eines kleinen Temperaturunterschieds.
Mehr Details und Informationen den Strömungsbildern finden Sie unter:
Euro Air - Movie - Permeable System - Cooling - ΔT below -3°C
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be active. The cold air will be dispatched underneath the fabric system. Here it will displace the warmer room air underneath the duct. Depending on the difference in ΔT, the acceleration towards the floor will vary.
Here it is shown at a ΔT b
Euro Air - Movie - High Impulse System - Injekt Light With DFC -- Heating - ΔT above +5°C
With the High Impulse System the air can be directed into a specific area of a room.
The air is forced out of the High Impulse System at high velocity and will gradually slow down before entering the occupied zone. This is because the High Impulse System will induce the room air into the air jet, the further away from the duct, the more room air will be mixed into the air jet which means that th
Euro Air - Movie - Permeable System - Isotherm - ΔT = 0°C
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be active.
Here it is shown at a ΔT = 0°C which means that the permeable system is used for Isothermal inlet temperature.
For more information look at http://www.euroair.eu/
KIENZLER || Strömungssimulation QP kühlen / ΔT mittel
Strömungssimulation eines Textilluftschlauch / Luftschlauch / Luftsack mit einer Kombination aus Quellen (mikrostruktur) und gezielter Perforation.
Mehr Details und Informationen den Strömungsbildern finden Sie unter:
ω = Δα / Δt
Giubbottino lilla non incluso
Mr. Peter Hayden: Δt=0
Second track from the debut album Faster Than Speed (2010, Winter Records)...
Second track from the debut album Faster Than Speed (2010, Winter Records)
wn.com/Mr. Peter Hayden Δt 0
Second track from the debut album Faster Than Speed (2010, Winter Records)
- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 3960
CS8: Δt SHiiiiiFT!!!!! / The Physics Teacher Playthough A- Full Combo
A remix of ΔMax?
At Pack MAX. Found at http://stepmaniaonline.net/...
A remix of ΔMax?
At Pack MAX. Found at http://stepmaniaonline.net/
wn.com/Cs8 Δt Shiiiiift The Physics Teacher Playthough A Full Combo
A remix of ΔMax?
At Pack MAX. Found at http://stepmaniaonline.net/
- published: 23 Jun 2013
- views: 211
Tensor Calculus Lecture 6d: Velocity, Acceleration, Jolt and the New δ/δt-derivative
Textbook: http://bit.ly/ITCYTNew Solutions: http://bit.ly/ITACMS_Sol_Set_YT
Errata: http://bit.ly/ITAErrata
McConnell: http://bit.ly/MCTensors...
Textbook: http://bit.ly/ITCYTNew Solutions: http://bit.ly/ITACMS_Sol_Set_YT
Errata: http://bit.ly/ITAErrata
McConnell: http://bit.ly/MCTensors
wn.com/Tensor Calculus Lecture 6D Velocity, Acceleration, Jolt And The New Δ Δt Derivative
Textbook: http://bit.ly/ITCYTNew Solutions: http://bit.ly/ITACMS_Sol_Set_YT
Errata: http://bit.ly/ITAErrata
McConnell: http://bit.ly/MCTensors
- published: 12 Mar 2014
- views: 5245
"electroacoustic music concert"
von Mascha Pörzgen und Frank Niehusmann
Eine elektro-poetische Hommage an das Kursbuch:
Mascha Pörzgen liest Fahrpläne aus e...
"electroacoustic music concert"
von Mascha Pörzgen und Frank Niehusmann
Eine elektro-poetische Hommage an das Kursbuch:
Mascha Pörzgen liest Fahrpläne aus europäischen Eisenbahn-Kursbüchern auf deutsch, russisch, polnisch, englisch, italienisch. Ihre Stimme wird von Frank Niehusmann am Computer live in den Rhythmus der Bahnschwellen und die Geräusche der fahrenden Züge transformiert. - Fahrpläne, Haltestellen, Kursbücher und Umsteigemöglichkeiten von Palermo bis Wladiwostok in Worten und Tönen. Wir schauen aus dem Video-Fenster und stellen fest: wir sind unterwegs! Mit einer Handvoll Zahlen, Klängen und Geräuschen geht es über elektroakustische Trains und Tracks mit Ferroviario und Scambio auf eine Поездка mit und ohne запоздание.
wn.com/Δt Raum Reise
"electroacoustic music concert"
von Mascha Pörzgen und Frank Niehusmann
Eine elektro-poetische Hommage an das Kursbuch:
Mascha Pörzgen liest Fahrpläne aus europäischen Eisenbahn-Kursbüchern auf deutsch, russisch, polnisch, englisch, italienisch. Ihre Stimme wird von Frank Niehusmann am Computer live in den Rhythmus der Bahnschwellen und die Geräusche der fahrenden Züge transformiert. - Fahrpläne, Haltestellen, Kursbücher und Umsteigemöglichkeiten von Palermo bis Wladiwostok in Worten und Tönen. Wir schauen aus dem Video-Fenster und stellen fest: wir sind unterwegs! Mit einer Handvoll Zahlen, Klängen und Geräuschen geht es über elektroakustische Trains und Tracks mit Ferroviario und Scambio auf eine Поездка mit und ohne запоздание.
