- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 3045
The Party is an American pop band. The group was originally composed of Albert Fields, Tiffini Hale, Chase Hampton, Deedee Magno, and Damon Pampolina, all of whom were cast members of The All New Mickey Mouse Club from 1989 until 1992. In 2013, the group reunited, minus Tiffini Hale.
In 1990, the Disney Channel formed a pop band composed of then-current cast members of the 1989-1994 Mickey Mouse Club (also known as MMC). As part of the promotion for the band, a name-the-band contest was held. The result was the Party, which is a backronym for "Positive Attitude Reflecting Today's Youth." The group was also the first signing to the Walt Disney Company’s pop-music-oriented label Hollywood Records, which, at the time, was distributed by Elektra Records.
The self-titled debut album was released in August 1990 on Hollywood Records. The first single, “Summer Vacation,” was moderately successful, peaking at #72 on the Billboard Hot 100. The following singles, "I Found Love" and "That's Why" (which brought the group into a much bigger audience, thanks in part to a remixed version and added rap vocals), peaked at #79 and #55, respectively. The album also charted at #116 on the Billboard 200 Album Chart. During this time, the Disney Channel produced a special titled "The Party: In Concert." The group’s success landed it opening-act spots on major concert tours with the likes of Taylor Dayne and Vanilla Ice. The group also appeared on various shows, such as Live with Regis and Kathie Lee, Into the Night starring Rick Dees, and The Party Machine with Nia Peeples. In the summer of the following year, "Summer Vacation" was re-released in remixed form.
A party is a gathering of people who have been invited by a host for the purposes of socializing, conversation, recreation, or as part of a festival or other commemoration of a special occasion. A party will typically feature food and beverages, and often music and dancing or other forms of entertainment. In many Western countries, parties for teens and adults are associated with drinking alcohol such as beer, wine or distilled spirits.
Some parties are held in honor of a specific person, day, or event, such as a birthday party, a Super Bowl party, or a St. Patrick’s Day party. Parties of this kind are often called celebrations. A party is not necessarily a private occasion. Public parties are sometimes held in restaurants, pubs, beer gardens, nightclubs or bars, and people attending such parties may be charged an admission fee by the host. Large parties in public streets may celebrate events such as Mardi Gras or the signing of a peace treaty ending a long war.
温嵐 藍色雨 BossaNova版
Mc HotDog After Party feat. 鐵竹堂Scottie 作詞:姚中仁 作曲:姚中仁、陳恒義 (Scottie) 編曲:陳恒義 (Scottie) 歌詞: 有多少個夜 好像就這樣醉 有多少個夜 她粧沒卸了就睡 她墜入了夢鄉 她似乎忘了最初的夢想 為何來到台北工作? 她還在想 她坐上了火車 託運了摩托車 一間套房 一台電腦 就能讓她活著 如何博得好的生活? 但是台北居 大不易 到現在都還在斟酌 找不到好的工作 她吵著要 好的工作 少不了的情緒 還是要過週末 這個該死的週末 衣錦還鄉的想法 胎死在腹中 她選擇了party, party all night long 或許寂寞的人才懂 Party人來瘋 她早就猜中 Life is a party, party going on.她說 這裡結束後 After Party 請你跟著我 After Party 別想這麼多 After Party We can Have a Party,After Party,In The Party,After Party 現在是party 等等是after party Party after party after party after party Party makes the world go around 現在是party 等等是after party Party after party after party after party Party makes the world go around 她手上還蓋著昨天夜店的章 她身體散發的是獵艷的香 Party makes the world go around 男男女女在這裡得到解放 她笑說 在新加坡根本沒有新加坡拳 拍一下 拍兩下 隨你便 我多麼希望妳也可以這麼隨便 來台北混了這麼久 你難得還沒淪陷 我虧她 妳...
