
The New International Bookshop

The website of Melbourne's famous radical bookshop.


June 2015

Big Red Bookfair – This Saturday! – Heaps of bargain books….

Don’t miss the Big Red Bookfair happening this weekend at Trades Hall from 10 – 4pm – see FB event here.

We have received some great donations this year. Bargains that can expect to be found (make sure you get here early!) include:

  • High quality large format Asian/Art/Philosophy/Music/Architecture/Design books
  • Masses of $1/2 fiction including lots of crime and classics
  • 2 x Mint Condition 6 volume HB set of Manning Clark’s epic History of Australia.
  • Heaps of History, Politics & environment and sociology titles, including plenty of well known classics
  • This year we have received lots of children’s & young adult books
  • As new books for under $5


Dont miss out! One day only! Be there or be sad!


Magazines @ NIBS – New Left Review + The Jacobin

The latest New Left Review has arrived today. Looks some interesting essays on Spain’s left-wing party Podemos as well as one by Mike Davis (author of planet of slums) on Marx. IMG_0488[1]

NIBS also now stocks the popular U.S socialist magazine Jacobin – $15 in store now. Also arrived recently is the new Arena Magazine + the always valuable Australian journal of Political Economy.


NIBS Big Red Bookfair – Last Saturday in June!


Who said books are so last century?? No one can cuddle up in bed with a Kindle!

So come to the annual BIG RED BOOKFAIR to find thousands of titles, all genres, lots of fiction, non-fiction, second-hand and recently published.

One Day Only Saturday 27th June from 10am Trades Hall 54 Victoria St, South Carlton

Books priced (mostly) from $1 – $10.

We are also taking book donations now.

For more info contact the bookshop.

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