- published: 23 May 2013
- views: 48540
Getúlio Dornelles Vargas (Portuguese: [ʒeˈtulju doɾˈnɛlis ˈvaɾɡɐs]; 19 April 1882 – 24 August 1954) was President of Brazil, first as dictator, from 1930 to 1945, and in a democratically elected term from 1951 until his suicide in 1954. Vargas led Brazil for 18 years, the longest of any President, and second in Brazilian history only to Emperor Pedro II among heads of state. He favored nationalism, industrialization, centralization, social welfare and populism – for the latter, Vargas won the nickname "The Father of the Poor". He was a proponent of workers' rights as well as a staunch anti-communist.
Vargas was brought to power by political outsiders and the rank and file of the Armed Forces in the Revolution of 1930, a reaction to his loss in elections earlier that year. His ascent marked the end of the Brazilian oligarchic Old Republic and states-dominated coffee with milk politics. He successfully influenced the outcome of the Brazilian presidential election of 1934, and instituted an authoritarian corporatist regime in 1937 known as the New State, prolonging his hold on power. Vargas went on to appease and eventually dominate his supporters, and pushed his political agenda as he built a propaganda machine around his figure.
Fundação Getulio Vargas (Getúlio Vargas Foundation, often abbreviated as FGV or simply GV) is a Brazilian higher education institution founded on December 20, 1944. It offers regular courses of Economics, Business Administration, Law, Social Sciences and Information technology management. Its original goal was to train people for the country's public- and private-sector management. Other courses began to be offered as the institution grew. It is considered by Foreign Policy magazine to be a top-5 "policymaker think-tank" worldwide.
FGV produces a large amount of academic research. The subjects cover macro and micro-economics, finance, business, decision-making, law, health, welfare, poverty and unemployment, pollution, and sustainable development. The foundation also maintains research programs in the fields of History, Social Sciences, Education, Justice, Citizenship, and Politics. FGV also executes projects at the request of the public sector, private enterprise and international agencies such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Notable examples of such work include assistance for the successful Rio de Janeiro bids for the 2007 Pan American Games and the 2016 Summer Olympics.
The University of São Paulo (Portuguese: Universidade de São Paulo, USP) is a public university in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. It is the largest Brazilian university and the country's most prestigious educational institution, the best university in Ibero-America, and holds a high reputation among world universities, being ranked 51-60 worldwide in reputation by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. USP is involved in teaching, research and university extension in all areas of knowledge, offering a broad range of courses.
The university was founded in 1934, regrouping already existing schools in the state of São Paulo, such as the Faculdade de Direito do Largo de São Francisco (Law), the Polytechnic School (Engineering) and the Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (Agriculture). The university has subsequently created new departments, becoming one of the largest institutions of higher education in Latin America, with approximately 90,000 enrolled students. Currently, it has eleven campuses, four of them in the city of São Paulo. The remaining campuses are in the cities of Bauru, Lorena, Piracicaba, Pirassununga, Ribeirão Preto and two in São Carlos.
Vargas may refer to:
A Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) não segue um padrão nos concursos públicos que organiza e aplica. Ou seja, alguns processos seletivos podem ter provas de concursos públicos complexas e outros podem ser de fácil compreensão, depende do nível de exigência do órgão que solicita o concurso. Geralmente, o candidato deve correlacionar itens da bibliografia que constam no edital, bem como comparar os principais pontos da matéria.
http://mapadecursosonline.com/cursos-online-da-fundacao-getulio-vargas/ A Fundação Getulio Vargas, por meio do FGV ONLINE, disponibiliza 5 tipos de cursos, a saber: cursos gratuitos online, de atualização, de graduação, de aperfeiçoamento e de Especialização/MBA.
Conheça a Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV Direito SP).
Nessa edição do #ConcursoEmPauta nossa equipe foi ao Rio de Janeiro para conversar com o Coordenador-Geral do Núcleo de Concursos da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, José Campos de Abreu. ======================================== Fique atualizado com as principais informações sobre concursos no país. Curta nossa página e compartilhe nossos vídeos. Facebook - https://goo.gl/S6cX7y YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/ConcursoPublicoTV Site - http://concursopublico.tv/ Ficha Técnica: Direção: Filipe Severo Produtores: Adriano dos Santos, Manoela Flores Soares e Rafael Albert. Edição de Vídeo: Filipe Severo e Guilherme Lara Cinegrafistas: Wellington Drago e Guilherme Lara Revisora: Marina Birriel CEO #ConcursoPúblico: Edgar Abreu
O Centro Acadêmico Visconde de Cairu, entidade representativa dos alunos da FEA USP, realizou o presente debate sobre o ensino da Administração Pública, no dia 12 de Agosto de 2013. O CAVC convidou os coordenadores do Curso de dos cursos de Administração Pública da FGV-SP e Gestão de Políticas Públicas (GPP) da EACH, com o principal objetivo colocar em pauta um tema crucial para a formação FEAna, principamente para os alunos de Administração: o ensino da Administração Pública. POR QUE NÃO TEMOS ADM PÚBLICA NA FEA? Retomando a história FEAna, em 1969 houve a fusão (não extinção) do curso de Administração Pública com Administração de Empresas - ambos criados em 1964 - dando, desta forma, origem ao curso que até hoje perdura com o nome de Administração. Sendo assim, o curso deveria, por ess...
