- published: 14 Dec 2016
- views: 53
José Luis Lopes Costa e Silva (born 17 May 1958), known as José Luís, is a Portuguese retired footballer who played as an attacking midfielder.
Born in Lisbon, José Luís was promoted to hometown's S.L. Benfica's first team at only 18, finishing his first season with 25 games, 20 starts and two goals as the club won the national championship. Until the end of his tenure he was irregularly used by the Eagles, his best years being 1983 to 1985 as he appeared in 57 matches combined – six goals – and won the 1984 league and the following year's Portuguese Cup; he also played the full 90 minutes in the 1982–83 UEFA Cup final's first hand, a 0–1 away loss against R.S.C. Anderlecht (1–2 on aggregate).
Luís left Benfica in the 1987 summer and signed for C.S. Marítimo, competing in a further four top division campaigns and eventually amassing totals in the competition of 283 games and 28 goals. He retired in June 1993 at the age of 35, after two years with A.D. Ovarense in the second level.
Erasmo Pascual - Biografía
100 Actores Españoles. Erasmo Pascual. 1960.
El turismo es un gran invento - Clip
1960. Sólo para hombres. http://www.loqueotroshandicho.com/la-confusion-progresista/100-actores-espanoles/erasmo-pascual http://www.imdb.es/title/tt0054363/ http://www.imdb.es/name/nm0258602/
Ver en: http://www.filmotech.com/v2/ES/FX_FichaPelicula.asp?ID=10192 Director: Pedro Lazaga Intérpretes: Paco Martinez Soria, Jose Luis Lopez Vazquez, Rafael Lopez Somoza, Antonio Ozores, Erasmo Pascual, Maria Luisa Ponte, Jesus Guzman, Pedro Porcel, Francisco Camoiras, Margot Cottens Género: Comedia Sinopsis: El alcalde de un pequeño pueblo de Aragón quiere convertir el lugar en un gran centro turístico, para conseguir de esta manera que la aldea se desarrolle y crezca en importancia. Sus armas son las mejores frutas de Aragón y un castillo.
Presentacion del grupo de musica llanera ANDILLANO conformado por jose miguel molina en el arpa carlos marquez en el cuatrro en el Bajo---juanga javier molina en las maracas SONIDO Y AMPLIFICACION DE grecor sonido profesional FILMACION Y EDICION: PASCUAL PRODUCCIONES TLF 0414 880 3405 ACTUACION ESPECIAL DEL PADROTE DE BATATUY ERASMO MARQUEZ CENTRO TURISTICO DE MICHAY PASANDO EL PUENTE DE MIRI
EL MES PASCUAL, Lleva un mensaje que es jocoso, Llama a quienes lo reciben a moderarse Para poder cumplir con los compromisos Y los gastos que nos trae diciembre. Compositor: Erasmo Laureano Santana. Felicidades.
BERLANGA VISTO POR BERLANGA: "EL VERDUGO" (1963) ARGUMENTO: José Luis es un joven empleado en una funeraria que conoce, al hacer un servicio en una prisión, a un verdugo llamado Amadeo que está a punto de jubilarse. Al llevarle a su domicilio el maletín con el instrumental profesional que había olvidado, conoce también a su hija Carmen, con la que nadie ha querido casarse por no emparentar con el padre. La pareja congenia rápidamente y, tras ser sorprendido por el anciano en una situación comprometida con la hija, José Luis se ve obligado a casarse con ella. Un patronato oficial le concede al viejo funcionario una vivienda donde poder residir junto al recién formado matrimonio, que además espera un hijo. Pero llegada la jubilación del titular, todos deberán abandonar la vivienda, salvo q...