新聞及圖片連結 http://www.wownews.tw/article.php?sn=33960 「臺北最High新年城2016跨年晚會」於昨(31)日晚間7點在臺北市政府前廣場盛大舉行,堪稱全臺最強卡司跨年晚會,由「綜藝天王」吳宗憲、納豆、Lulu聯手主持,節目演出由「姐姐」謝金燕熱鬧變裝打頭陣,在30分鐘的演出共換了七套衣服,演唱歌曲包括「姐姐」、「要發達」、粵語歌「愛情陷阱」、韓國泫雅唱的「Bubble pop」、日本卡通「妖怪手錶」及蹦蹦趴,邊唱邊跳還大送妖怪抱枕、Pizza道具及發財金,最後大驚喜是紅色絨毛車上場,謝金燕也換裝成地縛貓。緊接則是溫嵐熱歌勁舞動感組曲演唱,瞬間炒熱跨年現場氣氛。 二度獲得金曲獎「最佳演唱組合」的大嘴巴緊接登場,演唱「Funky那個女孩」、「有事嗎」、共四首KTV超人氣HIGH歌,搭配首度出現的360度攝影機,創新跨年晚會前所未有新鮮熱鬧的視聽享受,而「小胖」林育群則演唱電影主題曲組曲「致我的青春那些年」,「校園天后」曾沛慈除了演唱「黑框眼鏡」、「不過失去了一點點」外,還演唱戲劇組曲,而2016年台北市為「世界設計之都」,邀請蕭青陽等設計師同台,與台北市市長柯文哲、WDC主席一起參加正式啟動儀式,緊接著柯文哲市長開金嗓演唱五月天歌曲「憨人」,現場歡聲雷動,他對著吳宗憲笑說:「我唱歌才能顯示你的歌聲好。」吳宗憲還拱他唱安可曲,他愣住直搖手拒絕。 傷後復出潘瑋柏,將第一場也是唯一一場跨年演出留在台北,天王火力全開,帶起跨年晚會另一個高潮,「王者之聲」唱出非凡氣勢,「華流巨星」炎亞綸現場超人氣,一登台尖叫聲破表,炎亞綸今年帶Band演唱多首炎式情歌,搭配華劇的浪漫畫面,呼應晚會主題「擁抱」格外用心,他更改編「比我幸福」、「勇氣」多首抒情經典,祝福大家2016年勇敢追夢得到幸福。而小天王Bii畢書盡一出場就引起粉絲尖叫,他演唱一連串組...
亞洲性感舞后溫嵐 最新作品放開你的頭腦 向偶像梅艷芳致敬 挑戰經典作品放開你的頭腦 金曲製作人阿弟仔脫胎換骨REMIX 斥資百萬拍攝MV 打造時尚科幻場景 無重力狀態靠腰撐 累到虛脫 星際尤物溫嵐 身穿黑白性感太空衣 火辣月球獨舞 挑戰熱力極限 驚艷太空艙 溫嵐要你放開你的頭腦
『夢想不是給勇敢追求的人,是留給永不放棄的人。』 2012年,八三夭發行[最後的8/31],從音樂創作和現場演出中,得到的深刻體悟。 兩年之中,他們不畏懼一切的等待與轉變。只為了創作更好的音樂。 [大逃殺] 專輯,是八三夭最新最強最有力的作品,他們回來了,一邊逃亡,一邊追尋願望。 八三夭 2014 全新專輯 [大逃殺] 嗨咖舞曲《搖勒搖勒》。 逃亡的路上,太多羈絆的大小事困擾,只希望拋開煩惱,忘記思考,搖勒搖勒追趕跳! 『把通俗的流行用語 改成脫俗的流行舞曲』 《搖勒搖勒》最早來自於八三夭現場表演《東區東區》時,炒氣氛的呼喊。 Demo 完成時,想找一個通俗但也要脫俗的主題。便想到每次現場表演時這個熟悉的用詞。 歌曲完成後,彷彿《搖勒搖勒》確實承襲了《東區東區》,再度扮演被期望成為金曲的角色。 旋律好記好聽,歌詞有趣又琅琅上口,即將掀起年輕族群的新一代流行舞曲。 除了流行語,歌詞裡還寫到了社會現象:未經檢驗的媒體、言論過度自由意見領袖、虛擬網路世界的社交圈、科技帶來的副作用...等等。 除了「搖勒搖勒搖」以外,「累得像狗」不但押韻,更增加了歌詞的玩味。「動次動次」以轉音再玩《東區東區》的文字遊戲。 