- published: 22 May 2017
- views: 3005
The Parti Québécois (French: Parti québécois, PQ; pronounced: [paʁ.ti ke.be.kwa]) is a sovereignist provincial political party in Quebec in Canada. The PQ advocates national sovereignty for Quebec involving independence of the province of Quebec from Canada and establishing a sovereign state. The PQ has promoted the possibility of maintaining a loose political and economic sovereignty-association between Quebec and Canada. The party traditionally has support from the labour movement, but unlike most other social-democratic parties, its ties with the labour movement are informal. Members and supporters of the PQ are called "péquistes" (Quebec French pronunciation: [pekɪst];), a French word derived from the pronunciation of the party's initials.
Pierre Karl Péladeau was elected party leader on May 15, 2015. The party is an observer member of COPPPAL. The party has strong informal ties to the Bloc Québécois (BQ, whose members are known as "Bloquistes"), the federal party that advocates for the secession of Quebec from Canada and its independence, but the two are not linked organizationally. As with its federal counterpart, the Parti Québécois has been supported by a wide range of voters in Quebec, from large sections of organised labour to more conservative rural voters.
A film festival is an organized, extended presentation of films in one or more cinemas or screening venues, usually in a single city or region. Increasingly, film festivals show some films outdoors. Films may be of recent date and, depending upon the festival's focus, can include international and domestic releases. Some festivals focus on a specific film-maker or genre (e.g., film noir) or subject matter (e.g., horror film festivals). A number of film festivals specialise in short films of a defined maximum length. Film festivals are typically annual events. Some film historians do not consider Film Festivals as official releases of film, like Jerry Beck. The best known film festivals are the Venice Film Festival, the Cannes Film Festival, the Toronto Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival, and the Berlin International Film Festival, the latter being the largest film festival worldwide, based on attendance. The Venice Film Festival is the oldest major festival. The Melbourne International Film Festival is the largest film festival in the Southern Hemisphere and one of the oldest in the world. A 2013 study found 3,000 active films festivals worldwide—active defined as having held an event in the previous 24 months.
This is a list of existing major film festivals, sorted by continent.
The Quebec Charter of Values (French: Charte de la laïcité or Charte des valeurs québécoises) was a proposed bill in the Canadian province of Quebec, introduced by the governing Parti Québécois in 2013, under Premier Pauline Marois, trying to end the Quebec controversy on reasonable accommodation. The former PQ cabinet member responsible for the bill was Bernard Drainville, Minister responsible for Democratic Institutions and Active Citizenship. There was much controversy in Quebec and elsewhere about the charter, especially its proposed prohibition of public sector employees from wearing or displaying "conspicuous" religious symbols.
The proposal would have included the following provisions:
Movin' On or Moving On may refer to:
pq.org - Réaction du Parti Québécois sur le sujet de la convergence
Documentaire québécois. L'élection générale québécoise de 1976 est tenue le 15 novembre 1976 afin d'élire à l'Assemblée nationale du Québec les députés de la 31e législature. Le Parti québécois, dirigé par René Lévesque, prend le pouvoir pour la première fois, défaisant le gouvernement libéral de Robert Bourassa avec la promesse de tenir un référendum sur l'indépendance du Québec. C'est le soir de cette victoire que René Lévesque proclame au centre Paul-Sauvé de Montréal, devant ses partisans, la phrase devenu célèbre : « Je n'ai jamais pensé que je pourrais être aussi fier d'être Québécois que ce soir. »
Ferid Chikhi, consultant en insertion socioprofessionnelle Alexandra Regalado, association latino-américaine du Québec Gabriel Bazin, vice-président ligue des noirs du Québec Point de presse de M. Jean-François Lisée, chef de l’opposition officielle, Mme Carole Poirier, porte-parole de l’opposition officielle en matière d’immigration et de communautés culturelles, Mme Agnès Maltais, porte-parole de l’opposition officielle en matière de laïcité, et M. Maka Kotto, président du caucus de l’opposition officielle
Canada's newly elected party; Parti Quebecois has already changed up the political landscape in Quebec. The group canceled the highly controversial tuition hikes in the province among other key issues, but can the Pauline Marois victory continue to make a positive change in Canada? Jacob Remes, assistant professor for SUNY Empire State College, gives us his take. Like us and/or follow us: http://twitter.com/RT_America http://www.facebook.com/RTAmerica
Demain nous appartient: Stéphane Venne - Chant Patriotique Québecois 1976 Gens des terres et des villes Revenez chez vous Car vos terres et vos villes Ont besoin de vous Ensemble on peut le faire Le pays qu'il nous faut Grand comme le grand air Et fort comme l'eau Les années de silence On les remplacera Par des chants et des danses Qu'on s'inventera Le temps de l'impuissance Ne reviendra jamais Car notre temps commence Aujourd'hui pour vrai À partir d'aujourd'hui Demain nous appartient À partir d'aujourd'hui Si vraiment on y tient Il naîtra de nos âmes Le pays qu'il nous faut Il naîtra de nos âmes Et il sera beau Aussi bon que la terre Aussi fort que les bois Il sera comme nos pères Espéraient qu'il soit Nous disons à nos pères Que rien ne fut en vain Et qu'ils n'ont pas naguère Travail...
