
The New International Bookshop

The website of Melbourne's famous radical bookshop.


September 2015

New book @ NIBS in September….

The Conquest of Bread – Peter Kropotkin – $23

Capitalism in the Web of Life – Jason W More – $40

Homage to Catalonia – George Orwell – $20

The Socialist Imperative – From Gotha to Now – Michael Lebowitz – $42

Prison Notebooks (Vol 2) – Antonio Gramsci – $62

Prison Notebooks (Vol 3) – Antonio Gramsci – $61

And more to come soon….

NIBS Underground – Book Talk – Decolonizing Solidarity

Clare Land, long-time supporter of Indigenous struggles, will give a talk about her new book decolonizing solidarity.

When: 7pm, Tuesday 22nd September

Where: New International Book Shop

In this highly original and much-needed book, Clare Land interrogates the often fraught endeavours of activists from colonial backgrounds seeking to be politically supportive of Indigenous struggles. Blending key theoretical and practical questions, Land argues that the predominant impulses which drive middle-class settler activists to support Indigenous people cannot lead to successful alliances and meaningful social change unless they are significantly transformed through a process of both public political action and critical self-reflection.

Clare Land works on research at Victoria University’s Moondani Balluk Indigenous Academic Unit, supports social change projects at the Reichstein Foundation, and consults to community organizations on race relations. Clare has been engaged since 1998 with the history and present of settler colonialism. An Anglo-identified non-Aboriginal person living and working in south-east Australia, inspired by Aboriginal struggles, she has undertaken community-based organizing in solid support of a range of Aboriginal-led campaigns. Since 2004 Clare has collaborated with Krauatungulung (Gunai)/Djapwurrung (Gunditjmara) man Robbie Thorpe on campaigns, projects and a long-running radio programme on 3CR in Fitzroy, Melbourne, which focuses on colonialism and resistance.

NIBS Underground – Book Talk – Breaking Out: Memories of Melbourne in the 1970s

Susan Blackburn will give a talk about a new book she has edited, Breaking Out: Memories of Melbourne in the 1970s.

When: 7pm Thursday 1st October

Where: New International Book Shop
This book celebrates Melbourne in heady times.

The turbulence of 1970s Australia stretched far beyond the Whitlam era and the level of national government. Sixteen contributors remember their roles in a vibrant and creative decade in Melbourne. Anything seemed possible: alternative approaches sprang up for everything from education to radio broadcasting, theatre, legal services and suburban living. Starting with the massive opposition to Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War and ending with efforts to combat its role in East Timor, contributors recall the protests against environment policies and the administration of universities.

Susan Blackburn has taught at Victoria University of Technology (Melbourne), Griffith University (Brisbane) and, since 1991, at Monash University. Her research has been in the areas of Indonesian history and politics, the Indonesian women’s movement, and foreign aid. In 2006 she completed a research project with Oxfam Australia on their assistance to women in postconflict situations.

Film Premiere!! – Marxists Cowboys

The curious tale of the Labor Review. organ of the Labor College

A Communist magazine which owed its 50 issue history to the generosity of Big Business. Not possible you say, but then you haven’t spoken to Karl Marx or a certain con-man. Based on a true story over 38 years and made in Melbourne’s Trades Hall where it all happened. This is a real-life unique Commie Comedy Caper. Made by Chris Gaffney and Lynn Healy and a great cast

Two other short films will be shown. “How to get a job” and “ The Martin Ferguson Report” All three films available on one DVD.

Entry by donation.

Premiere: Thursday 22nd September, 7pm.

New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St. Carlton Sth.

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