歌詞也巧妙融入五月天、周杰倫、謝金燕的創意,讓曲子多了一種 jam 的遊戲感與翻玩的樣貌。 『龐克+搖滾+電子+舞曲+流行 潮流音樂大熔爐」 旋律音階構成簡單好辨識。作詞作曲黏著度高,非常有記憶度。 副歌結構兩兩疊音,很像兒歌的構成,增加容易記憶與順口程度。 主歌微微的 shuffle 拍,增加了身體輕鬆愉悅的律動感。 副歌的重拍,令人不自覺想跟著音樂搖擺。隨著歌詞唱著「搖勒搖勒搖」,動作與演唱一致。 編曲也找來韓國舞曲大師 Jae Chong 跨刀,做出聽見就想扭腰擺頭的金旋律。 曲子也因為快樂自在的氣氛, 被選為八三夭「八三夭咧夭咧」亞洲巡迴 / 「2015 搖勒搖勒熱...
http://www.appledaily.com.tw/animation/today/index/20120408/34144326 最近發行新專輯《Landing》溫嵐,只見她愈來愈漂亮,我們相信只是因為「愛」,而不是其他的外力,沉進在愛河裡的她,手機最怕沒電,隨身攜帶移動電源,不僅手機充滿電,愛情也隨時滿格;出國在外沒有網路也會讓她心慌慌,AirPort Express基地台可更輕易的搜尋無線網路,讓她上網和哈勇阿娜答傳個Love message,同時也可以分享網路給周圍的朋友;身為專業歌手的她,隨身還攜帶SOL REPUBLIC頭戴式耳機,運動時則會準備MONSTER iSport入耳式耳機,隨時享受高質感的音樂品質。報導╱周淑萍 攝影╱高大鈞 部分圖片╱種子音樂提供
「TURN UP」 詞、曲:周湯豪 NICKTHEREAL 10月15日 雙爆—正式推出 👉周湯豪全新專輯「REAL」 👉「TURN UP」正式版MV 在youtube上映 NICKTHEREAL引爆「TURN UP」 —好萊塢等級MV— 周湯豪領軍團隊勇闖LA拍攝MV,和韓國華裔導演Jinooya及國際歌手御用編舞Pharside合作,打造媲美好萊塢場景,引爆視覺與聽覺完美震撼 —全新創作— NICKTHEREAL一手包辦詞、曲及製作編曲,並邀請國際知名DJ kronic加入編曲陣容 -- 【數位線上聽】 KKBOX ►http://smarturl.it/6qes36 Omusic ►http://smarturl.it/dxspzq myMusic ►http://smarturl.it/dd975q Spotify ►http://smarturl.it/yqfqjq iTunes ►http://smarturl.it/kuyru0 心音樂 ►打開APP,搜尋「周湯豪」 Nick周湯豪:https://www.facebook.com/nickeveryday/ 台灣太陽娛樂粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/sunegtw -- 《Turn up》 詞、曲:周湯豪 They Call Me N to the I C K 自我介紹 If thats ok ! So Fly So Clean, Balmain Alexander Mcqueen! So Fresh So Clean 準備好 I'm About To Kill This Beat! Hands Up! Drinks Down! 看到舞池給他跳進去 Lets Go~ Everybody, everybody everybody Everybody TURN ...
