- published: 01 Apr 2014
- views: 4428133
Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It is performed for various reasons, including strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, and merely enjoyment. Frequent and regular physical exercise boosts the immune system and helps prevent the "diseases of affluence" such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity. It may also help prevent stress and depression, help to promote or maintain positive self-esteem, improve mental health generally, and can augment an individual's sex appeal or body image, which has been found to be linked with higher levels of self-esteem.Childhood obesity is a growing global concern, and physical exercise may help decrease some of the effects of childhood and adult obesity. Some care providers call exercise the "miracle" or "wonder" drug—alluding to the wide variety of benefits that it can provide for many individuals.
The thorax or chest (from the Greek θώραξ thorax "breastplate, cuirass, corslet" via Latin: thorax) is a part of the anatomy of humans and various other animals located between the neck and the abdomen. The thorax includes the thoracic cavity and the thoracic wall. It contains organs including the heart, lungs and thymus gland, as well as muscles and various other internal structures. Many diseases may affect the chest, and one of the most common symptoms is chest pain.
In humans and other hominids, the thorax is the chest region of the body between the neck and the abdomen, along with its internal organs and other contents. It is mostly protected and supported by the rib cage, spine, and shoulder girdle.
The contents of the thorax include the heart and lungs and the thymus gland); the (major and minor pectoral muscles, trapezius muscles and neck muscle); internal structures such as the diaphragm, esophagus, trachea and a part of the sternum known as the xiphoid process), as well as the content of the thoracic abdomen (stomach, kidney/adrenal, pancreas, spleen, and lower oesophagus). Arteries and veins are also contained – (aorta, superior vena cava, inferior vena cava and the pulmonary artery); bones (the shoulder socket containing the upper part of the humerus, the scapula, sternum, thoracic portion of the spine, collarbone, and the rib cage and floating ribs).
Kevin MacLeod or Kevin McLeod may refer to:
3 Exercise Chest Workout
Top 3 Chest Exercises for Muscle Gain | (Guru Mann's top 3 choices)
upper and inner chest workout best 3 exercises @THEREALLDMFITNESS
Most Powerful Home Chest Workout Ever : Build a Big Chest Fast!
3 Easy Tips for Building a BIG CHEST Fast!
The 3 Best Chest Exercises For The Perfect Pec Workout
3 Keys To Building Chest Muscle - Bench Press Techniques
5 Minute Chest, Shoulder & Tricep Workout at Home
Lose your belly fat now: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdgS Hey y'all, Jonny here. I'm here with insanehomefatloss and today we are going to get our chest pumped up to the MAX. These bodyweight exercises are going to mimic movements you would normally do in the gym, so get ready to train hard! Routines like this will get you one step closer to the lean, toned body you've always wanted. Press play and start the video now. Workout Breakdown: 0:39 Warm up -Arm Swings -Cross Bodies -Across The Body Shoulder Stretch -Over The Head Shoulder Stretch 3 Exercises/ 15 Reps Each Move/ Short Rest Push Ups Wide Grip Incline Push Up Improvised Dips Let's go! I hope these exercises serve you well! Lose belly fat fast: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdgS I wish I could say that I've always had a...
In this Video Guru Mann explains which exercises are best to develop a thicker, fuller chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❤❤❤ Thanks and Love #GuruMann ❤❤❤ LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For all updates : ★ SUBSCRIBE Us on Guru Mann Fitness :www.youtube.com/GuruMannFitness ★ SUBSCRIBE Us on Health & Fitness : http://bit.ly/1eBikoz ★ LIKE us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tserieshealthandfitness ★ Follow us on Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/tserieshealth ★ Follow Guru Mann on Instagram: GURUMANN Check out http://ww...
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Was up youtube its yo boy LDM here are my top 3 upper and inner chest movements you should be doin make sure u LIKE,SUBSCRIBE, AND COMMENT EMAIL therealldmfitness@gmail.com IG www.instagram.com/therealldmfitness Facebook @ LDMFITNESD
http://www.6weeksixpack.com This is one of the most powerful home chest workout we have ever created. In this video home fitness expert Peter Carvell shows 3 powerful home chest exercises that you can do without using any equipment to help you build a big chest at home fast. So if you are looking to build your chest at home without any equipment other than your own bodyweight then you will want to start doing this push-up chest workout ASAP!
