
The New International Bookshop

The website of Melbourne's famous radical bookshop.


Magazines & Journals

Latest Jacobin Now Available at NIBS!

The highly popular U.S socialist mag is now available at NIBS – $15. The price  is really quite cheap. If you want us to keep ordering it regularly (and hopefully arriving earlier for future editions), please grab a copy so that we can make this viable.

To read more about the issue see the website –



NIBS now has Endnotes…

The influential British Marxist Journal is now available at NIBS. We have the latest edition (No 4) for $15. And the previous three editions for $5 each.


Magazines @ NIBS – New Left Review + The Jacobin

The latest New Left Review has arrived today. Looks some interesting essays on Spain’s left-wing party Podemos as well as one by Mike Davis (author of planet of slums) on Marx. IMG_0488[1]

NIBS also now stocks the popular U.S socialist magazine Jacobin – $15 in store now. Also arrived recently is the new Arena Magazine + the always valuable Australian journal of Political Economy.


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