Building a world of
resilient communities.


Food & Water

New Equations of Regions, People, Nature and Food Chains

We usually think of geologists as going deep, but when it comes to working through the layers of meaning behind local food, geographer Terry Marsden knows how to dig very deep.

Two Important New Books

The Carbon Farming Solution: A Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and …

Peak Oil Review: A Midweek Update - March 10

 A midweek update. Despite numerous warnings that the current rally is …

Peak oil in the South China Sea (part 1)

The recent deployment of missile launchers and jet fighters on …

An Alliance in the Spirit of Egalitarian Practice

The alliance of the Mid-Atlantic Transition Hub (MATH) and the cooperatives movement through the Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO) Collective …

Energy Access for the Developing World

What’s the best way to bring energy to those in the developing world who lack it?
Editor's Pick

The Coddling of the Capitalist, White-Supremacist, Patriarchal American Mind

To avoid being conned, politically and intellectually, it’s important to examine how a debate is framed and what ideology is advanced by that framing.

Shall The Meek Inherit The Earth After All?

I’m not what you’d call a Bible thumper, but I do like to quote …

An Evening at La Recyclerie

In which I visit an extraordinary venue in Paris and find myself painted on …

Visit McCaskill Street — Forging Community through Resource Sharing     

It all started with neighbors meeting to save money and share information …

Community Development and the Commons

The commons offers a framework and a process for effectively and …

Bog Butter

Or you could do what Irish people used to do for thousands of years, and just bury food in the bog without all the steps in between.

Lost in Participation: Land Use Planning Suffers Without Local Knowledge

Reliance on physical, structural measures has dominated public policies and permeated public perception while traditional mitigation knowledge and …

Food Youth: The Next Generation of the Food Movement is Coming Up

I had the chance to speak with three young people, to learn more about their …

Living in Interesting Times: Have CO2 Emissions Peaked?

The projections that had been circulating during the past few months turned …

Energy Wars of Attrition

Three and a half years ago, the International Energy Agency (IEA) triggered …

Giving Fellow Citizens a Stake

Stephane Vlaminck is not out to conquer the world market. He supplies his …

Going Beyond the "Ecological Turn"

Talk about the Anthropocene often has a tendency to rely on apolitical and …

Community Composting Grows from a Seed into a Movement

At the core of any community composting program is the principle of using …

There Is No Other Worthwhile Endeavor: Talking Resilience with Taj James

Whether you're optimistic or pessimistic, there's nothing really else to do …

Civil discourse leads to positive change; insults do not

Civil discourse isn’t just a better path for living and working …

The Growthocene

These reservations about degrowth point to the need to clarify what growth …