pq.org - Voter bleu, c'est voter vert!
pq.org - Discours intégral de clôture du 15 janvier 2017 de Jean François Lisée lors du Conseil national du Parti Québécois à Québec.
Quarante ans après la première élection du Parti québécois en 1976, qu’est devenue la formation de René Lévesque? Débat au sujet de la transformation du Parti québécois réunissant Christian Nadeau (Liberté, égalité, solidarité, Boréal, 2013), Philippe Bernier Arcand (Le Parti québécois, d’un nationalisme à l’autre, Poètes de brousse, 2015), Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Le souverainisme de province, Boréal, 2015) et Christian Saint-Germain (La fin du Bluff québécois?, Liber, 2015). Musique PREMIUMBEAT.COM Right Behind the Fence (by : Lost Harmonies) Soviet Empire (by: Sergei Stren) Rule the World (by: Gyom) Braveness (by: Styve Bolduc) Handel - The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (from Solomon) (by: Wilfred Symphony Orchestra)
www.pq.org | Dans le cadre de la course à la chefferie, nous vous invitons à visionner toutes les publicités électorales du Parti Québécois.
The first of a 3-part documentary about the exodus of Anglophones from Quebec, as a result of the threat of separation from Canada. This first part is seen through the eyes of 6 friends who left Montreal in the 70's, after the separatist Parti Quebecois first came to power in the province, and the threat of separation for them became very real. They talk about the October crisis, feeling alienated and as they saw it, the limited opportunities for English speakers in Montreal.
The final of a 3-part documentary about the exodus of Anglophones from Quebec, as a result of the threat of separation from Canada. This final part tells how peoplewho left, feel about Montreal and Quebec since the last provincial referendum on Quebec's place in Canada. They talk about how the politics has changed, and how the desire for separation among young people in 2008 might not be as strong as it was in previous years.
Three city guys in a Quebecois winter cottage are surprised by the presence of a mysterious beast in the basement and within themselves. After trying their best to get rid of it, they learn that those little buggers are much tougher than they appear. Who will vanquish? This cruel comedy poses a cynical view on man's hunter instincts and the duality between compassion and the desire to overcome. Short film, 10 min. 2009, Québec, Canada World premiere, Festival des films du monde, Montréal Broadcast on Air Canada In Flight, Tou.tv, Télé-Québec, iTunes, Egoist TV Russia Québec Gold 2010 Compilation Prend ça court Montréal Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie Vancouver International Film Festival Budapest Short Film Festival Off-Courts Trouville Fantasia Festival internationa...
Trailer on a short documentary I produced and shot for the Montreal Gazette, on the Anglophone Exodus from Quebec due to the politics and the threat of separating from Canada. It's told through the eyes of people who left.
pensez-y bien le 4 septembre élections quebec 2012 parti quebecois caq coalition avenir quebec parti liberale quebec solidaire
With the provincial election only a few days away, Grade 6 students at Honoré Mericer Elemetary School in St. Leonard (8280 Nantes) will be jumping into the political fray as four of the six candidates for the Jeanne-Mance/Viger riding will be speaking to students and taking their questions on Thursday, August 30 and Friday, August 31. Beginning on Thursday at 11 a.m., the students will hear from Coalition Avenir Québec candidate Jean-François Gagné. At 1 p.m., incumbent candidate Filomena Rotiroti (Liberal) will meet with the students and on Friday at 1 p.m. Option Nationale candidate Julie Surprenant will join them. Québec Solidaire candidate Marie-Chantal Locas will be in attendance as well, however, she has yet to confirm a time. “I teach students about the three levels of governmen...