詞曲:杜振熙 徐佳瑩 編曲:Shin-ski 他是你最喜歡的類型 但你 只能看著他的背影 隔著很遠半徑 圍繞像衛星 當他突然轉身 你卻沒法對應 就這樣過了好長一段時間 總是又想起 在快要忘記之前 快要放棄之前 又碰上他失戀 但當他失戀 他又需要段時間 跟著他相簿 從'一月'到'十二' 你們的身邊各自有人來去 從'生日派對'一路到'出國玩樂' 胸口的糾結 還在繼續 說他不知道 那倒也不一定 說注定糾纏 那倒也太迷信 偶爾問後的短信 或許沒別的意思 心裡的止水 又被投了顆大石 這是秘密 我的心被困在你的身邊 像個間諜 暗中收集你的每個畫面 你的世界 留給我太多想像空間 多想對號入座 走進你的狀態裡面 時常在夜晚 你聽些歌 聽勵志的 想像已經切割 聽悲傷的 日記你邊寫著 有時無法負荷 哭完先歇了 follow他網誌 近況和往事 卻脫節到像從沒認識般諷刺 你們是漸行漸遠的兩條線 你總回想 那何時曾是交叉點? 充滿交集的生活圈 或許上次遇到就在昨天 也或者某個瞬間 你們擦肩如電影般 主角交錯時 一切速度會放慢 '但我終究只是個觀眾' 你的惋惜 只是幻想在煽動 這部電影 從來沒有人看懂 你的激動處 只有自己在顫抖 這是秘密 我的心被困在你的身邊 像個間諜 暗中收集你卻沒人發現 你的世界 留給我太多想像空間 多想對號入座 走進你的狀態裡面 有時候姑且 對愛情有時候將就 抽離後回神 又是個深秋 有時 這真的無關公不公平 有時 這一切不是忠不忠心 這就是個小祕密 藏在心裡的小祕密 進入你心裡 還要穿越一個迷宮 而大部分的人留在迷宮入口 所以你沒提起 但也沒偽造 對你而言存在 對別人沒味道 他們不會查覺你難過因為他 有時身邊是誰 事實上也沒差 現在誰陪他 反而你掛心 有時因為害怕 又不多打聽 怕想到他在別人懷中 你沒得抱 或許執著只是因為 從沒得到 這是秘...
For more information please visit www.boxpartyband.com! Thanks for watching!
100 Jahre Burschen Germering! Das musste gefeiert werden! Vielen Dank für einen unvergesslichen Abend!
We are The Sparks. A 3-piece rock and pop wedding/party band from Dorset with a sound derivative of classic bands such as The Rolling Stones and The Kinks. We cover vast amount of popular music from the 1950's to modern day. For more information please go to: http://www.thesparksband.co.uk
"Casual Party" performed live at the KROQ Red Bull Sound Space on August 29, 2016. "Why Are You OK" is out NOW. iTunes: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK Google Play: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.gp Amazon mp3: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.amz Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.amzCD Amazon Vinyl: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.amzVINYL Amazon Blue Vinyl: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.amzBlueVinyl Spotify: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.sp Follow Band of Horses: http://www.bandofhorses.com https://www.facebook.com/bandofhorses https://twitter.com/bandofhorses https://www.instagram.com/bandofhorses
Zu finden sind wir auf www.live-time.de oder auf unserer Facebook seite.
"Why Are You OK" is out NOW. iTunes: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK Google Play: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.gp Amazon mp3: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.amz Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.amzCD Amazon Vinyl: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.amzVINYL Amazon Blue Vinyl: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.amzBlueVinyl Spotify: http://smarturl.it/WAYOK.sp Sign up for the band’s newsletter here: http://smarturl.it/BandOfHorses.News Follow Band of Horses: http://www.bandofhorses.com https://www.facebook.com/bandofhorses https://twitter.com/bandofhorses https://www.instagram.com/bandofhorses http://vevo.ly/v3aRpu
The Carolina's best party band, bringing excitement to events for more than 12 years!
