
The New International Bookshop

The website of Melbourne's famous radical bookshop.


Upcoming Events

Left Q/A – After Paris

Thursday March 17th 
7pm, New International Book Shop
54 Victoria St, Carlton, 3053 

Admission: By Donation

Panelists Include:
David Spratt – Author of Climate Code Red
Hans Baer – (Socialist Alliance member)
Nicola Paris (Coordinator of CounterAct)
Anitra Nelson (Australian Environmental Justice project/FOE/RMIT).

The format will include short contributions from panel speakers, followed by a sharing of views and questions from the floor.

This is the first of what will be regular monthly Q/A panels on significant/topical issues confronting the left, and involving speakers from a diverse range of parties/groups on the left in Melbourne. Our aim is to increase the level of discussion and debate within the Melbourne left-progressive community.

Book Launch – Crooked Deals and Broken Treaties: How American Indians were Displaced by White Settlers in the Cuyahoga Valley

Wednesday 9 December, 7pm

NIBS, 54 Victoria St, South Carlton

Entry by Donation

In his latest book, Historian and novelist John Tully draws on contemporary accounts and a wealth of studies to produce this elegiac history of the Cuyahoga Valley. He pays special attention to how settlers’ notions of private property—and the impulse to own and develop the land—clashed with more collective social organizations of American Indians. He also documents the ecological cost of settlement, long before heavy industry laid waste to the region. Crooked Deals and Broken Treaties is an impassioned accounting of the cost of “progress,” and an insistent reminder of the barbarism and deceit that fueled the rise of the United States.

NIBS Underground – Jeremy Salt – Turkey in turmoil: Is Erdogan’s bubble about to burst?’

When: Thursday, October 29 at 7:00pm

Where: NIBS

Jeremy Salt, long time expert commentator on the Middle East, will discuss the rise of the AKP since 2011 and the
increasingly authoritarian role of Erdogan in shaping his ‘new Turkey’ – a country radically different from the secular democratic state envisioned by the republic’s founder, Mustafa Kemal (‘Ataturk’).

Turkey is a country polarised as never before. The dramatic rise of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) was finally checked with the elections in June when the government lost its absolute majority in Parliament. New elections will be held in November at which President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be seeking the two-thirds majority of parliament needed to change the constitution and create an executive presidency with sweeping powers.

Entry by Donation

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