Parliamentary hearings on the Charter of Quebec Values begin next week, but many groups are making their positions public now. The EMSB said incidents of racism and xenophobia have increased ever since the Parti Quebecois proposed legislation restricting the freedom to wear religious symbols, and says the government has essentially given approval for the worst elements in society to show their hatred. "Bill 60 is precisely what personifies bullying as far as we're concerned," said Commissioner Syd Wise. Quebec Charter Some of the religious symbols that would be forbidden to government employees under the proposed Quebec Charter of Values The school board said Quebec's true values include tolerance, and points out that all schools in the province are legally required to have anti-bull...
Dans un lieu intemporel et mystérieux, le Seigneur Nephrem souhaite avoir descendance. Il ordonne à L’Alliée, sa fidèle servante, de se rendre chez La Sorcière qui l’aidera à découvrir La Choisie, celle qui lui donnera une fille. Mais La Choisie réside dans L’Autre Monde… Nephrem parviendra-t-il à ses fins ? Et si cet Autre Monde n’était qu’un reflet trouble nous entraînant sur les sentiers de la folie…? In a mysterious and timeless world, Lord Nephrem wishes to secure his lineage. He commands The Allied his loyal servant to seek the sorceress to help him find The Chosen One who will bear him a daughter. But The Chosen One resides in the other world… Will Nephrem be able to achieve his ends? And what if that other world is only a distorted reflexion of our own drawing us towards a path t...
Apres s'etre fait ferme la porte a toute negociation, une gang de jeunes engages decident de partir a la rencontre d'autres jeunes qui vivent durement les consequences des coupures liberales dans le filet de securite sociale quebecois. Ce film s'adresse tout specialement a la ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarite sociale, Julie Boulet, pour qu'elle puisse amorcer une reflexion sur ses responsabilites et sur le sens de la solidarite sociale. Si elle n'apporte aucun changement a l'aide sociale et aux programmes de retour aux etudes et d'employabilite, on en comprendra qu'elle neglige volontairement une partie importante de la population quebecoise en maintenant des services inadequats et inefficaces.
Cruel comedy, 10 min. Canada-Québec, 2009 Written and directed by Martin Thibaudeau With François Létourneau, Frédéric Blanchette and Martin Thibaudeau Three city guys in a Quebecois winter cottage try to deal with the presence of a mysterious beast in the basement, and within themselves. World premiere, Festival des films du monde, Montréal Broadcast on Air Canada In Flight, Tout.tv, Télé-Québec, iTunes, Egoist TV Russia Québec Gold 2010 Compilation Prend ça court Montréal Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie Vancouver International Film Festival Budapest Short Film Festival Off-Courts Trouville Fantasia Festival international de films Just for Laughs Film Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival Paraloeil Rimouski Festival international du court métrage de Desd...
pq.org - Réaction du Parti Québécois sur le sujet de la convergence
Documentaire québécois. L'élection générale québécoise de 1976 est tenue le 15 novembre 1976 afin d'élire à l'Assemblée nationale du Québec les députés de la 31e législature. Le Parti québécois, dirigé par René Lévesque, prend le pouvoir pour la première fois, défaisant le gouvernement libéral de Robert Bourassa avec la promesse de tenir un référendum sur l'indépendance du Québec. C'est le soir de cette victoire que René Lévesque proclame au centre Paul-Sauvé de Montréal, devant ses partisans, la phrase devenu célèbre : « Je n'ai jamais pensé que je pourrais être aussi fier d'être Québécois que ce soir. »
Ferid Chikhi, consultant en insertion socioprofessionnelle Alexandra Regalado, association latino-américaine du Québec Gabriel Bazin, vice-président ligue des noirs du Québec Point de presse de M. Jean-François Lisée, chef de l’opposition officielle, Mme Carole Poirier, porte-parole de l’opposition officielle en matière d’immigration et de communautés culturelles, Mme Agnès Maltais, porte-parole de l’opposition officielle en matière de laïcité, et M. Maka Kotto, président du caucus de l’opposition officielle
Canada's newly elected party; Parti Quebecois has already changed up the political landscape in Quebec. The group canceled the highly controversial tuition hikes in the province among other key issues, but can the Pauline Marois victory continue to make a positive change in Canada? Jacob Remes, assistant professor for SUNY Empire State College, gives us his take. Like us and/or follow us: http://twitter.com/RT_America http://www.facebook.com/RTAmerica
Demain nous appartient: Stéphane Venne - Chant Patriotique Québecois 1976 Gens des terres et des villes Revenez chez vous Car vos terres et vos villes Ont besoin de vous Ensemble on peut le faire Le pays qu'il nous faut Grand comme le grand air Et fort comme l'eau Les années de silence On les remplacera Par des chants et des danses Qu'on s'inventera Le temps de l'impuissance Ne reviendra jamais Car notre temps commence Aujourd'hui pour vrai À partir d'aujourd'hui Demain nous appartient À partir d'aujourd'hui Si vraiment on y tient Il naîtra de nos âmes Le pays qu'il nous faut Il naîtra de nos âmes Et il sera beau Aussi bon que la terre Aussi fort que les bois Il sera comme nos pères Espéraient qu'il soit Nous disons à nos pères Que rien ne fut en vain Et qu'ils n'ont pas naguère Travail...
