New Rare Turtles (Geoemyda spengleri)
Anthony, of, displays a long term tTR
Vietnamese Black Breasted
Leaf Turtle (
Geoemyda spengleri) project that is just coming under his care, as a joint project with himself and
Steve. For more information on Vietnamese Black Breasted Leaf
Turtles (Geoemyda spengleri) and other exciting species, please visit
Now belonging to Anthony and Steve, and under the care of Anthony, this
1.1 pair of Vietnamese Black Breasted Leaf Turtles (Geoemyda spengleri) has now been with members of theTurtleRoom for 9 years (since 2004 when the last imports came into the US). This female started producing eggs in
2005. It was not until 2008 that Ben's first CB Geoemyda spengleri hatched. Since then,
1-3 hatchlings per year have been produced. She lays 2-3 clutches per year, with 1 egg, occasionally 2 eggs, in each clutch.
While under Ben's care, these Vietnamese Black Breasted Leaf Turtles (Geoemyda spengleri) were housed individually (except during breeding season) in planted enclosures in a greenhouse. They experienced a natural photo-period as well as cooler, dryer temperatures during the winter months. Lows in the winter averaged around 58F and they have experienced temperatures in the low 40sF without ill effect.
High temperatures during the winter depended on the intensity of the sun, sometimes just a few degrees above the lows, other times up to the mid-70sF. They were not offered food during their winter dormancy and were not misted often. During the heat of the summer, air temperatures in the greenhouse could get as high as 100F. The turtles had adequate shade, cool water, and piles of leaves to cool off in. They were also heavily misted several times a day in extreme heat. The low temeperatures during the summer sometimes did not drop below 80F for a few months.
Now that they have moved from Ben's greenhouse to Anthony's basement, we will be adjusting care to to make their new home comparable to their natural habitat. We will update this page with more details as a routine has been established.
The Vietnamese Black Breasted Leaf Turtle (Geoemyda spengeleri) is primarily carnivorous. They will easily become obese from their willingness to eat. We offer food 2-3 times weekly during their active period.
Shrimp, worms, mealworms, softened Mazuri
Fresh Water Turtle
Diet, and a ground turkey mix compose the majority of their diet. Fruits such as grapes, banana and strawberries will occasionally be eaten. Each individual has their own preferences. On an interesting note, they refused all fruit for many years. Ben continued to offer fruit anyway, and out of the blue they just started to eat the fruit and continue to do so.
For more information on Vietnamese Black Breasted Leaf Turtles (Geoemyda spengleri), please visit