Bom dia, pessoal. Vim palestrar no Seminário Brasil e a Economia Mundial, da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, no Harvard Club aqui em NY. Hoje teremos um dia repleto de reuniões importantes. Acompanhem!
ESADE, Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business and the EBAPE/Fundaçao Getúlio Vargas Business School in Brazil, presented the new Corporate International Master (CIM) programme at Casa de América on 31st May. Aimed at executive education in Latin America, this programme is designed for experienced professionals and executives from European, American and South American companies looking for outstanding executive education programmes. The CIM will serve as a grounding for those interested in expanding their activities internationally and broadening their understanding of successful business practices in the United States, Europe, Latin America and China. More information: http://www.corporateinternationalmaster.com/program.html
Videointerview with Carlos Ivan Simonson Leal, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brasil. More information on http://www.global-economic-symposium.org/ges-2011 and http://futurechallenges.org/ges2011/
ON august 5th of 1954, Carlos Lacerda, leader of the brazilian oposition and the pro american party UDN suffered a assassination attempt in front of his house in the toneleiro street. in the following 15 days a political crisis erupted with Lacerda trying to capitalize on the attempt to remove his life long enemy, presidente Getúlio Vargas from power, even without a clear explanation of what happened on that day. On august 23 of 1954 Getúlio Vargas decided to take a leave of one week from the presidency to calm the demands for his resignation but just a few hours later he received the news that his war minister, Marshall Zenóbio da Costa switched sides and joined the anti Vargas faction and directly asked him to resign until the dawn of the following day or to be removed from power by for...
Ana Maria Castelo of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation discusses concerns over wholesale finance availability that Brazilian banks can use to support the fast growing real estate sector. Please feel free to sign up to receive a weekly e-mail broadcast for the latest information, news and objective guidance on property investment in Brazil: http://www.brazilinvestmentguide.com/brazil-property-real-estate-land/biography/
In an interview with Oliver Stuenkel, Assistant Professor of International Relations at Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), he discusses BRICS and the global order. Oliver Stuenkel also gave a longer lecture on this topic at SPP in October 2014.
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil VARGAS INAUGURATED PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL LS. (elevated) Getulio Dornelles Vargas (President of Brazil from 1930-1945) in open car driving through crowded street. Confetti being thrown. MV. Vargas in back of open car. (elevated) GV. Audience at the inauguration ceremony. SCU. Vargas smiling. MS. Nelson Rockefeller among the diplomats in the audience. GV. Interior of the Hall. MS. (side view) President Vargas signing the oath of office. MS. Vargas smiling. GV. The audience. MS. General Enrico Gaspar Dutra (the outgoing president) gives sash of office to Vargas. LS. Vargas being congratulated. (Comb.F.G.) FILM ID:2555.14 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT'S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLAS...
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. GV masses of people walking down Rio street, & STV. SV the late President Vargas sitting at his desk, & SCU. CU Vargas. SV armed troops lining the street. SV armoured cars driving through streets, & SCU. SV troops driving past shuttered shops. SCU machine gun post on pavement. SCU a wreath being carried towards coffin and put into place. CU wreath. SV mourners filing past bier. SV troops on guard in streets. SCU machine gun post in street. Angle shot, troops looking out from roof. STV Vargas' coffin surrounded by mob going through street, & SCU. (Original.G.) FILM ID:180.2 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT'S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. http://www.britishpathe.tv/ F...
Full title reads: "BRAZIL ON THE MARCH". Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. President of Brazil, Getulio Dornelles Vargas, mounts the dais in Rio de Janeiro to attend a military parade in honour of Brazil's 121st birthday. Various shots of the military parade past Vargas led by mechanised units - great crowds on the streets watching parade. Various shots of the armed forces marching past with youth movements and the civilian services behind. (Mute & Track Negs.) FILM ID:1095.01 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT'S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. http://www.britishpathe.tv/ FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT http://www.britishpathe.com/
Vídeo com os bastidores do filme Getúlio, construção da personagem de Tony Ramos. GETÚLIO, um filme de João Jardim, produzido por Carla Camurati. Já nos cinemas. Com Tony Ramos, Drica Moraes, Alexandre Borges, Adriano Garib, Marcelo Médici, Alexandre Nero, Jackson Antunes, Leonardo Medeiros, Michel Bercovitch, Fernando Eiras, Daniel Dantas, Clarice Abujamra, Tiago Justino, Fernando Luis, José Raposo.
GSP expert Alan Alexandroff interviews Oliver Stuenkel, assistant professor of international relations at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in Sao Paulo and non-resident fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin. Stuenkel discusses the state of global governance, the rise of the BRICS and Brazil's economic and political future.
Oliver Stuenkel, assistant professor of international relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, discusses Brazil's important regional role.