pq.org - Voter bleu, c'est voter vert!
pq.org - Discours intégral de clôture du 15 janvier 2017 de Jean François Lisée lors du Conseil national du Parti Québécois à Québec.
Quarante ans après la première élection du Parti québécois en 1976, qu’est devenue la formation de René Lévesque? Débat au sujet de la transformation du Parti québécois réunissant Christian Nadeau (Liberté, égalité, solidarité, Boréal, 2013), Philippe Bernier Arcand (Le Parti québécois, d’un nationalisme à l’autre, Poètes de brousse, 2015), Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Le souverainisme de province, Boréal, 2015) et Christian Saint-Germain (La fin du Bluff québécois?, Liber, 2015). Musique PREMIUMBEAT.COM Right Behind the Fence (by : Lost Harmonies) Soviet Empire (by: Sergei Stren) Rule the World (by: Gyom) Braveness (by: Styve Bolduc) Handel - The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (from Solomon) (by: Wilfred Symphony Orchestra)
www.pq.org | Dans le cadre de la course à la chefferie, nous vous invitons à visionner toutes les publicités électorales du Parti Québécois.
The first of a 3-part documentary about the exodus of Anglophones from Quebec, as a result of the threat of separation from Canada. This first part is seen through the eyes of 6 friends who left Montreal in the 70's, after the separatist Parti Quebecois first came to power in the province, and the threat of separation for them became very real. They talk about the October crisis, feeling alienated and as they saw it, the limited opportunities for English speakers in Montreal.
The final of a 3-part documentary about the exodus of Anglophones from Quebec, as a result of the threat of separation from Canada. This final part tells how peoplewho left, feel about Montreal and Quebec since the last provincial referendum on Quebec's place in Canada. They talk about how the politics has changed, and how the desire for separation among young people in 2008 might not be as strong as it was in previous years.
Three city guys in a Quebecois winter cottage are surprised by the presence of a mysterious beast in the basement and within themselves. After trying their best to get rid of it, they learn that those little buggers are much tougher than they appear. Who will vanquish? This cruel comedy poses a cynical view on man's hunter instincts and the duality between compassion and the desire to overcome. Short film, 10 min. 2009, Québec, Canada World premiere, Festival des films du monde, Montréal Broadcast on Air Canada In Flight, Tou.tv, Télé-Québec, iTunes, Egoist TV Russia Québec Gold 2010 Compilation Prend ça court Montréal Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie Vancouver International Film Festival Budapest Short Film Festival Off-Courts Trouville Fantasia Festival internationa...
Trailer on a short documentary I produced and shot for the Montreal Gazette, on the Anglophone Exodus from Quebec due to the politics and the threat of separating from Canada. It's told through the eyes of people who left.
pensez-y bien le 4 septembre élections quebec 2012 parti quebecois caq coalition avenir quebec parti liberale quebec solidaire
With the provincial election only a few days away, Grade 6 students at Honoré Mericer Elemetary School in St. Leonard (8280 Nantes) will be jumping into the political fray as four of the six candidates for the Jeanne-Mance/Viger riding will be speaking to students and taking their questions on Thursday, August 30 and Friday, August 31. Beginning on Thursday at 11 a.m., the students will hear from Coalition Avenir Québec candidate Jean-François Gagné. At 1 p.m., incumbent candidate Filomena Rotiroti (Liberal) will meet with the students and on Friday at 1 p.m. Option Nationale candidate Julie Surprenant will join them. Québec Solidaire candidate Marie-Chantal Locas will be in attendance as well, however, she has yet to confirm a time. “I teach students about the three levels of governmen...