- published: 20 Apr 2011
- views: 237
Wärmeenergie / Wärmemenge Q = m·c·ΔT, thermische Energie, Physik, einfach erklärt
Was ist Wärmeenergie? Was stellt die Wärmemenge dar? Was sagt die spezifische Wärmekapazität c aus? Wann benötigt man viel Wärmeenergie und wann wenig?...
Was ist Wärmeenergie? Was stellt die Wärmemenge dar? Was sagt die spezifische Wärmekapazität c aus? Wann benötigt man viel Wärmeenergie und wann wenig?
wn.com/Wärmeenergie Wärmemenge Q M·C·Δt, Thermische Energie, Physik, Einfach Erklärt
Was ist Wärmeenergie? Was stellt die Wärmemenge dar? Was sagt die spezifische Wärmekapazität c aus? Wann benötigt man viel Wärmeenergie und wann wenig?
- published: 21 Jan 2016
- views: 177
What`s Δ (delta) in Δv, Δt, ΔT, Δm, ΔL formulas?
Terms and calculation, for use in formulas such as for speed, acceleration, strain, elongation and moisture%....
Terms and calculation, for use in formulas such as for speed, acceleration, strain, elongation and moisture%.
wn.com/What`S Δ (Delta) In Δv, Δt, Δt, Δm, Δl Formulas
Terms and calculation, for use in formulas such as for speed, acceleration, strain, elongation and moisture%.
- published: 29 Oct 2014
- views: 237
ΔQ / Δt
Original composition by Antonio Cavalcante....
Original composition by Antonio Cavalcante.
wn.com/Δq Δt
Original composition by Antonio Cavalcante.
- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 40
(ง `ω´)ง<...
(ง `ω´)ง<マルチのお誘い待ってます〜)
マルチ ゼローグ∞降臨→https://youtu.be/jk5nBOhHp8U
マルチ ノルディス降臨→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIMk7...
マルチ スカーレット降臨→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYQEm...
【To:unseen/ラジオ放送PICK UP曲】
Twitter: @_alzebra_
HP: http://neoneoneo.net/
Vocal: Yëoichi(@bananalondon)
・1st Mini Album『Minimum【Initial( )】』がiTunesで配信開始‼️→https://itun.es/i6Br9HL
・楽曲"ID-star "ネットゲーム『キャラフレ』の公式ソングに抜擢
・倉木麻衣single『TRY AGAIN』コーラス参加
・有名Youtuberへ楽曲提供 (サラトーク:
(ง `ω´)ง<マルチのお誘い待ってます〜)
マルチ ゼローグ∞降臨→https://youtu.be/jk5nBOhHp8U
マルチ ノルディス降臨→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIMk7...
マルチ スカーレット降臨→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYQEm...
【To:unseen/ラジオ放送PICK UP曲】
Twitter: @_alzebra_
HP: http://neoneoneo.net/
Vocal: Yëoichi(@bananalondon)
・1st Mini Album『Minimum【Initial( )】』がiTunesで配信開始‼️→https://itun.es/i6Br9HL
・楽曲"ID-star "ネットゲーム『キャラフレ』の公式ソングに抜擢
・倉木麻衣single『TRY AGAIN』コーラス参加
・有名Youtuberへ楽曲提供 (サラトーク:
- published: 08 Jan 2016
- views: 73
Agar.io Clan war?? 4 vs 32!! ƤA̴̙ vs ΔT || 50000 Mass
Please leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video!! :D
1. Skype - Ѻ∽ƤA̴̙☯☠ꝚÎƵƐ人 (best option)
2. Discord - https://discord.g...
Please leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video!! :D
1. Skype - Ѻ∽ƤA̴̙☯☠ꝚÎƵƐ人 (best option)
2. Discord - https://discord.gg/0jU0SvNDskP48QPy (next best option)
Music (By NCS):
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pfDp6Wrf6Y
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MktSE45zlrI
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkUweq5FAcE
wn.com/Agar.Io Clan War 4 Vs 32 Ƥa̴̙ Vs Δt || 50000 Mass
Please leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video!! :D
1. Skype - Ѻ∽ƤA̴̙☯☠ꝚÎƵƐ人 (best option)
2. Discord - https://discord.gg/0jU0SvNDskP48QPy (next best option)
Music (By NCS):
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pfDp6Wrf6Y
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MktSE45zlrI
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkUweq5FAcE
- published: 23 Jan 2016
- views: 213
✭ΔT✭ Clan is Taking over//20K score
Thanks for watching this video
I hope you enjoyed
Check out AntAres:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEKdXslOY312v43qmFhLXVg...
