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NeuigkeitenNew Features Make Lead Ads Even More Effective
Veröffentlicht am19. Januar 2016

New Features Make Lead Ads Better

Lead ads launched just a few months ago to give people a quick way to sign up for information from the businesses they care about. In that short time, advertisers have seen great success, receiving more high quality leads at a fraction of the price compared to other channels.
When Mazda switched to Facebook leads ads, they got 5X the number of leads compared to ads linking to their website, while cost per lead dropped 85%. Vacation discount website, Secret Escapes used lead ads to make it easy for people to sign up for their email list directly from Facebook. Their cost per lead was 52% more efficient than other Facebook advertising, with twice as many sign-ups, and they were able to integrate leads with their CRM provider, Driftrock, to offer a more seamless experience. And fitness company, Peloton used lead ads to drive a 15% increase in leads compared to link ad campaigns, with a 67% lower cost per conversion.
Businesses are succeeding with lead ads, and now we’re announcing new features for lead ads that help businesses get even more out of them. Read on to learn about what’s new with lead ads or create a lead ad now.
Two new ways to tell people what they’re signing up for
People are more likely to sign up for—and stay signed up for—information that they know they want, whether it’s a newsletter or a quote. And now there are two new ways for businesses using lead ads to give people more information about what they are signing up for before they submit their lead form.
A context card is an added (and optional) tile that pops up after someone clicks on a lead ad but before they get to the form, giving businesses a place to offer more details on the information people are signing up for. So if a business is using lead ads to find new email subscribers, they may use a context card to explain what type of content they offer in their emails. Context cards help businesses ensure that the leads they receive are high-quality.
TheSkimm, a daily email newsletter, saw their lead quality improve by 22% when they added a context card to their lead ads.
Additionally, lead ads are now available in the carousel format, enabling businesses to showcase three to five images and headlines before people click through to the lead form. Advertisers can use the carousel tiles to provide details about and benefits of submitting their form.
Reach people on desktop or mobile
Lead ads are now available on desktop as well as mobile, making it easy for businesses to connect with people on any device. Advertisers can use ads reporting to see which devices their audiences use most and use the information to set the devices on which they want their lead ads delivered.
Mazda used desktop lead ads to successfully drive brand awareness and sign ups for test drives.
Get started with lead ads now
With these new features, lead ads can better help businesses connect with the people who want to hear from them. When you’re ready to start collecting leads in a way that’s easy for people and simple for businesses, set up a lead ad in Power Editor.
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