Parliamentary hearings on the Charter of Quebec Values begin next week, but many groups are making their positions public now. The EMSB said incidents of racism and xenophobia have increased ever since the Parti Quebecois proposed legislation restricting the freedom to wear religious symbols, and says the government has essentially given approval for the worst elements in society to show their hatred. "Bill 60 is precisely what personifies bullying as far as we're concerned," said Commissioner Syd Wise. Quebec Charter Some of the religious symbols that would be forbidden to government employees under the proposed Quebec Charter of Values The school board said Quebec's true values include tolerance, and points out that all schools in the province are legally required to have anti-bull...
Dans un lieu intemporel et mystérieux, le Seigneur Nephrem souhaite avoir descendance. Il ordonne à L’Alliée, sa fidèle servante, de se rendre chez La Sorcière qui l’aidera à découvrir La Choisie, celle qui lui donnera une fille. Mais La Choisie réside dans L’Autre Monde… Nephrem parviendra-t-il à ses fins ? Et si cet Autre Monde n’était qu’un reflet trouble nous entraînant sur les sentiers de la folie…? In a mysterious and timeless world, Lord Nephrem wishes to secure his lineage. He commands The Allied his loyal servant to seek the sorceress to help him find The Chosen One who will bear him a daughter. But The Chosen One resides in the other world… Will Nephrem be able to achieve his ends? And what if that other world is only a distorted reflexion of our own drawing us towards a path t...
Apres s'etre fait ferme la porte a toute negociation, une gang de jeunes engages decident de partir a la rencontre d'autres jeunes qui vivent durement les consequences des coupures liberales dans le filet de securite sociale quebecois. Ce film s'adresse tout specialement a la ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarite sociale, Julie Boulet, pour qu'elle puisse amorcer une reflexion sur ses responsabilites et sur le sens de la solidarite sociale. Si elle n'apporte aucun changement a l'aide sociale et aux programmes de retour aux etudes et d'employabilite, on en comprendra qu'elle neglige volontairement une partie importante de la population quebecoise en maintenant des services inadequats et inefficaces.
Cruel comedy, 10 min. Canada-Québec, 2009 Written and directed by Martin Thibaudeau With François Létourneau, Frédéric Blanchette and Martin Thibaudeau Three city guys in a Quebecois winter cottage try to deal with the presence of a mysterious beast in the basement, and within themselves. World premiere, Festival des films du monde, Montréal Broadcast on Air Canada In Flight, Tout.tv, Télé-Québec, iTunes, Egoist TV Russia Québec Gold 2010 Compilation Prend ça court Montréal Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie Vancouver International Film Festival Budapest Short Film Festival Off-Courts Trouville Fantasia Festival international de films Just for Laughs Film Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival Paraloeil Rimouski Festival international du court métrage de Desd...
Voters in Quebec are FED UP with Pauline Marois and the PQ - Parti Quebecois and they expressed it by creating all these funny pictures of the Quebec Election 2014 ....ROTFLOAO
Pauline Marois' Parti Quebecois government has introduced the details of a "Charter of Values" it intends to pass this fall. If it passes, the province's public service employees will be banned from wearing or carrying any religious symbols - a move meant to firmly establish secularism in public life. It's also a challenge to Canada's values of tolerance and acceptance of diversity. The Agenda examines these two solitudes, forced to face the most divisive of issues.
https://www.libertybeat.ca/episode-12-screw-the-olympics-libertarian/ Get out the mail stationery and your favorite hate mail pen! The loony libertarian hosts of Liberty Beat Podcast are back to assault your ears with truth and justice! 😀 Tune in, and enjoy. Recorded live on August 12th, 2012. Topics: Democracy = Two wolves and a sheep, voting on what’s for dinner. Corporations, should they exist? Mergers, A la carte channels, and other terrible CRTC decisions we’re forced to endure. Crown corporations: Should parliament be allowed to delegate their power? Yet another law designed to ‘protect’ our ‘security’ Arbitrary enforcement: Police should be compelled to enforce any law they see broken. Are sports an analogue for warfare? “Out of a job yet? Keep...