Meal plans & Workout programs: http://www.veganhustle.net/ Hey guys, try out these 3 chest exercises you can do from home to start building up your chest. We all gotta start somewhere! Be sure to like, comment, share, subscribe and I'll see you in the next one :) *INCLINE PRESS TO HIT UPPER CHEST SHOULD BE DONE WITH FEET UP ON COUCH AND HANDS ON FLOOR... MY BAD*
BUFF DUDES T-SHIRT! http://www.buffdudes.us/collections/all Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/buffdudes Instagram: http://instagram.com/buffdudes Twitter: http://twitter.com/buffdudes Blog: http://www.buff-dudes.com/blog Buff Dudes / Fitness / How to Build a Big Chest Fast the Best way with just 3 Easy Tips. Shot n' Edited by: Hudson Starring: Brandon White Pixel Art By João Victor G. Costa - http://www.youtube.com/user/JinnDemonEvil Buff Dudes Logo by Brandon White "Griphop" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ ISRC: USUAN1100413 © 2008 Kevin MacLeod "Impact Intermezzo" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0...
► THE BODY TRANSFORMATION BLUEPRINT - http://www.BodyTransformationTruth.com ► GET YOUR FREE CUSTOM MEAL PLAN - http://www.SeanNal.com/free-meal-plan.php ► TAKE MY ONLINE FITNESS QUIZ - http://www.SeanNal.com/quiz-questions.php [OFFICIAL WEBSITE] http://www.SeanNal.com [CONNECT WITH ME] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeanNalewanyjOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeanNalewanyj Instagram: https://instagram.com/Sean_Nalewanyj/ Snapchat: http://www.seannal.com/snapchat.html Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102525881371598129847 [RECOMMENDED STUFF] http://www.SeanNal.com/recommended.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Summary: The 3 Best Chest Exercises For Mass & Thickness http://www.SeanNal.com/articles/training/best-c...
How to build a ripped and muscular chest: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rd9b Hey man, it's Mike Chang and today I'm going to give you the three best tips for building a massive chest. This video is going to give you not only the proper way to train your chest, it's also going to show you what not to do... this way you can get that chest that will get you all the attention when you have that tank top on. Video Breakdown: **3 tips for a massive chest Tip #1 Tuck in your trap muscle and avoid using your deltoids muscles. Most people leave their shoulder up and end up messing up their rotator cuff and never activating the chest muscle. Tip #2 Finish your last rep. A lot of guys are tired by the last rep so they use a shortcut and cheat on the last rep. You don't want to give up when you are...
Find out this CRAZY way to tone your body - FAST! http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdrJ What's up y'all, It's Jonny with Insane Home Fat Loss and I've another good workout for you today! A little bit of a "beach body" workout that's targeting your chest, shoulders and your triceps. So, pat attention and follow along with me today, this type of workout will get you THAT much closer to getting the body that you've always dreamed of having. - This is a very quick, but also very effective workout that mixes in a little bit of cardio. But the key to this workout is time under tension, you're going to be burning when you're done, I promise! So, give this a try with me today, you've got nothing to lose except for the fat! Workout Breakdown: 0:27 Without further ado, I'm just going to jump into ...
How to naturally lift breasts? You can firm and shape your breasts in 3 steps: ♥ Breast exercises (Chest Workout for women). ♥ Breast massages. ♥ Simple good habits. 📱 - Lumowell Android Fitness Apps: https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=6312383737768576194 📱 - Lumowell iOS Fitness Apps: https://itunes.apple.com/us/developer/ego360/id885852698
Meal plans & Workout programs: http://www.veganhustle.net/ Hey guys, try out these 3 chest exercises you can do from home to start building up your chest. We all gotta start somewhere! Be sure to like, comment, share, subscribe and I'll see you in the next one :) *INCLINE PRESS TO HIT UPPER CHEST SHOULD BE DONE WITH FEET UP ON COUCH AND HANDS ON FLOOR... MY BAD*
30 Minute Full Body Workout to do at Home 3/4 times a week to get flat abs, perfect legs, toned butt, slim arms, sexy back and strong Chest. Best exercises to tone your body at home without weights or equipment. The workout is suitable for women and men of all ages. Follow the nutrition tips to lose weight and burn fat. 📱 - Lumowell Android Fitness Apps: https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=6312383737768576194 📱 - Lumowell iOS Fitness Apps: https://itunes.apple.com/us/developer/ego360/id885852698 🔲 More fitness videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/LumoWell?sub_confirmation=1 🔲 Lumowell T-Shirts: http://lumowell.spreadshirt.com/ 🔲 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/LumoWell/362770997226074 Consult your doctor before starting this total body workout. Fitness at ho...