Lacus Glacies, acuarela de Pascual Cándido. www.artcandido.com
Director Mario Camus Guión Mario Camus (Novela: Ignacio Aldecoa) Música Antonio Pérez Olea Fotografía Juan Julio Baena Reparto Antonio Gades, María José Alfonso, Vicente Escudero, Imperio Argentina, María Luisa Ponte, Erasmo Pascual, Antonio Ferrandis, José Manuel Martín, José Caride, Luis Marín, José Seguera Productora Pro Artis Ibérica Género Drama | Drama social Sinopsis La vida de Sebastián, un gitano de veintiocho años, cambia radicalmente cuando mata a un hombre. A partir de ese momento, debe huir, conocer el infierno de la soledad y el rechazo de los suyos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Our 100th Youtube Video. Interview with a One-Year-Old. I wanted to interview Jose Luis a few months before he turned two. This is what he had to say. Shay's shout out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RyfT3WLcvs StevenJPresents music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwGwNkZKdgY&feature;=channel_video_title Buy T-shirts: http://www.districtlines.com/Mr.-Arturo-Trejo Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/MrArturoTrejo Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mr-Arturo-Trejo/119581278057750?ref=sgm Check out Mrs. Nancy Trejo's latest: http://www.youtube.com/MrsNancyTrejo or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mlOA1Q4yaQ&feature;=channel_video_title Check out last week's Trejo Tursday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKap2MKA9EM
Jose Luis has something to say. Last Trejo Treat: http://youtu.be/5JcFk-Y64qI My new restaurant: http://www.frijoles.vegas Want to BUY a NEW T-shirt? http://www.districtlines.com/Mr.-Arturo-Trejo Check out the latest Trejo Treat: http://www.youtube.com/trejotreats Check out my Channel: http://www.youtube.com/mrarturotrejo Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/MrArturoTrejo Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/TrejoFans
Jose Luis thinks he can hook up with Jennifer Lopez. Full Contest Results Video (Link Here): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCBDEEQUPyY Buy T-shirts: http://www.districtlines.com/Mr.-Arturo-Trejo Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/MrArturoTrejo Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mr-Arturo-Trejo/119581278057750?ref=sgm Check out Mrs. Nancy Trejo's latest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TA3qN7iZiw Check out last week's Trejo Tursday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45XxAoPk-7E Check out Richard Hagen who redesigned my channel page: http://www.artbyhagen.com; or on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/user/granitelion. Contact him at CrazyRealArt@gmail.com. See my new channel design! http://www.youtube.com/user/mrarturotrejo
You have got to see this. Viral Inspirational Video of wounded marine Jose Luis Sanchez. Picked himself up with the help of Affliction Clothing Brand and now helps others! Watch the whole video!!!
The Bubble's Bianca Fernet's full interview with Argentine economist José Luis Espert. Listen to our podcast version on iTunes at
Last August Lehman College welcomed only its third president in its almost fifty year history. In this interview with EdCast's Dr. Linda Hirsch, President José Luis Cruz discusses his vision for Lehman College and the implications of changes in Washington, D.C. leadership. Based on his extensive experience in policy and practice, he shares his views on what makes for successful institutions and how Lehman can best serve its students and community in a time of increasing technological innovation and political uncertainty.
Entrevista a José Luis Torres Leiva por El viento sabe que vuelvo a casa
A trip to the movies. But not before Jose Luis learns the art of plunging. Check out our latest Trejo Treat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lco9XKJvzEs Check out Last Week's Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPJiAe2XAUg Check out Nancy's latest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOrL9aUbZL8 Check out my Channel: http://www.youtube.com/mrarturotrejo Buy T-shirts: http://www.districtlines.com/Mr.-Arturo-Trejo Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/MrArturoTrejo Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/TrejoFans
At the World Premiere of Seve Premiere Scene's Claire Bueno and Mike Jonas got into full swing and swapped their microphone for and golf club to interview actor José Luis Gutiérrez, about the inspiring story of a Spanish farmer's boy turned golfing champion Severiano Ballesteros. Join us as we ask José Luis Gutiérrez about his own fabulous story of his casting story to portray this golfing legend. Unauthorised use of this content is prohibited protected by © Premiere Scene. To purchase interview footage please contact sales@premierescene.net To see more interviews and to find out what's happening on the movie calendar visit http://www.premierescene.net or follow us on Twitter @premscene
José Luis Espejo, co-editor, Mediateletipos, Madrid Mediateletipos.net is an online publication in blog format devoted to the spreading of aural culture, sound art, audiovisual activism and the creation with new media in Spain. José Luis Espejo studied Art History and Visual Culture at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. His final degree project explores the political uses of sound in art. He has written and spoken publically about these subjects with people. He is part of the independent research group Numax and is co-editor of aural cultures blog Mediateletipos. Lately he is interested in the relationship between sound, politics, religion and other insane deviations of popular culture.
An interview with artist José Luis Torres and his exhibition at TRUCK Contemporary Art in Calgary Mutations evokes a collector’s aesthetic and the idea that something can be created out of nothing. Torres begins with a profusion of randomly chosen objects, creating unexpected and unlikely combinations from reused items, using instability as an artistic means. Through this process, Torres takes objects and makes them look like other “things”, like an illusionist.
Musgo is now available in vimeo.com/ondemand/3737, thanks for watching :-)) Musgo in Beloit International Film Festival 2014 http://beloitfilmfest.org/es/biff/moss/ MUSGO in Slamdance Film Festival 2013 ! http://slamdance.festivalgenius.com/2013/films/musgo_gamiorbegoso_slamdance2013 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Musgo/229913677100591 (thanks for sharing) Musgo con Telemundo(Slamdance) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5srL9T-7ZU http://nofilmschool.com/2013/02/panasonic-gh2-shane-carruth-upstream-color-musgo/?utm_source=feedburner&utm;_medium=feed&utm;_campaign=Feed%3A+nofilmschool+%28NoFilmSchool%29 http://filmfestivalflix.com/unforgettable-festival-films-part-ii/ (review) a film by Gami Orbegoso Storyline Sara runs a large country house in the middle of the Pyrenees, away f...
