BASTARD Conference 2016

We are running a little late but, as you can probably imagine, finding a place to hold an anarchist theory conference isn’t as easy as it used to be. In our case it is as much about aging as it is about the horrorshow of land pricing but either way we now have a venue. The Omni Commons will be hosting the 2016 Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory, And Research, & Development conference.

We are inviting you all to submit workshop proposals on anarchist theory. This can include proposals on economics, ethics, your manifesto, someone else’s manifesto, strategy, anarcho-communism, syndicalism, art, green anarchism, anti-civilization theory, anarchist conflict resolution, anarchist defense, anarchist science fiction, anarchist identities, anarchist primitivism, rap battles, parecon, hipster theory, Bataille, polyamory, afropessimism, society, wet butts, egoism, individualism, all the feels, ATR, and so much more.

The way to submit your proposal is by email to our conference email address or by parchment to the Anarchist Study Group at The Long Haul.

The event will be held 10am-6pm April 24th. We look forward to seeing you all there.


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