Follow I'm A Bodybuilder tv on Instgram https://www.instagram.com/imabodybuilder.tv/ Make sure to follow Kai greene on : facebook : https://www.facebook.com/OfficialKaiGreene Important links : 1. http://musclemedsrx.com 2. http://www.flexonline.com 3. http://www.musculardevelopment.com Disclaimer: if there is any question or complain please contact us at : imabodybuildertv@gmail.com #workout #biceps #fitness #exercise #bodybuilding #sport #shoulder #leg #chest #bodybuilding_motivation #training #mr._olympia #back #mrolympia #triceps #arm #muscle
Stretch that pain away in SAFE, EFFECTIVE, and EASY WAY. . . Wants to know HOW NBA lasts in The GAME? visit this link: http://bit.ly/29Cs622 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I want to give special thanks to DIAKADI Fitness Performance Life for releasing How is Improper Form Limiting Your Results During Chest Exercises?. Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos! Lower Pec Punishing Exercise (NO MORE SAGGY CHEST!) Training Phases: Stability, Strength and Power #1 WORST Exercise Mistake While Exercising Your CHEST TOP 5 WORST EXERCISES (Stop Doing These!!) 02.17.15 | CHEST TIP | WHG WORKOUTS Tucson Personal Trainer Demonstrates Form and Technique - Chest Press How to Get Rid of MAN BOOBS (Chest Fat Fix!) Top 7 Muscle Gaining Exercises -- Old School Version How to Get Bi...
Like my videos? Leave me a tip and connect with me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/christinesalus My Weekly Fitness Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUsXZPxMIAI Wanna work out with me for a week for FREE? :) Sign up at http://www.christinesalus.com/jumpstart OR check out my 15 week program: http://christinesalus.com/hiitcamp/ OR try my 6 week challenge! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuMji705UQm_gX7NRUcyPPg (Email me at christinesalus@gmail.com if this channel is not available in your country) IG @christinesalus This workout will burn approx 700 calories Complete 3 rounds of the following exercises: 1) Goblet Squats (20 reps) 2) Jump squats (20 reps) 3) Dumb bell chest press (12 reps) 4) explosive pushups (12 reps) 5) Pendulum lunges (10 reps per leg) 6) Plyo lunges...
http://www.sixpacksmackdown.com Follow along as I perform a full body dumbbell workout. Workout consists of 12 exercises, and 3 sets of each exercise, making for 2 exercises per body part (legs, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, back). For more workouts, healthy recipes, supplement reviews, and other information check out: http://www.sixpacksmackdown.com Standing DB curl -- 3 sets/12 reps Standing overhead DB press- 3 sets/ 12 reps Bent over DB rows -- 3 sets/ 12 reps Flat Bench DB press 3 sets/ 12 reps DB squats -- 3 sets/ 12 reps DB tricep supine (skull crushers) -- 3 sets/ 12 reps Standing DB Side Raise -- 3 sets/ 12 reps DB twist curls -- 3 sets/ 12 reps DB lunges- 3 sets/ 12 reps Incline Bench DB press- 3 sets/ 12 reps One are triceps extension- 3 sets/ 12 reps Lawnmowers (one arm...
Stretch that pain away in SAFE, EFFECTIVE, and EASY WAY. . . Wants to know HOW NBA lasts in The GAME? visit this link: http://bit.ly/29Cs622 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I want to give special thanks to Bodybuilding.com for releasing 5 Best Exercises For A Bigger Chest | James Grage. Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos! Steve Cook's 6-Exercise Chest-Building Workout - Bodybuilding.com Build A Bigger, Better Chest With Isometrics | Jason Wittrock Jay Cutler Workout: How Jay Cutler Trains Chest And Calves - Bodybuilding.com How To Train For Mass | Arnold Schwarzenegger's Blueprint Training Program Lower Pec Punishing Exercise (NO MORE SAGGY CHEST!) 10 Minutes At Home Ab Workout - 6-Pack Training Chest workout with Calum von Moger Day 1 | 30 Minute at Home Str...
This circuit style workout is full body and uses equipment that’s super easy to use anywhere. I love it because it’s great for traveling clients as well as the traveling trainer. The workout consists of 5 rounds of exercises. Each round has 3 exercises in it. The first focuses on Legs. The second round focuses on Chest. Round 3 is all about Back. Round 4 works the Shoulders and Arms. And the final Round focuses on Core. Visit JohnGareyTV.com for more workouts for both Pilates and Fitness.
This upper body and core 30 minute workout will strengthen and challenge your muscles. You need some medium and heavy size weights and a bench or stepper to complete this workout. There are 4 groups of exercises where each group is an upper body super set with one core exercise. Each exercise is 45 sec long and there are 3 sets. Here is this workout's breakdown: Group 1: Chest flys Bent over side raise 4 leg tucks/4 scissors Group 2: Chest press 2 arm rows Hands to elbow planks x 2/ push-up x 1 Group 3: Alt front and side raise Overhead press, S/S/D v-sits, alt one arm to opposite leg Group 4: Hammer curl/bicep curl Overhead extensions Butt lifts Enjoy y...
This is a video of a full recap of Chest and Bi day. I consumed 2300 calories this day. 20 minutes of cardio before my workout, dinner (same as lunch), and my feeder exercises (3 sets of 10 reps: shoulder side raises, front raises, and bent over rear delt raises) are not included in this video.
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