
44 Best Bodyweight Exercises Ever! (High Def)
Inspired by the armed services of the world, Tee Major Fitness aims to "serve others so th...
published: 19 Dec 2012
author: TeeMajorFitness
44 Best Bodyweight Exercises Ever! (High Def)
44 Best Bodyweight Exercises Ever! (High Def)
Inspired by the armed services of the world, Tee Major Fitness aims to "serve others so that they may serve". We believe by providing the best in Fitness pro...- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 6009590
- author: TeeMajorFitness

105 Best Bodyweight Exercises using Zero Equipment (Part 1)
http://bodyweighttorch.com - Get the entire Bodyweight Torch bodyweight workouts program F...
published: 06 Dec 2013
105 Best Bodyweight Exercises using Zero Equipment (Part 1)
105 Best Bodyweight Exercises using Zero Equipment (Part 1)
http://bodyweighttorch.com - Get the entire Bodyweight Torch bodyweight workouts program FREE. Inside the new Bodyweight Torch, you'll discover the best bodyweight exercises and bodyweight circuits. Inside Mike Whitfield's Bodyweight Torch system, the bodyweight training system includes metabolic conditioning, finishers and more. The best part? You'll get it free for a limited time. The free bodyweight workouts also include photos and descriptions showing you in detail how to perform the entire bodyweight training circuits and bodyweight exercises. Get it free at http://bodyweighttorch.com Part 2 coming soon!- published: 06 Dec 2013
- views: 7638

Home Workout Routine - Best Bodyweight Exercises
Exercise Routine, Sets/Reps - http://www.buff-dudes.com/home-workout-routines/ BUFF DUDES ...
published: 19 Jun 2013
author: Buff Dudes
Home Workout Routine - Best Bodyweight Exercises
Home Workout Routine - Best Bodyweight Exercises
Exercise Routine, Sets/Reps - http://www.buff-dudes.com/home-workout-routines/ BUFF DUDES T-SHIRT! http://store.buff-dudes.com "Insanity is doing the same th...- published: 19 Jun 2013
- views: 81412
- author: Buff Dudes

Frank Medrano - Superhuman Bodyweight Workout Domination
^^^Like My Facebook for more INFO and MOTIVATION!
published: 12 Sep 2013
Frank Medrano - Superhuman Bodyweight Workout Domination
Frank Medrano - Superhuman Bodyweight Workout Domination
https://www.facebook.com/frankmedrano99 ^^^Like My Facebook for more INFO and MOTIVATION! Frank Medrano is a CALISTHENICS BODYWEIGHT expert who MOTIVATES and trains to build and gain muscle , lose fat and challenge your body to obtain strength through simple and more advanced body weight exercises. His goal is to motivate and inspire you through fun , functional workouts. Frank Medrano Trains at the world famous METROFLEX in Long Beach , Ca http://www.metroflexlbc.com/ ^^^Check out for more inquires!! Filmed and Edited by Kenny Han http://www.kennyhan.com/- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 307586

How to Get Big Shoulders With Bodyweight Exercises! Only 3 Exercises!
Many people liked this series, so it has continued :) Part 5 My Website: http://www.fortre...
published: 05 May 2013
author: Fortress
How to Get Big Shoulders With Bodyweight Exercises! Only 3 Exercises!
How to Get Big Shoulders With Bodyweight Exercises! Only 3 Exercises!
Many people liked this series, so it has continued :) Part 5 My Website: http://www.fortressbody.com/ How to get Big Biceps Video: http://www.youtube.com/wat...- published: 05 May 2013
- views: 601677
- author: Fortress

How to Get Big Biceps With Bodyweight Exercises! Only 3 Exercises!
Many people liked this series, so it has continued :) Part 3 My Website: http://www.fortre...
published: 13 Jan 2013
author: Fortress
How to Get Big Biceps With Bodyweight Exercises! Only 3 Exercises!
How to Get Big Biceps With Bodyweight Exercises! Only 3 Exercises!
Many people liked this series, so it has continued :) Part 3 My Website: http://www.fortressbody.com/ Previous Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LqPdAAx...- published: 13 Jan 2013
- views: 2723864
- author: Fortress

Best Bodyweight Exercises
No gym membership is no longer a valid excuse with these ...
published: 24 Apr 2013
Best Bodyweight Exercises
Best Bodyweight Exercises
http://www.freefitnessplans.info No gym membership is no longer a valid excuse with these exercises that use solely your bodyweight! Some mad be extremely challenging at first, but if you put in the effort to do just one, a few months down the road you will be doing many of them easily!- published: 24 Apr 2013
- views: 113