A Talk With José Luís Peixoto Rogue Space Gallery (526 West 26th Street) June 14, 6.30 PM Arte Institute is pleased to present "A Talk With José Luís Peixoto", where the writer will be discussing about his work, literature and human nature, while engaging closely with youth, who often becomes fascinated with this young writer’s approach to life and writing. Tattoos, piercings and literature don’t usually go hand in hand. However, what may seem like an odd match at first, turns out to be a powerful, magical blend, or the quintessential nature of Peixoto’s books. José Luís Peixoto is Portugal's most acclaimed, prize-winning young novelist.His books are published in over 20 languages and he has been awarded several international prizes for his novels, narratives and plays. The writer wil...
Short teaser for an exclusive interview with Jose Luis de Vicente, critic, curator and researcher. The full interview will be published tomorrow at etapes.com in English with French subtitles. Film & Editing : Mark Webster Production : Pyramyd NTCV 2008 etapes.com ////////////// José Luis de Vicente is a Researcher and writer working around the edges of New Media Arts, Digital creativity, and innovation in Design and Culture. He is a member of the board of FAD, Barcelona's centenary Asociation of Architects and Designers. He is the director of the VISUALIZAR program on Information Visualization at Medialab Prado, Madrid. www.elastico.net
* 2010 * Color and Black and White * Documentary (Interview) * Mini DV * TRT: 99 minutes CAMERA: Emman Pascual *EDITOR, INTERVIEWER, PRODUCER: JP V. Carpio *QUESTIONS: JP V. Carpio, Tobias Morgan, Yvette Pantilla *ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS: Yuki Aditya, KJ Farrington, Ira Lastrilla, Blue K, Custodian of the Cinematheque, Emman Pascual *SPECIAL THANKS: Luis Alguera, Willy Fernandez, Jose Gruta, Noel Miralles, Marissa Sue Prado, Myra Wang On March 18, 2010, filmmakers JP Carpio and Emman Pascual travel to an apartment in Marikina, Metro Manila, Philippines to pay an afternoon visit to interview Lav Diaz – arguably the most important filmmaker working in the Philippines right now, and one of the key figures of the early 21st century new wave of Philippine...
René lives a dull, uneventful life in a subterranean and futuristic world. He is about to be promoted and transferred from Circle One to Circle Six, when a series of mysterious mounds start to appear systematically in his apartment. - "César Pesquera redefines the spaces of a hotel in Barcelona inspired by Dante's Inferno in his experimental science-fiction film equally influenced by Tarkovski's Solaris and Kubrik's 2001" CAHIERS DU CINEMA "The set design is beautiful and the attention to detail is super high, luckily this never distracts from René’s journey, partly because Pablo Menasanch playing René is so arresting and writer / director César Pesquera has done such a great job setting and maintaining the tone." FORMFIFTYFIVE "In the realm of ultra-rational asepsis, it is the space t...
This is a video interview realized with José Luis Betancourt Castellanos. January 2011 author of the month of myMoleskine. The full story available on Moleskinerie here: http://bit.ly/ijj6Ku
Ray Barretto (April 29, 1929 – February 17, 2006) was an American Grammy Award-winning Latin/Latin jazz musician of Puerto Rican ancestry. Early years Barretto (whose surname is really "Barreto"; a mistake at the time Ray's birth certificate was filed gave his last name its formal spelling) was born in New York City. His parents moved to New York from Puerto Rico in the early 1920s, looking for a better life. He was raised in Spanish Harlem and at a very young age was influenced by his mother's love of music and by the jazz music of musicians such as Duke Ellington and Count Basie. In 1946, when Barretto was 17 years old, he joined the Army. While stationed in Germany, Barretto met Belgian vibist Fats Sadi, who was working there. However, it was when he heard Dizzy Gillespie's "Manteca" wi...
* 2010 * Color and Black and White * Documentary (Interview) * Mini DV * TRT: 99 minutes CAMERA: Emman Pascual *EDITOR, INTERVIEWER, PRODUCER: JP V. Carpio *QUESTIONS: JP V. Carpio, Tobias Morgan, Yvette Pantilla *ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS: Yuki Aditya, KJ Farrington, Ira Lastrilla, Blue K, Custodian of the Cinematheque, Emman Pascual *SPECIAL THANKS: Luis Alguera, Willy Fernandez, Jose Gruta, Noel Miralles, Marissa Sue Prado, Myra Wang On March 18, 2010, filmmakers JP Carpio and Emman Pascual travel to an apartment in Marikina, Metro Manila, Philippines to pay an afternoon visit to interview Lav Diaz – arguably the most important filmmaker working in the Philippines right now, and one of the key figures of the early 21st century new wave of Philippine cinema. In this interview, Diaz share...