Thanks for watching this video
I hope you enjoyed
Check out AntAres:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEKdXslOY312v43qmFhLXVg
wn.com/✭Δt✭ Clan Is Taking Over 20K Score
Thanks for watching this video
I hope you enjoyed
Check out AntAres:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEKdXslOY312v43qmFhLXVg
- published: 09 Feb 2016
- views: 16
Physics I N1_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M
Physics I N1_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M...
Physics I N1_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M
wn.com/Physics I N1 Thermocouples (Δt) Bob Abel Physics Youtube M
Physics I N1_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M
- published: 06 Aug 2008
- views: 4789
Euro Air - Movie - Permeable System - Heating - ΔT above +3°C
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be ac...
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be active.
Here it is shown at a ΔT above +3°C which means that the permeable system is used for heating which cannot be recommended.
If heating is required from the ventilation system it is recommended to use a High Impulse Element to force the air into the occupied zone.
This can be done using either our Injekt Light material or our Hybrid System solutions.
For more information go to http://www.euroair.eu/
wn.com/Euro Air Movie Permeable System Heating Δt Above 3°C
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be active.
Here it is shown at a ΔT above +3°C which means that the permeable system is used for heating which cannot be recommended.
If heating is required from the ventilation system it is recommended to use a High Impulse Element to force the air into the occupied zone.
This can be done using either our Injekt Light material or our Hybrid System solutions.
For more information go to http://www.euroair.eu/
- published: 08 Jun 2011
- views: 413
3 23 Δx, Δt en gemiddelde snelheid
Uitleg over de betekenis en het gebruik van Δx en Δt...
Uitleg over de betekenis en het gebruik van Δx en Δt
wn.com/3 23 Δx, Δt En Gemiddelde Snelheid
Uitleg over de betekenis en het gebruik van Δx en Δt
- published: 05 Sep 2015
- views: 107
Νόμος Newton - ο αρχικός, ΣF=Δp/Δt
Κάνω την απόδειξη της σχέσης της δύναμης με την μεταβολής της ορμής....
Κάνω την απόδειξη της σχέσης της δύναμης με την μεταβολής της ορμής.
wn.com/Νόμος Newton Ο Αρχικός, Σf Δp Δt
Κάνω την απόδειξη της σχέσης της δύναμης με την μεταβολής της ορμής.
- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 1111
Physics I N2_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M
Physics I N2_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M...
Physics I N2_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M
wn.com/Physics I N2 Thermocouples (Δt) Bob Abel Physics Youtube M
Physics I N2_ Thermocouples (ΔT)-Bob Abel Physics YouTube-M
- published: 06 Aug 2008
- views: 2063
KIENZLER || Strömungssimulation Q kühlen / ΔT groß
Lüftungsbild eines gekühlten Raumes mit einem Quellluftschlauch (Mikrostruktur) im Anwedungsfall eines großen Temperaturunterschieds.
Mehr Details und Informa...
Lüftungsbild eines gekühlten Raumes mit einem Quellluftschlauch (Mikrostruktur) im Anwedungsfall eines großen Temperaturunterschieds.
Mehr Details und Informationen den Strömungsbildern finden Sie unter:
wn.com/Kienzler || Strömungssimulation Q Kühlen Δt Groß
Lüftungsbild eines gekühlten Raumes mit einem Quellluftschlauch (Mikrostruktur) im Anwedungsfall eines großen Temperaturunterschieds.
Mehr Details und Informationen den Strömungsbildern finden Sie unter:
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 218
wn.com/粒子ベース剛体シミュレーション(Δt 0.0004Sec)
- published: 18 Apr 2010
- views: 641
KIENZLER || Strömungssimulation Q kühlen / ΔT klein
Luftverteilung eines gekühlten Raumes mit einem Quellluftschlauch (Mikrostruktur) im Anwedungsfall eines kleinen Temperaturunterschieds.
Mehr Details und Inf...
Luftverteilung eines gekühlten Raumes mit einem Quellluftschlauch (Mikrostruktur) im Anwedungsfall eines kleinen Temperaturunterschieds.
Mehr Details und Informationen den Strömungsbildern finden Sie unter:
wn.com/Kienzler || Strömungssimulation Q Kühlen Δt Klein
Luftverteilung eines gekühlten Raumes mit einem Quellluftschlauch (Mikrostruktur) im Anwedungsfall eines kleinen Temperaturunterschieds.