http://www.partybeat.co.uk Partybeat, the U.K.'s top party band live!! We guarantee to get everybody up on the dance floor and have a night to remember!! We cover the whole of the UK and perform for lots of different functions, such as weddings, special birthdays, corporate events, Xmas parties and outdoor festivals. We can also offer a fantastic disco, with a professional and dynamic DJ.. We have "state of the art" equipment and can taylor our rig to suit your venue. Our set list is both classic and modern and we are always updating it to make sure you have a good night!! http://www.partybeat.co.uk
http://KEXP.ORG presents Band Of Horses performing "Weed Party" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded February 16, 2014. Host: Cheryl Waters Audio Engineer: Jackson Long Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Luke Knecht Editor: Justin Wilmore Photo thumbnail by Renata Steiner http://bandofhorses.com http://kexp.org
La banda más divertida del planeta hace su debut en la TV Online con el primer episodio de su increíble show. El programa que estabas necesitando!!! Prensa: prensa@misturaproducciones.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ThePartyBandOficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/thepartybanduy Contrataciones: +598 99 918 601
Filmed October 10, 2015, 4pm, Statue Park, Davis Square, Somerville, MA. The Party Band, hard hitting fun group of musicians and educators from Lowell, MA. perform at HONK! In its 10th year, HONK! unites activist street bands in a celebration, and spectacle of street music; and to further the cause of community building, and social justice movements. Video documentation by Robert K. Chin == Track Listing == 0:05 "Low, Lower, Lowest, Lowell" (The Shods) 4:34 "Cirostratus" (The Party Band) 8:59 "Quartermaster" (Snarky Puppy) (continues to 17:47) 17:47 "Claude" (The Party Band) 23:04 "Temptation" (The Party Band) 29:46 "Danse Macabre" 36:13 "Menage a trois" (The Party Band) 41:11 "Down by the River" (The Party Band) 50:00 "Madman Roulette" (The Party Band) 55:20 "I'll Fly Away" Complet...
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B11 The Powerhouse Party Band. http://www.b11band.com/b11-cover-band.html For the gear heads: Strat - T21 Hot Plexi pedal - Tech21 Fly Rig - mixer - PA, check out: 0:58 - Royals - solo 5:25 - Signed Sealed Delivered - solo 6:48 - I Wish - solo 11:00 - Superstition - solo 17:45 - September - solo Otherwise, the songs are: 00:05 Royals 01:45 - Radioactive 02:24 - You Oughta Know 2:52 - Valerie 04:50 - Signed Sealed Delivered 06:07 - I Wish 08:25 - Superstition 14:16 Play That Funky Music 14:54 - Billie Jean 16:21 - September 18:26 - I Want You Back 19:40 - Long Train Running 20:04 - Ain't It Fun 20:50 - All About That Bass Watch the 5 minute "hit&quit;" promo version of this video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuA9rky7MfI FYI - audio from camera, obviously, i.e. not great and al...
See more of Sydney at http://www.ebetalent.com/sydney EBE's premiere band Sydney elegantly offers a little something for everyone. You could say that versatility is EBE Sydney's unspoken middle name. Not only are all of the pieces in Sydney multi-talented instrumentalists and vocalists, but their musical repertoire ranges from classic tunes by Frank Sinatra and Marvin Gaye to current pop hits by artists like Beyoncé and Pink! Chris "Moos rhymes with Rose" Moos is the proud bandleader of EBE Sydney. He has been a local figure in the Philly music scene for years and certainly has the resume to prove it! He's played with all the Philly greats including The Hooters, Nazz and Beru Revue. He's also conquered Broadway as a player in Beatlemania Now and landed the title of Musical Director of th...
Formatie Nunti Botezuri
Petrecere de zile mari la Butoiul de Aur. Filmat în 8 martie 2016
Formatie Ntnti, botezuri
Visit http://www.ebetalent.com to book Imagine for your next event! Imagine provides your event with a dynamic performance of Pop, Rock, Country, R&B;, Motown, and dance party music from the '60s to today's club & Top 40 hits! Fronted by classically trained vocalists and former American Idol contestants, Imagine will shine with soulful ballads, funky dance numbers, and electrifying dance-mix versions of your favorite songs! Backed by a slamming rhythm section and club style DJ, the performers of Imagine not only bring the noise but also offer a once in a lifetime musical experience for you and your guests! Imagine’s catalog of songs includes everything from Frank Sinatra and Nina Simone up to Bruno Mars and Taylor Swift and beyond! And just when you thought you’ve heard it all, hear the DJ...
