- published: 14 Apr 2012
- views: 103950
Day 1 Part 1: Introductory Intel x86: Architecture, Assembly, Applications
Day 1 Part 2: Introductory Intel x86: Architecture, Assembly, Applications
Day 1 Part 4: Introductory Intel x86: Architecture, Assembly, Applications
Texplained: What is x86..??What is an Instruction Set Architecture..??32-Bit vs. 64-Bit
The 8086 Microprocessor Architecture
Is the x86 architecture really the best choice? Discover IBM Power Systems
ARM CPUs as Fast As Possible
32-bit vs 64-bit Computers & Phones as Fast As Possible
Nintendo NX - x86 Architecture In Dev Kits?
Maximizing Efficiency of x86 Architecture
The class materials are available at http://www.OpenSecurityTraining.info/IntroX86.html Follow us on Twitter for class news @OpenSecTraining. The playlist for this class is here: http://bit.ly/IILMeN The full quality video can be downloaded at http://archive.org/details/opensecuritytraining Intel processors have been a major force in personal computing for more than 30 years. An understanding of low level computing mechanisms used in Intel chips as taught in this course by Xeno Kovah serves as a foundation upon which to better understand other hardware, as well as many technical specialties such as reverse engineering, compiler design, operating system design, code optimization, and vulnerability exploitation. 25% of the time will be spent bootstrapping knowledge of fully OS-independent...
The class materials are available at http://www.OpenSecurityTraining.info/IntroX86.html Follow us on Twitter for class news @OpenSecTraining. The playlist for this class is here: http://bit.ly/IILMeN The full quality video can be downloaded at http://archive.org/details/opensecuritytraining Intel processors have been a major force in personal computing for more than 30 years. An understanding of low level computing mechanisms used in Intel chips as taught in this course by Xeno Kovah serves as a foundation upon which to better understand other hardware, as well as many technical specialties such as reverse engineering, compiler design, operating system design, code optimization, and vulnerability exploitation. 25% of the time will be spent bootstrapping knowledge of fully OS-independen...
The class materials are available at http://www.OpenSecurityTraining.info/IntroX86.html Follow us on Twitter for class news @OpenSecTraining. The playlist for this class is here: http://bit.ly/IILMeN The full quality video can be downloaded at http://archive.org/details/opensecuritytraining Intel processors have been a major force in personal computing for more than 30 years. An understanding of low level computing mechanisms used in Intel chips as taught in this course by Xeno Kovah serves as a foundation upon which to better understand other hardware, as well as many technical specialties such as reverse engineering, compiler design, operating system design, code optimization, and vulnerability exploitation. 25% of the time will be spent bootstrapping knowledge of fully OS-independent...
Have you ever fascinated by the term x86 that you find always in a computer tech forum...?? Have you ever thought of that your Windows computer cannot run programs of your Android or IOS device natively even tough it has got a lot of horsepower inside it..?? You know 64-Bit is faster than 32-Bit but have you ever thought of why...?? Well if yes then this video will try to break you questions down by looking at some key aspects of a processor.Hope you like it. This video is one of the many Texplained Videos coming out in the future where I would try to break down the complex Tech into simple and understandable language..!!! Thanks for watching and if you do like the content please Subscribe and Like the video because there are much more content coming out in the future....!! Like us on F...