15 Most Underrated Bodyweight Exercises
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Calisthenic-Movement/154846744637610
Website - ht...
published: 27 Oct 2013
15 Most Underrated Bodyweight Exercises
15 Most Underrated Bodyweight Exercises
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Calisthenic-Movement/154846744637610 Website - http://www.calisthenic-movement.com Für Online Personal Training kontaktiert uns auf - calimove24@gmail.com Music: Godsilla - Du bist ein.... Instrumental- published: 27 Oct 2013
- views: 13893

10 Best Beginner Body Weight Workouts
Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel http://www.youtube.com/BarBrothersFL to rec...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: BarBrothers FL
10 Best Beginner Body Weight Workouts
10 Best Beginner Body Weight Workouts
Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel http://www.youtube.com/BarBrothersFL to receive additional fitness tutorials, motivation, and diet tips! Like ...- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 74799
- author: BarBrothers FL

Ultimate Body Weight Workout: Full Length
Workout Breakdown: http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/03/ultimate-body-weight-workout-full-...
published: 07 Mar 2013
author: Melissa Bender
Ultimate Body Weight Workout: Full Length
Ultimate Body Weight Workout: Full Length
Workout Breakdown: http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/03/ultimate-body-weight-workout-full-length.html# www.benderfitness.com www.facebook.com/melissabenderfi...- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 9519
- author: Melissa Bender

Gaining Muscle Mass with Bodyweight Exercises
Sign up Grow Stronger Newsletter: http://hulsestrength.com/go/youtube Elliott's Other Chan...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: strengthcamp
Gaining Muscle Mass with Bodyweight Exercises
Gaining Muscle Mass with Bodyweight Exercises
Sign up Grow Stronger Newsletter: http://hulsestrength.com/go/youtube Elliott's Other Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/elliottsaidwhat Elliott's Facebook...- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 143054
- author: strengthcamp

105 of the BEST Bodyweight Exercises with NO Equipment (Part 2)
http://bodyweighttorch.com - Get 4 weeks of the best bodyweight workouts ever. The new Bod...
published: 09 Dec 2013
105 of the BEST Bodyweight Exercises with NO Equipment (Part 2)
105 of the BEST Bodyweight Exercises with NO Equipment (Part 2)
http://bodyweighttorch.com - Get 4 weeks of the best bodyweight workouts ever. The new Bodyweight Torch is FREE. Inside this video, Mike Whitfield celebrates by releasing his new video with the best bodyweight exercises with no equipment part 2. These bodyweight exercises can be used with bodyweight circuits and bodyweight workouts without the use of any equipment. Unique bodyweight exercises include a variety of lower body bodyweight exercises, upper body bodyweight exercises and ab bodyweight exercises. The bodyweight training workouts designed by Mike Whitfield, CTT can get you in shape in less time by using metabolic conditioning and a variety of bodyweight conditioning circuits. Get the new bodyweight workouts here: http://bodyweighttorch.com- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 132

Kelli's Favorite Bodyweight Workout - Total Body Toning & Functional Strength Training Exercises
Find out how many calories this full length workout burns @ http://bit.ly/uex7NC Lose 16-2...
published: 01 Jan 2012
author: FitnessBlender
Kelli's Favorite Bodyweight Workout - Total Body Toning & Functional Strength Training Exercises
Kelli's Favorite Bodyweight Workout - Total Body Toning & Functional Strength Training Exercises
Find out how many calories this full length workout burns @ http://bit.ly/uex7NC Lose 16-24 lbs in 8 weeks with our free videos - find out how @ http://bit.l...- published: 01 Jan 2012
- views: 130102
- author: FitnessBlender

Top 5 Bodyweight Exercise MISTAKES - (STOP Doing These - Build Muscle!!)
Where bodyweight training equals beast training - http://athleanx.com/x/endtheinsanity Peo...
published: 03 Aug 2013
author: JDCav24
Top 5 Bodyweight Exercise MISTAKES - (STOP Doing These - Build Muscle!!)
Top 5 Bodyweight Exercise MISTAKES - (STOP Doing These - Build Muscle!!)
Where bodyweight training equals beast training - http://athleanx.com/x/endtheinsanity People that say you can't build muscle with bodyweight exercises are e...- published: 03 Aug 2013
- views: 42634
- author: JDCav24
Youtube results:

10 Advanced Push Up Variations: Body Weight Workouts For Muscle Growth
Here's how to gain weight fast (for skinny guys):
published: 11 Dec 2013
10 Advanced Push Up Variations: Body Weight Workouts For Muscle Growth
10 Advanced Push Up Variations: Body Weight Workouts For Muscle Growth
Here's how to gain weight fast (for skinny guys): http://www.WeightGainMethod.com/view/yt2r In this video we'll show you 10 advanced pushup variations. Fitness model Troy Adashun is a huge fan of the push up workout, and thinks that body weight workouts in general are a convenient way to stay in shape. You can perform these pushups in the convenience of your own home, or practically anywhere! These are 10 advanced push up variations. Try them out during your next body weight workout and you will see that some of the hardest exercises are body-weight exercises. 10 Advacned Pushup Variations 1. Superman Pushups This may be the hardest pushup in the world. Superman pushups are an advanced pushup variation for the advanced athlete. Watch Troy as he demonstrates how to do a Superman Pushup. 2. Decline Diamond Pushups This is another great push up exercise for the chest. Troy demonstrates the decline diamond pushup with great form. This will target your upper chest and triceps. 3. Plyometric Pushups This is another explosive pushup movement. THe plyometric pushup should be in every intermediate and advanced athletes body weight workout routine. Follow along as Troy demonstrates how to execute a plyometric pushup. 4. Side to Side Rockers This is not your usual pushup variation, but a unique movement that will the outer portion of your chest. Another great pushup exercise. 5. Clapper Pushups THis one is similar to the plyometric pushup, except that you will be clapping your hands together at the top of the movement. This is a great pushup for chest muscles. Go here to see the full list of exercises along with pictures: http://www.weightgainnetwork.com/how-to-build-muscle/10-advanced-push-up-variations-body-weight-workouts-for-muscle-growth.php 6. Decline Swiss ball push ups This pushup variation will utilize an inflatable swiss ball. Watch as Troy works his upper chest during this advanced pushup variation. 7. Slow Motion Pushups THis may be the perfect pushup. This is just like a regular pushup, but you will be maximizing your time under tension by performing the pushup in slow motion. THis is a must for all you hard gainers out their. 8. Grasshopper Pushup This one may look unique, but is a great pushup variation for the advanced. Watch how to do it as Troy demonstrates a grasshopper pushup in perfect form. 9.Judo Pushup This advanced movement of the pushup will emphasize the triceps and upper chest. This is another incredible body weight exercise. 10. Single Leg Knuckle Pushups For all you guys serious about body weight training, try this one out! This is a full body workout, and will emphasize your chest, triceps, core and quadriceps. Read the full article on Weight Gain Network: http://www.weightgainnetwork.com/how-to-build-muscle/10-advanced-push-up-variations-body-weight-workouts-for-muscle-growth.php FIND US ONLINE: Web: http://www.WeightGainNetwork.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weightgainnetwork Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/WeightGainNet Google+: https://plus.google.com/100711082486289738043/posts Instagram: http://instagram.com/muscletactics- published: 11 Dec 2013
- views: 868

50 best bodyweight exercises
50 best bodyweight exercises more info at: https://www.facebook.com/StreetWorkoutBodybuild...
published: 10 May 2013
author: Street Workout and Bodybuilding
50 best bodyweight exercises
50 best bodyweight exercises
50 best bodyweight exercises more info at: https://www.facebook.com/StreetWorkoutBodybuilding Soon you can find any workouts/routines/tutorials/diet plans/et...- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 16556
- author: Street Workout and Bodybuilding

Total Body Weight Loss Workout Level 1 (Calisthenics) | BeFit in 30 Extreme
Total Body Weight Loss Workout Level 1 (Calisthenics) from BeFit in 30 Extreme is an explo...
published: 08 Jan 2013
author: Lionsgate BeFit
Total Body Weight Loss Workout Level 1 (Calisthenics) | BeFit in 30 Extreme
Total Body Weight Loss Workout Level 1 (Calisthenics) | BeFit in 30 Extreme
Total Body Weight Loss Workout Level 1 (Calisthenics) from BeFit in 30 Extreme is an explosive, total body-conditioning workout that combines metabolism-boos...- published: 08 Jan 2013
- views: 290224
- author: Lionsgate BeFit

Bodyweight exercises are a great alternative to pushing big lumps of iron, and can be done...
published: 09 Nov 2013
Bodyweight exercises are a great alternative to pushing big lumps of iron, and can be done in the gym or outdoors as a change to your training routine. And they're tough - as we see here, with ten different advanced bodyweight exercises (plus some fun variations), demonstrated by Swedish athlete and YouTuber Kris aka Fitness Clown. These exercises, also known as Calisthenics, are becoming increasingly popular. Having initially gained attention through BarStarzz-type videos on YouTube, the training benefits of exercises like this are now being recognised and incorporated into exercise regimes around the world. More from Kris on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/fitnessclown or on the Calisthenics and Weight Training page on FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/cwtraining- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 12870