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Democracy Now!

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As Donald Trump won three out of four states on Tuesday, Republican efforts to derail his candidacy are increasing. The Huffington Post has revealed leading establishment Republican political figures met with top GOP donors at a secretive meeting this past weekend at the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum on a private island resort off the coast of Georgia. Attendees of the event included Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larr...
Greg Milner's profile photoA. David's profile photoIskandar Hai's profile photoTexas Execution~Lynching Of Hank Skinner's profile photo
If they really wanted to "stop" him they would have taken action long ago. This is just another part of the Trump media blitz which we are still being subjected to.  They realize that quantity over quality will yield the best results and that this is their candidate.  
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Black Lives Matter activists have helped make racial injustice and police brutality key issues in the 2016 presidential campaign. But Black Lives Matter has decided not to endorse any presidential candidate. We speak with Black Lives Matter organizer Melina Abdullah. "We’re not telling people not to vote, we’re simply not endorsing any presidential candidate," Abdullah says. "We’re pushing the real revolution. We know that the revolution won’t co...
Arien Hellboy's profile photoMartin Lewitt's profile photoTexas Execution~Lynching Of Hank Skinner's profile photoDara Nix-Stevenson's profile photo
+jeff card1A Interesting that the ones addressing the substance rather than the one engaging in personal attacks haven't read the article.
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Democracy Now!

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Sanders Wins Michigan Primary, Shocking the Pollsters; Donald Trump Wins 3 States; Ted Cruz Takes Idaho; Report: Pentagon Gives White House Plan to Bomb ISIL in Libya; U.S. Student Killed Amid Series of Attacks During Biden Visit to Israel; Officials Say Police Killing of Militia Member Justified; FBI Agents Scrutinized; Court Orders Baltimore Officer to Testify Against Peers in Freddie Gray Case; No U.S. Charges for Officer Who Killed Ramarley G...
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Democracy Now!

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As voters head to the polls in four states today, with Michigan seen as the top prize, the ongoing Flint water crisis has become a major campaign issue for Democrats. The crisis began when an unelected emergency manager appointed by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder switched the source of Flint’s water to the corrosive Flint River in an apparent bid to save money. Today, in a Democracy Now! exclusive, we broadcast the ACLU of Michigan documentary "He...
kathye t's profile photoSomebodyElse's profile photoKevin Russell's profile photoDara Nix-Stevenson's profile photo
Bernie has a much better rating from the aclu than Hillary.
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Democracy Now!

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The race for the Democratic nomination intensified this weekend as Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton at caucuses in Maine, Kansas and Nebraska, while Clinton easily won in Louisiana. So far Clinton has won 658 delegates to Sanders’ 471 during the first 19 primaries and caucuses. In addition, Clinton has secured support from an overwhelming number of unelected superdelegates made up from the party establishment. During last night...
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Democracy Now!

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The race for the Democratic nomination intensified this weekend as Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton at caucuses in Maine, Kansas and Nebraska, while Clinton easily won in Louisiana. On Sunday night, the candidates faced off in a debate in Flint, Michigan, which has been in the national spotlight over the poisoning of the city’s water. The crisis began in 2014, when an unelected emergency manager appointed by Michigan Governor R...
Queen Khatiti Lightner's profile photoRandy Brush's profile photo
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Democracy Now!

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We continue our conversation on the 2016 race with a discussion between Dolores Huerta (a backer of Hillary Clinton), Cornel West (a backer of Bernie Sanders) and Melina Abdullah of Black Lives Matter. We talk about the candidates’ stances on Israel, campaign finance, “superpredators,” trade policy and more.
Texas Execution~Lynching Of Hank Skinner's profile photoDara Nix-Stevenson's profile photo
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Democracy Now!

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In the most shocking upset of the 2016 presidential campaign to date, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton in the Michigan primary. Sanders won 50 percent of the vote to Clinton’s 48. During the campaign, Sanders focused heavily on his opposition to what he called "disastrous" trade deals like NAFTA which have hurt Michigan’s manufacturing sector. Opinion polls had projected Clinton would easily win the state by as much as 20 p...
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Ran dy
"Much work to do"? Of course! Because itz not over yet!
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Democracy Now!

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Honduras is still reeling from last week’s assassination of Berta Cáceres, one of the country’s most well-known environmental and indigenous leaders. She was gunned down in her home early Thursday, less than a year after she won the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize. Cáceres is at least the 110th environmental or land defender to be killed in Honduras since 2010 in the wake of a U.S.-supported coup. At the time of her assassination, Cáceres...
richard verduzco's profile photoFran Marzoa's profile photo
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Democracy Now!

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Pentagon: U.S. Strikes in Somalia Kill 150 People; Obama Admin Vows to Release Data on Drone Killings; Tunisia: 54 Killed in "Unprecedented" Attack Near Libyan Border; Voters Head to Polls in 4 States, Michigan Seen as Key Prize; Bloomberg Says He Won't Run for President, Fearing Trump Could Win; Mexican President Compares Trump's Rhetoric to Hitler; Sanders, Clinton Discuss Abortion at Fox News Town Hall; Flint Families File Class Action Lawsuit...
M Aus's profile photoMoussaoui Ahmed's profile photo
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Democracy Now!

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The Democratic candidates for president faced off Sunday night in Flint, Michigan, which has been in the national spotlight over the poisoning of the city’s water. The crisis began in 2014, when an unelected emergency manager appointed by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder switched the source of the city’s drinking water from the Detroit system to the corrosive Flint River. Last month, Democracy Now! went to Flint and spoke to residents on the front l...
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Democracy Now!

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Sanders Wins 3 of 4 States in Weekend Contests; Clinton Still Has More Delegates; Ted Cruz Wins Kansas, Maine; Trump Takes Louisiana, Kentucky; Trump Vows to Broaden Laws on Torture; Turkish Authorities Seize Zaman, Country's Largest Newspaper; Turkish Women Defy Ban, Rubber Bullets to Rally for Gender Equality; Turkey Meets with EU Leaders on Refugee Crisis; 25 People Drown; Slovakia: Party with Neo-Nazi Ties Wins 14 Parliamentary Seats; Iraq: S...
M Aus's profile photoChris J Nielsen's profile photo
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Independent, daily global news hour
Independent, daily global news hour anchored by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Democracy Now! is broadcast on more than 1,100 TV, radio, and internet stations in the United States and around the world. This is the official Democracy Now! Google+ page.
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