Bus Timing Diagrams - when the processor is operating in the minimum mode (Go to http://loop.manipalglobal.com/login.html . Take the complete course and Get yourself a Certificate to boost your CV) Objectives: • explain the architecture of 8086 microprocessor • discuss pin diagram of 8086 • explain the timing diagram of minimum mode memory read operation
Compare x86 architecture to IBM Power Systems. Here is a facts based analysis by leading research firm Solitaire Interglobal, Ltd. Discover why the foundation for your next generation applications should be IBM Power Systems. Learn more at http://www.ibm.com/systems/de/power
The term "CPU" no longer just covers multi-core, PC processors... Squarespace link: Visit http://squarespace.com/linus and use offer code LINUS to save 10% off your first order. Follow: http://twitter.com/linustech Join our community forum: http://linustechtips.com
64-bit PCs have been around for a while, but even 64-bit PHONES are starting to show up! So what's the advantage versus a 32-bit device?? Sponsor message: Squarespace is the fast, easy way to create your own personal, professional, or business website with enough templates to suit any reasonable need! Get 10% off using offer code LINUS at http://squarespace.com/linus Post about 64-bit compilers: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/211589-displeased-with-the-32bit-vs-64bit-fast-as-possible/
Developer information has been made public from some Software Engineers that work for Nintendo. Very interesting. My Twitter: https://twitter.com/SMetaldave64 Check out HappyNintendoFan: https://twitter.com/happy_nintendo Radio Free Nintendo Podcast: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/rfn/43110/episode-487-nx-and-the-little-capitalist-that-could
An x86 server is an x86 server is an x86 server, or is it? Steve McKinney, Consultant for the IBM Executive Briefing Center, maintains IBM does have a differentiator when it comes to x86 servers. IBM has taken technologies that have been proven over time for enterprise class systems and make it applicable to the x86 base.
Read your free e-book: http://hotaudiobook.com/mebk/50/en/B00CLZT544/book The predominant language used in embedded microprocessors, assembly language lets you write programs that are typically faster and more compact than programs written in a high-level language and provide greater control over the program applications. Focusing on the languages used in X86 microprocessors, X86 Assembly Language and C Fundamentals explains how to write programs in the X86 assembly language, the C programming language, and X86 assembly language modules embedded in a C program. A wealth of program design examples, including the complete code and outputs, help you grasp the concepts more easily. Where needed, the book also details the theory behind the design.learn the X86 Microprocessor Architecture and Co...
Read your free e-book: http://hotaudiobook.com/mebk/50/en/B0078Q39D4/book This book is an introduction to computer architecture, hardware andsoftware, presented in the context of the Intel x86 family. The x86describes not only a line of microprocessor chips dating back to 1978,but also an instruction set architecture (isa) that the chips implement.the chip families were built by Intel and other manufacturers, andexecute the same instructions, but in different manners. The results arethe same, arithmetically and logically, but may differ in their timing. Why the focus on the Intel x86? It was the basis of the Ibm personalcomputer (pc) family and its spin-offs. It has transitioned from a 16 toa 32 to a 64-bit architecture, keeping compatibility for more than 30years. It's an de-facto industr...
Introduction to the x86 architecture, and a comparison between VAX, Alpha, Itanium and x86, from an OpenVMS point of view.
Computer Organisation and Architecture -- Smruti R. Sarangi - x86 assembly -- Chapter 5: Part 4/4 1) x86 instruction encoding 2) MODR/M byte 3) SIB byte 4) 32 bits 5) displacement
Computer Organisation and Architecture -- Smruti R. Sarangi -- x86 assembly-- Chapter 5: part I/4 1) x86 assembly basics 2) 16 bit, 32 bit, and 64 bit architectures 3) x86 registers, segmented memory model, floating point stack 4) LDT, GDT, and segment descriptor cache 5) assembly language format 6) mov instruction
How fast is x86 emulated on ARM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hw7gvrTDaco
Wine on Pi Zero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRpF1an-2-U Windows Programs on Raspi 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5-vVgkj8UU Background: qemu-i386 uses TCG which translates x86 machine code to ARM machine code on the fly. Translated code is cached block wise.
The class materials are available at http://www.OpenSecurityTraining.info/IntroX86.html Follow us on Twitter for class news @OpenSecTraining. The playlist for this class is here: http://bit.ly/IILMeN The full quality video can be downloaded at http://archive.org/details/opensecuritytraining Intel processors have been a major force in personal computing for more than 30 years. An understanding of low level computing mechanisms used in Intel chips as taught in this course by Xeno Kovah serves as a foundation upon which to better understand other hardware, as well as many technical specialties such as reverse engineering, compiler design, operating system design, code optimization, and vulnerability exploitation. 25% of the time will be spent bootstrapping knowledge of fully OS-independent...