Weekly events show brought to you by APFP. You know you wanna... Story links: Amelia https://news.vice.com/article/court-ruling-makes-taking-pictures-up-womens-skirts-legal-in-texas http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/25/justice/south-carolina-trooper-shooting/ http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/24/us/pennsylvania-lawmaker-comes-out/index.html?hpt=us_t4 Andy http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/9/26/government-salesofconfederateflagbanned.html http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/9/25/attorney-generalericholderdeparturelegacy.html http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/9/25/obama-to-create-worldslargestmarinesanctuary.htm Kristian http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/German+president+draws+Parti+Quebecois+talking+Canadian+unity/10243222/story.html http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/c...
There is a huge uproar in Quebec around a recent charter of values introduced by the Parti Quebecois. Amongst other things, the charter would limit the wearing of religious symbols by government employees -- these symbols would include large crosses, hijabs, turbans and such. The Parti Quebecois say the charter is in favour of equality and religious neutrality, while others are yelling racism and discrimination. Rachel Brown and Amarnath Amarasingham joined us in the studio to discuss the controversy boiling around this proposal. GUEST BIOS - Rachel Brown is a PhD candidate in the Department of Religion and Culture, at Wilfrid Laurier University. Her primary research interest lies in the study of the immigrant religious experience. Her dissertation examines the immigration and integration...
D’où vient la vie, quel est son but et qu’est-ce qu’il y a après la mort ? Est-ce que l’être doué de raison peut douter de l’existence d’un créateur ? Si l’homme passe près d’un terrain dans lequel il n’y a pas de constructions, ensuite revient et voit un mur construit, il sait qu’il a nécessairement un constructeur qui l’a bâtit." oummah, islam, vérité, musulmane, voile, niqab, racisme , islamophobie, guerre, sainte, culte, religion, verset, hadith, quran, recitation, bilad, sham, hijra, opprimé, pauvre, centrafrique, rohingyas, birmanie, injustice, syrie hadith, syrie islam, prophète, Mohammed, Allah, Dieu, sounnah, prière, mort, tombe, palestine, iraq, jordanie, afghanistan, khorasan, islam court metrage, islam hadith, islam vérité, islam converti, musulman, communauté, guerre, fisab...
D’où vient la vie, quel est son but et qu’est-ce qu’il y a après la mort ? Est-ce que l’être doué de raison peut douter de l’existence d’un créateur ? Si l’homme passe près d’un terrain dans lequel il n’y a pas de constructions, ensuite revient et voit un mur construit, il sait qu’il a nécessairement un constructeur qui l’a bâtit." oummah, islam, vérité, musulmane, voile, niqab, racisme , islamophobie, guerre, sainte, culte, religion, verset, hadith, quran, recitation, bilad, sham, hijra, opprimé, pauvre, centrafrique, rohingyas, birmanie, injustice, syrie hadith, syrie islam, prophète, Mohammed, Allah, Dieu, sounnah, prière, mort, tombe, palestine, iraq, jordanie, afghanistan, khorasan, islam court metrage, islam hadith, islam vérité, islam converti, musulman, communauté, guerre, fisab...
Quebec Solidaire Leader Francoise David, Coalition Avenir du Quebec Leader Francois Legault, Parti Quebecois leader Pauline Marois, and Liberal leader Philippe Couillard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charbonneau_Commission https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Porter-(physician) Prime Minister Stephen Harper announces appointments to the Security Intelligence Review Committee Ottawa, Ontario 23 June 2010 Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the appointments of the Hon. Dr. Arthur Thomas Porter as Chairperson, and the Hon. Carol Skelton and the Hon. Dr. Philippe Couillard as members of the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC). Dr. Porter, from Montréal, Quebec, is the President of Réseau Universitaire Intégré de Santé (RUIS) and Director General and CEO of the McGill U...
Both Quebec Liberal Party and Parti Quebecois trail badly in the polls in the belle province as new parties emerge and the old ones falter. Federally, the NDP's Orange wave just about wiped out the Bloc. Are these mild tremors shifting Quebec's political landscape or do they signify a more profound political realignment?