
The New International Bookshop

The website of Melbourne's famous radical bookshop.


July 2015

NIBS Underground – Book Launch – Fighting on all fronts: Popular Resistence in the Second World War

August is the anniversary of the end of World War 2. Official events are celebrating the victory of “democracy” and “freedom” over fascism and tyranny. But for the rulers of the Allied nations the war was never about de-mocracy or freedom. In some ways there were parallel wars: apart from the clash of imperialisms, there were opposition actions fought by ordinary people, mobilised by anti-fascist, democratic sentiments. Edited by Donny Gluckstein, the book contains 11 chapters on different countries. Four authors are Australian and they will all be present to speak and sign your copy of the book.

fighting on all fronts

Book launch – Donny Gluckstein (video)
Resistance in Japan – Kaye Broadbent
Resistance in Australia – Tom O’Lincoln

Special launch discount price $25!
To purchase the book at the launch rate contact NIBS by 21 August. After this date RRP $45

In addition to the book launch, there will be the launch of INTERVENTIONS – a new socialist publishing venture.
Launch of INTERVENTIONS – Jeff Sparrow
What is INTERVENTIONS? – Janey Stone

When: Friday 21st August 6:30pm for 7pm start

Where: New International Bookshop

RSVP on facebook here

Entry free. Nibbles provided. Drinks at bar prices. Booking not required.

NIBS Underground – Book Talk – The 1% and the Rest of Us

the 1% and the rest o fus

tim muzio

Tim Muzio, senior lecturer in international relations and political economy at the University of Wollongong in Australia, will give a talk about his new book “The 1% and the Rest of Us”. In the book Tim explores what it means to be part of a socio-economic order presided over by the super-rich and their political servants.

Copies of the book will be available for sale at the discounted rate of $35.

Admission: $5

When Thursday, September 10, 6:45pm

Where: The New International Bookshop, 54 Victoria St, Carlton

For more information contact the bookshop

New Books in July

Crisis in the EurozoneThe Happiness Industry: How the Government and Business Sold Us Well-being – William Davies – $35

Molecular Red – McEnzie Wark –  $35

Castrophism: The Apocalyptic politics of Collapse & Rebirth – Sasha Lilley et al – $23

Girls are not Chicks Coloring Book – $16

All Power to the Councils: A documentary history of the German Revolution – Gabriel Koon – $36

Abolish Work – $18

Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels – Richard Heinberg – $25

The Battle for Justice in Palestine – Ali Abunmah – $23

Gramsci’s Political Thought – Carlos Coutinbo – $37

More than a Score: The New Uprisings against high-stakes testing – Jesse Hagopian (eds) – $23

Techno-Fix: Why technology won’t save us or the environment – Michael Huesemann & Joyce Huesemann – $33

Tomorrow’s Battlefield: U.S Proxy Wars and Secret Ops in Africa – Nick Turse – $20

The Next Revolution: Popular Assemblies and the Promise of Direct Democracy – Murray Bookchin – $35

The Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution – Patrick Cockburn – $22

Supermarket Monsters: The Price of Coles and Woolworths’ Dominance – $20

Crisis in the Eurozone – Costas Lapavitsas – $30

The Snowden Files – 9781783350377

Capital Volume 1 – Karl Marx – $40

The Communist Manifesto – Marx/Engels – $12

Early Writings – Karl Marx – $35Bookchin

Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left – Zizek et al – $20

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate – Naomi Klein – $25

European Nations: Explaining Their Formation – $35 – Miroslav Hroch

We can do mail outs

If you would like to order any of the books below, please contact us. We will be happy to mail out orders (postage costs will be added).

Australia Series: The Steady State Alternative to Endless Growth – A sustainable vision for the future


When: Thursday 27 August, 6:45pm for a 7pm start

Where: Trades Hall Meeting Room 1, 54 Victoria St, South Carlton

Geoff Mosley, the Australian Director of the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy and former CEO of the Australian Conservation Foundation, will explain his vision for a steady state economy and will discuss the ‘how’ and ‘when’ of the transformation, including the obstacles to be overcome.

Panel discussions co-hosted by the Search Foundation, Victorian Trades Hall and The New International Bookshop on the topics most critical to Australia’s economic, political and environmental future

        TRADES-HALL-LOGO_Red-2-1024x997                   SEARCH_Logo_square_400x400                 Square logo

NIBS Underground: Recession and Austerity in Greece: Can Syriza Solve the Crisis?

Greece forum

Petros Constantinou is a long-term socialist activist from Greece. As a member of the anti-capitalist coalition Antarsya, the Greek socialist organisation, SEK, and a councillor for Athens, Petros has been a part of the momentous struggle of Greek workers against austerity in the midst of capitalism’s greatest crisis since the Great Depression. Now, as the newly-elected left party Syriza tries to manage the crisis, come and hear Petros speak on the way forward for the fight against austerity.

Waged – $5 at door
Unwaged/students – by donation

Co-Hosted by The New International Bookshop &

For more info contact 9662 3744 or

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