Mehr Details und Informationen den Strömungsbildern finden Sie unter:
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 246
Euro Air - Movie - Permeable System - Cooling - ΔT below -3°C
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be ac...
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be active. The cold air will be dispatched underneath the fabric system. Here it will displace the warmer room air underneath the duct. Depending on the difference in ΔT, the acceleration towards the floor will vary.
Here it is shown at a ΔT below -3°C which means that the air entering the room from the textile duct will slowly drop and mix with the warmer room air.
There is also a visual difference in the width of the cold air there is dropping down towards the floor compared to the Movie were the ΔT is above -5°C.
For more information go to http://www.euroair.eu/
wn.com/Euro Air Movie Permeable System Cooling Δt Below 3°C
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be active. The cold air will be dispatched underneath the fabric system. Here it will displace the warmer room air underneath the duct. Depending on the difference in ΔT, the acceleration towards the floor will vary.
Here it is shown at a ΔT below -3°C which means that the air entering the room from the textile duct will slowly drop and mix with the warmer room air.
There is also a visual difference in the width of the cold air there is dropping down towards the floor compared to the Movie were the ΔT is above -5°C.
For more information go to http://www.euroair.eu/
- published: 09 Jun 2011
- views: 1019
Euro Air - Movie - High Impulse System - Injekt Light With DFC -- Heating - ΔT above +5°C
With the High Impulse System the air can be directed into a specific area of a room.
The air is forced out of the High Impulse System at high velocity and wil...
With the High Impulse System the air can be directed into a specific area of a room.
The air is forced out of the High Impulse System at high velocity and will gradually slow down before entering the occupied zone. This is because the High Impulse System will induce the room air into the air jet, the further away from the duct, the more room air will be mixed into the air jet which means that the air velocity will decrease further away from the duct.
A High Impulse System can be used for both heating, cooling and ventilation.
Here it is shown at a ΔT above +5°C which means that the High Impulse System is able to force the heated air down into the occupied zone.
The High Impulse System has been chosen as DFC Long Throw placed at 155° & -155°.
For more information go to http://www.euroair.eu/
wn.com/Euro Air Movie High Impulse System Injekt Light With Dfc Heating Δt Above 5°C
With the High Impulse System the air can be directed into a specific area of a room.
The air is forced out of the High Impulse System at high velocity and will gradually slow down before entering the occupied zone. This is because the High Impulse System will induce the room air into the air jet, the further away from the duct, the more room air will be mixed into the air jet which means that the air velocity will decrease further away from the duct.
A High Impulse System can be used for both heating, cooling and ventilation.
Here it is shown at a ΔT above +5°C which means that the High Impulse System is able to force the heated air down into the occupied zone.
The High Impulse System has been chosen as DFC Long Throw placed at 155° & -155°.
For more information go to http://www.euroair.eu/
- published: 16 Jun 2011
- views: 1363
Euro Air - Movie - Permeable System - Isotherm - ΔT = 0°C
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be ac...
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be active.
Here it is shown at a ΔT = 0°C which means that the permeable system is used for Isothermal inlet temperature.
For more information look at http://www.euroair.eu/
wn.com/Euro Air Movie Permeable System Isotherm Δt 0°C
EuroAir Movie showing a Permeable Textile Duct System.
The textile is working as one big diffuser because the total surface area of the fabric duct will be active.
Here it is shown at a ΔT = 0°C which means that the permeable system is used for Isothermal inlet temperature.
For more information look at http://www.euroair.eu/
- published: 08 Jun 2011
- views: 607
KIENZLER || Strömungssimulation QP kühlen / ΔT mittel
Strömungssimulation eines Textilluftschlauch / Luftschlauch / Luftsack mit einer Kombination aus Quellen (mikrostruktur) und gezielter Perforation.
Mehr Detai...
Strömungssimulation eines Textilluftschlauch / Luftschlauch / Luftsack mit einer Kombination aus Quellen (mikrostruktur) und gezielter Perforation.
Mehr Details und Informationen den Strömungsbildern finden Sie unter:
wn.com/Kienzler || Strömungssimulation Qp Kühlen Δt Mittel
Strömungssimulation eines Textilluftschlauch / Luftschlauch / Luftsack mit einer Kombination aus Quellen (mikrostruktur) und gezielter Perforation.
Mehr Details und Informationen den Strömungsbildern finden Sie unter:
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 134
ω = Δα / Δt
Giubbottino lilla non incluso...
Giubbottino lilla non incluso
wn.com/Ω Δα Δt
Giubbottino lilla non incluso
- published: 05 Mar 2015
- views: 96