Civitavecchia: FAI / FRI communique for the explosive attack on the court (Italy)

  • Posted on: 7 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From 325

My heart abhors and defies
The powerful of the earth,
My arm makes war on the cowardly oppressor
(Rebel Love – Pietro Gori)

We are living in a state of permanent global war, the perpetual war between oppressors, we know it and we know the main and secondary characters of dominion. Above all the oppressed know it, those who suffer arbitrary power over their lives.

TFSRadio: Interview on "The Spaces Between; A project about the rest of us"

  • Posted on: 7 March 2016
  • By: Bursts
The Spaces Between; A project about the rest of us

This week we're speaking with Josie and Nathan of the project "The Spaces Between; A project about the rest of us". Airs on WSFM-LP 103.3 in Asheville / streaming at AshevilleFM from 3am EST on March 7th, 2016, through March 13th, then podcasting at

Announcing the 2016 IAS Grantees

  • Posted on: 7 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From IAS

2016 Grantees, Fundraising Appeal, Call for Submissions for our Next Perspectives on Anarchist Theory and more!

Congratulations 2016 Grantees
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FBI instructs high schools to report students who may be "anarchist extremists"

  • Posted on: 6 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Alternet

Under new guidelines, the FBI is instructing high schools across the country to report students who criticize government policies and “western corruption” as potential future terrorists, warning that “anarchist extremists” are in the same category as ISIS and young people who are poor, immigrants or travel to “suspicious” countries are more likely to commit horrific violence.

Eric King Accepts Non-cooperating Plea Agreement for 10 Years

  • Posted on: 5 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Support Eric King

Today in court, Eric King accepted a non-cooperating plea agreement to a federal felony charge that carries a sentence of 10 years in prison. The charge is 18 U.S.C. § 844(h), use of explosive materials to commit arson of property used in or affecting interstate commerce. Eric was arrested in September 2014 and has fought his charges since then, suffering through terrible conditions in the private prison he’s been held captive in since his arrest.

The Individualist Anarchist Wears No Clothes

  • Posted on: 4 March 2016
  • By: thecollective

From C4SS - by Nick Ford

Introduction: Who Was Emile Armand?

Emile Armand (a pseudonym for Ernest-Lucien Juin) is at the center of the collection Individualist Anarchism – Revolutionary Sexualism: Writings by Emile Armand (2012) published by Pallaksch Press and distributed by Little Black Cart.

Armand was a French egoist/individualist anarchist, arguably an early proponent of polyamory within the anarchist scene and among other things, a pacifist. He was one of the few anarchists from the late 19th century that not only remained an anarchist until he died but managed to live past the Spanish Revolution until his death in 1963. In doing so he outlived many other prominent figures such as Benjamin Tucker and Emma Goldman.

Athens: Prison sentences in the 2nd trial against Revolutionary Struggle

  • Posted on: 4 March 2016
  • By: thecollective

On March 3rd 2016, the Koridallos prison court sentenced all co-accused in the second trial against Revolutionary Struggle with regard to the attack with a car bomb containing 75kg of explosives against the Bank of Greece’s Supervision Directorate in central Athens on April 10th 2014; the shootout in Monastiraki on July 16th 2014 (when comrade Nikos Maziotis was injured and recaptured by police); and expropriations of bank branches.

Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis was sentenced to life in prison plus 129 years and a fine of 20,000 euros.

Turkey: Repression against anarchist & revolutionary students

  • Posted on: 4 March 2016
  • By: thecollective

03.03.16: The Ayazaga Campus of Istanbul Techical University (ITU) has recently witnessed the efforts of jihadist fascists groups with supports of police and private security forces aiming that turn the campus into their propaganda place. Today, the private security forces with policemen raided the classrooms under pretext of ID checking at around 12 o’clock, just before the calling of revolutionist and anarchists students for press release at 12.30.

Italy – Anarchists Niccolò Blasi and Claudio Alberto are free!

  • Posted on: 4 March 2016
  • By: thecollective

After Mattia, Claudio and Niccolò were also released from house arrest a few days ago and are now free without restrictions.
Chiara is still under house arrest as her situation is different from that of her three comrades. A few months ago she was served with a Special Surveillance order implying compulsory residence, but this has been suspended and is to be enforced only when Chiara is released from house arrest. An appeal was made against the order and the court will soon decide about revoking, modifying or confirming ‘their’ Special Surveillance.
