Left Q/A – After Paris – Event Postponed!

To our supporters, please be aware that we have had to postpone this event (previously advertised for this Thursday) to the new date below. If you have already pre-booked a ticket, there is no need to book again as your ticket will carry over. For all others, you can book by pressing button below.

Thursday April  28th 
7pm, New International Book Shop
54 Victoria St, Carlton, 3053 

Admission: By Donation

Panelists Include:
David Spratt – Author of Climate Code Red
Hans Baer – (Socialist Alliance member)
Nicola Paris (Coordinator of CounterAct)
Anitra Nelson (Australian Environmental Justice project/FOE/RMIT).

The format will include short contributions from panel speakers, followed by a sharing of views and questions from the floor.

This is the first of what will be regular monthly Q/A panels on significant/topical issues confronting the left, and involving speakers from a diverse range of parties/groups on the left in Melbourne. Our aim is to increase the level of discussion and debate within the Melbourne left-progressive community.

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