Guardian Live | Europe, austerity and the threat to global stability with Yanis Varoufakis, Caroline Lucas & Tariq Ali

Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 21.13.11.pngThursday 7 April 2016, 7pm–8.30pm, Emmanuel Centre, London, SW1P 3DW

Has the EU lost sight of its original purpose? Critics argue that agreements such as TTIP illustrate just how undemocratic the EU has become. Are weaker nations paying the debt of a financial crash which they did not cause? Has the EU been reduced to a vehicle for free market economics? Calls for more transparency in EU decision-making is nothing new. Yet, as we see the rise of continental euroscepticism and the EU becomes more fractured, is it time to reform?

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Is the finance sector fit for purpose? Public Lecture, in London (30/3), with John McDonnell MP & Anastasia Nesvetailova

YV & John McDonnellThis public lecture, convened and to be chaired by John McDonnell MP Shadow Chancellor, is aimed at informing the conversation about the finance sector. The event is part of a series of public events to widen the debate around economics in Britain and will offer the opportunity to hear from and put questions to the speakers on a range of economic issues.

Speakers: Yanis Varoufakis Former Finance Minister of Greece and Anastasia Nesvetailova Political Economy Research Centre, City Universit

DiEM Statement Condemning European Summit’s Preliminary Accord to Expel Refugees to Turkey

DIEM25, the Democracy in Europe Movement, strongly condemns the preliminary agreement reached during last night’s European Union Summit, according to which thousands of Syrian refugees will be returned to Turkey.

DiEM25 finds this agreement shameful and contrary to international laws and treaties, including the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Art. 19, “Collective expulsions are prohibited”) and the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.

The mere tabling of such an agreement undermines further the integrity and soul of a Union that was once more confident in its espousal of humanism, its proclamation of solidarity, and its pursuit of shared prosperity.

If this agreement with Ankara is finalised, Europe will be sending a frightful message to the rest of the world: that men, women and children who managed to survive high seas and the horrors of war, regardless of their status or asylum eligibility, are not welcome in Europe.

We call upon Europeans and their elected representatives to overrule any and all attempts that would allow the EU to trade human lives and basic humanist principles for retrograde, narrow, nationalist interests.



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Britain’s Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell sits with Yanis Varoufakis in London, November 21, 2015. Varoufakis is engaging with Corbyn’s Labour and other U.K. parties.REUTERS/NEIL HALL

Much was made recently of the U.K.opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn’s statementthat I was helping his team “in some capacity.” George Osborne, for one, jumped at the opportunity to take a shot at Labour by mocking me, luxuriating visibly in my defeat in the hands of a despotic EU. Even David Cameron, not to be left out,added his own little quip.

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The Irish have rejected ‘dead-end’, troika-inspired policies – comment in The IRISH TIMES

Old Regime is Dead. But the New Regime is Struggling to Be Born

Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis (left) said Ireland had rejected the policies of Fine Gael Minister for Finance. Ireland has rejected the policies of Fine Gael Minister for Finance.

 Ireland has rejected Fine Gael and Labour’s “dead-end policies” and Michael Noonan’s “cynical” pledge to renegotiate cuts to Ireland’s banking debt, former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis has declared. Continue reading

Reply to Open Letter by Federation of Young European Greens to DiEM25

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Following the Berlin Launch of DiEM25, eleven representatives of the FEDERATION OF YOUNG EUROPEAN GREENS (including two Members of European Parliament) sent DiEM25 an Open Letter welcoming its ‘birth’ and urging us to unite in the fight for a Democratic, Sustainable, Humanist, Open Europe. Here is my reply to their Open Letter (which you can download here or here in pdf): Continue reading

DiEM25 and the mission to save Europe – in conversation with euronews’ Isabelle Kumar


To watch the interview on the euronews site, click here :

Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis locked horns with the European establishment, and ultimately had to stand down. But now the bad boy of European politics is back with a vengeance – launching DiEM25 a new pan-European movement that he says aims to bring democracy back to EU decision making. To discuss the future, as well as the thorny past, Varoufakis joined euronews’ Isabelle Kumar in Athens for the Global Conversation.

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For the video of the interview click image. For a transcript…

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The 3rd Option Needed in the UK Referendum Debate – in Newsweek

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We need a third way
Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister, speaking at the launch of the DiEM25– Good Europe campaign.

“David Cameron came back with the mother of all euro-fudges to address…an electorate that is sick and tired of euro-fudges. So there is a delicious irony there… The Euroskeptics have a legitimate case. Those who…come to the conclusion that Britain is better off outside the European Union due to their commitment to the sovereignty of Parliament and so on, they have a very interesting case. [But] I disagree with them…because at the same time they want to be part of the single market. You cannot have a single market unless you have common industry standards. And you cannot have those common standards and a judiciary and a system of implementing those common standards unless you have pooled sovereignty.

“So in the referendum I would like to campaign for a third option, neither Brexit nor surrender to this euro-fudge of Cameron and his mates in the European Council.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Economics: With Ann Pettifor – Tuesday 23/2, London

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How did we get here? And how can we get out of this mess? Hitch a ride with us through the topsy-turvy world of contemporary economics – no prior knowledge required!

Yanis Varoufakis (Former Greek Finance Minister), Ann Pettifor (Director, Policy Research in Macroeconomics), Mufti Abdur Rahman Mangera (Former Imam, Casenove Road Mosque, Hackney and Director of Zamzam Academy)

  • LOCATION: Hackney’s Round Chapel
  • WHEN: Tuesday, 23 February 2016 from 16:00 to 18:30 (GMT)

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