- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 912
Cilincing is a subdistrict of North Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. It is the northeastern most Subdistrict of Jakarta. Cakung Drain, part of Jakarta's flood canal, flow through Cilincing to Jakarta Bay.
A large area of Cilincing Subdistrict is allotted for agriculture and industry.
The name Cilincing is possibly derived from the name of the river Ci Cilincing which is the stream that flows south to north in this area. Ci is a Sundanese word for "river". Cilincing is the name for the plant carambola.
The subdistrict of Cilincing is divided into seven Kelurahan / Administrative Villages:
Based on DKI Jakarta Governor Rule Number 77 Year 2009, 56 hectares of Marunda Dam will be built plus 12 hectares of Integrated Waste Management, 5.8 hectares of Asphalt Mixing Plant, 43.3 hectares of Public Green Designation and 29.9 hectares of Facilities and Infrastructure for Supporting Operational Functions of the East Flood Canal (Kanal Banjir Timur) or totally 147 hectares project. Marunda Dam will be initially built in 2012.
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