I recently caught up with Northern Michigan rock band Death Of The Party at Dirt Fest 2016 in Pontiac! We chatted about the band's debut album 'Rage Millennial' which is out now, what inspired each member to pursue music, last year's Dirt Fest pillow destroying shenanigans, and more! You can buy 'Rage Millennial' on iTunes here: itunes.apple.com/us/album/rage-millennial/id1141845207 and stream it on Spotify here: https://play.spotify.com/artist/31Yll1VkCsIiJQIkweL4WO Thanks for watching and be sure to like and subscribe for more interviews coming soon!
Piper interviewed Kele Okereke of Bloc Party prior to the band's show at the Newport Music Hall in Columbus, Ohio on May 21, 2016. Intro: "The Love Within" by Bloc Party www.kidsinterviewbands.com www.blocparty.com
the AU review sits down with Jeff Martin of The Tea Party to talk about their new record "The Ocean at the End" and the band's upcoming Australian tour. Part One of Two. Part Two is Here: http://youtu.be/oNBK4ap15fQ http://www.theaureview.com/ http://www.facebook.com/theaureview http://www.twitter.com/theaureview SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL FOR MORE MUSIC RELATED CONTENT! http://bit.ly/1wLM64S
After Party Band is one of Sydney's hardest working cover bands. Featuring a great song selection, great musicians, quality singers & all night dance floor action, After Party Band caters for all ages: teens to grandparents! And that's all you need...no cheesy costumes, gimmicks or special indie interpretations of the songs, After Party Band deliver organic versions of Top 40 party music the way you want to hear it. What sets this band apart from other Sydney cover bands? The line-up has been unchanged for seven years and has performed over 450 shows together. This means that they have long since ironed out all the bugs from the system and are like a well-oiled machine, keeping up with music trends and popular culture. It's the inexplicable essence of the band that draws you in and gets...
Short interview segment with the new members from the BBC 6 Music Live at Maida Vale performance, all rights BBC.
Chester and Mike discuss the band's 6th studio album: The Hunting Party. http://www.linkinpark.com | http://LPUnderground.com iTunes: http://go.lprk.co/ml/3p1/ Spotify: http://go.lprk.co/ml/3tt/ Amazon: http://go.lprk.co/ml/3qw/ Google Play: http://go.lprk.co/ml/3qx/ YouTube Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1EBzxN2 Facebook: http://go.lprk.co/ml/3pf/ Instagram: http://go.lprk.co/ml/3pg/ Twitter: http://go.lprk.co/ml/3ph/ Web: http://go.lprk.co/ml/3pi/ http://musicforrelief.org Official Linkin Park Merch: http://go.lprk.co/ml/3pj/
Music video by Funeral Party performing Forming The Band: Interview, Pt. 1 (VEVO LIFT). (C) 2011 RCA Records, a unit of Sony Music Entertainment
Band interview backstage at the 20 Year Anniversary Party in Stockholm. For this very special release, Sweden's Candlemass perform at a recent show filmed in Kolingsborg in their home country, as a celebration of 20 years of the band's doomination of the metal world. This set features guest appearances from members of acts such as Therion & Grand Magus, also including Michael Akerfeldt from Opeth who joins the band onstage for a storming rendition of 'At the Gallows End'; all contributing to a set-list spanning the band's career to date. The show was used as a live unveiling of new member Robert Lowe (from Solitude Aeturnus) - replacement for departing vocalist Messiah Marcolin. Fans flew in from all over Europe, even as far as Australia to catch this momentous occasion for a nigh...