The class materials are available at http://www.OpenSecurityTraining.info/IntroX86.html Follow us on Twitter for class news @OpenSecTraining. The playlist for this class is here: http://bit.ly/IILMeN The full quality video can be downloaded at http://archive.org/details/opensecuritytraining Intel processors have been a major force in personal computing for more than 30 years. An understanding of low level computing mechanisms used in Intel chips as taught in this course by Xeno Kovah serves as a foundation upon which to better understand other hardware, as well as many technical specialties such as reverse engineering, compiler design, operating system design, code optimization, and vulnerability exploitation. 25% of the time will be spent bootstrapping knowledge of fully OS-independent...
The class materials are available at http://www.OpenSecurityTraining.info/IntroX86.html Follow us on Twitter for class news @OpenSecTraining. The playlist for this class is here: http://bit.ly/IILMeN The full quality video can be downloaded at http://archive.org/details/opensecuritytraining Intel processors have been a major force in personal computing for more than 30 years. An understanding of low level computing mechanisms used in Intel chips as taught in this course by Xeno Kovah serves as a foundation upon which to better understand other hardware, as well as many technical specialties such as reverse engineering, compiler design, operating system design, code optimization, and vulnerability exploitation. 25% of the time will be spent bootstrapping knowledge of fully OS-independent...
The class materials are available at http://www.OpenSecurityTraining.info/IntermediateX86.html Follow us on Twitter for class news @OpenSecTraining. The playlist for this class is here: http://bit.ly/HIaD4O The full quality video can be downloaded at http://archive.org/details/opensecuritytraining Building upon the Introductory Intel x86 class (playlist: http://bit.ly/IILMeN), this two-day class by Xeno Kovah goes into more depth on topics already learned, and introduces more advanced topics that dive deeper into how Intel-based systems work. Topics include, but are not limited to: *Physical and virtual memory and how a limited amount of physical memory is represented as much more virtual memory through a multilevel paging system. We will also talk about memory segmentation. *The har...
The class materials are available at http://www.OpenSecurityTraining.info/IntermediateX86.html Follow us on Twitter for class news @OpenSecTraining. The playlist for this class is here: http://bit.ly/HIaD4O The full quality video can be downloaded at http://archive.org/details/opensecuritytraining Building upon the Introductory Intel x86 class (playlist: http://bit.ly/IILMeN), this two-day class by Xeno Kovah goes into more depth on topics already learned, and introduces more advanced topics that dive deeper into how Intel-based systems work. Topics include, but are not limited to: *Physical and virtual memory and how a limited amount of physical memory is represented as much more virtual memory through a multilevel paging system. We will also talk about memory segmentation. *The har...
http://www.redgamingtech.com/why-ps4-and-xbox-one-moved-to-x86-64/ - full article http://www.facebook.com/redgamingtech - Follow us on Facebook! It's no accident we see both Sony and Microsoft ending up with x86 processors for the next generation of consoles. For what reasons have Sony abandoned the Cell architecture - the architecture they championed so much around the PS3's release? The previous consoles, the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 both used versions of PowerPC (sometimes referred too by the technically inclined as PPC) CPU's. Sony had even made much of its version of the RISC, the Cell. Before we start talking about the various types of processors, let's spend a moment to familiarize ourselves with the basics of CPU instructions. CISC (meaning Complex Instruction Set Computing) ...
The 3rd video in the series of getting started tutorials by FlingOS. The tutorials get you started with writing your own operating system by taking you through most of the fundamentals. In this video we look at the x86 architecture in detail and NASM-style assembly code. The resources for this video are available in the "3. x86 and Assembly code" folder at: https://github.com/FlingOS/Getting-Started-Tutorials This tutorial in detail: - Assembly language (primarily NASM syntax) - Virtual machines (VMWare and VirtualBox) - x86 Architecture - Major features of x86 Next tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJFsxYDbDrs Previous tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_XkwIr3TPU License: This video is licensed under Standard YouTube License. You may not publish, di...